
11/21 Cultural Heritage in the Resurgence of Nationalism @ Sophia University

シンポジウムCultural Heritage in the Resurgence of Nationalism「ナショナリズム復興のなかの文化遺産」が2010年11月21日(日)に開催されます。

Since the 1990s when the so-called native cultures experienced the onslaught of globalization,the world has witnessed a revival of nationalism and ethnicity, elements seeking to repair and re-unify a shattered society. In this symposium we shall probe the ways and means whereby cultural heritage was employed as a means to nationalist education, and the issues involved in its conservation and use with regard to the rebuilding national identity, in the nations of Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

主催 上智大学アジア文化研究所
※本シンポジウムは、上智大学アジア文化研究所プロジェクト「ナショナリズム復興のなかの文化遺産」( 日本私立学校振興・共済事業団「平成22 年度 学術研究振興資金 学術研究」)の一環として開催されます。

Cultural Heritage in the Resurgence of Nationalism

Date: November 21(Sunday), 2010
Time: 13:00-17:30

Place: Room 2-508, Sophia University
(5th Floor, Building #2, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University, Tokyo)

Access Map:

Language: English

Anyone interested is welcome. No registration required.

Chair: Prof. Takefumi TERADA and Prof. Cyril VELIATH (Sophia University)

[Opening Address]
13:00-13:05 Prof. Yoshiaki ISHIZAWA (President of Sophia University)

[Aim of the Conference]
13:05-13:15 Prof. Masatoshi KISAICHI (Sophia University)

[Keynote Address]
13:15-13:45 Prof. Neil SILBERMAN (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)

[Presentation & Discussion]

13:45-14:20 Prof. Masako MARUI (Sophia University)
“Cultural Heritage on the Border: A brief report on the Khmer temples ofCambodia and Thailand”

14:20-14:55 Prof. Kei NEMOTO (Sophia University)
“Cultural Heritage under Imperialism and Nationalism - Burmese Cultural Heritage under the British Colonial Period and after Independence”

14:55-15:10 Break

15:10-15:45 Prof. Masayuki AKAHORI (Sophia University)
“Alexander the Great and Alexandria Today: Inserting Greco-Roman Traditions in Egyptian Nationalism”

15:45-16:20 Prof. Nacera BENSEDDIK (Ecole Superieure des Beaux-arts, Algeria)
“From Colonialism to Pan-Arab Nationalism: The Roman Heritage in Algeria Today”

[General Comments]
16:25-16:40 Prof. Linda GROVE (Sophia University)

16:40-16:45 Break

[General Discussion]