
6/24-25 第11回日本カンボジア研究会プログラム




早稲田大学戸山キャンパス 33号館2階 231教室

早稲田大学戸山キャンパス 39号館5階 第5会議室


12:00 開場

13:00-13:15 趣旨説明 小林知(京都大学)

13:15-13:55 発表(1)

13:55-14:35 発表(2)

14:35-15:15 発表(3)

15:15-15:30 休憩

15:30-16:10 発表(4)

16:10-16:50 発表(5)

16:50-17:30 発表(6)

17:30-17:40 休憩

17:40-18:30 ディスカッション 「2017年コミューン選挙について」(登壇者は調整中)


10:00 開場

10:30-11:10 発表(7)

11:10-11:50 発表(8)

11:50-13:20  昼食

13:20-14:00 発表(9)
Mr. Chou Phanith, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
“Uncovering the Hidden Economic Value of Non-timber Forest Products from Poverty Alleviation Perspective: Evidence from Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri, Cambodia”

14:00-14:40 発表(10)
Dr. Thath Rido, Faculty of Economics, Meiji Gakuin University
“An Overview of Microfinance in Cambodia”

14:40-15:20 発表(11)
Dr. Samreth Sovannroeun, Graduate School of Humanity and Social Science, Saitama University
“Findings from a Preliminary Survey of Poor Households in Rural Cambodia: A Case of a Commune in Prey Veng Province”

6/24-25 Program of the 11th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Cambodian Studies

This is to inform you the 11th annual conference of the JACS, which will be held at Waseda University on June 24-25, 2017. The meeting is opened to all researchers, students and the public who are interested in Cambodia.

We would use mainly Japanese during the sessions on the first day and the morning of second day, but English at the afternoon sessions of the second day.

Pre-registration is not required. We will be waiting for your participation!

June 24-25, 2017

June 24, 2017 (Saturday), at Room No. 231, 2nd floor of Building No. 33, Toyama Campus, Waseda University
June 25, 2017 (Sunday), at Room No. 5, 5th floor of Building No. 39, Toyama Campus, Waseda University
(The gate of the Campus is closed on Sunday. Please inform gatekeepers there your participation to the conference of the JACS.)


June 24, 2017 (Saturday)

12:00 Open

13:00-13:15 Opening Remarks by Dr. KOBAYASHI Satoru, Kyoto Unviersity

13:15-13:55 Presentation (1)
Dr. INOUE Ko, visiting researcher, National Museum of Ethnology
“Intimacy, play and bamboos: bamboo percussion and bamboo-tube rice cooking in the indigenous people of northeastern Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

13:55-14:35 Presentation (2)
Dr. KITAGAWA Takako, lecturer of Gakushuin University, Aoyamagakuin University and Meiji University
“Struggle of Princess Malika after l'Affaire Yukanthor”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

14:35-15:15 Presentation (3)
Dr. ISHIBASHI Hiroyuki, Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences, Waseda University
“On the move and interaction over forest: Historical relationships between the Cardamom Mountains and the Central Plains in Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

15:15-15:30 Break

15:30-16:10 Presentation (4)
Dr. SASAGAWA Hideo, College of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
“Miscommunication in the Era of Modern Buddhism: How was Cambodia Narrated in Japanese Buddhist Magazines and Books Published before and during WWII?”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

16:10-16:50 Presentation (5)
Ms. OTSUBO Kanako, Graduate School of Human-environment Studies, Kyushu University
“Cambodian Sangha and its Vicissitudes through an Analysis of Sang Prokas”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

16:50-17:30 Presentation (6)
Mr. KAWAGUCHI Masaki, Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
“The Situation of Cambodia from 1979 to 1989 (Based on the Book of Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen)”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

17:30-17:40 Break

17:40-18:30 Roundtable Discussion on “The Firsthand Analysis of 2017 Commune Election”

June 25, 2017 (Sunday)

10:00 Open

10:30-11:10 Presentation (7)
Ms. KAMIMURA Miku, Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University
“The Political Function of NGOs in the Process of Making NGO Law in Cambodia: Focused on the Period between 2008 to 2015”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

11:10-11:50 Presentation (8)
Ms. KIGUCHI Yuka, Mekong Watch
“Current Dam Development in the Mekong Region and its Impact on Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

11:50-13:20 Lunch

13:20-14:00 Presentation (9)
Mr. Chou Phanith, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
“Uncovering the Hidden Economic Value of Non-timber Forest Products from Poverty Alleviation Perspective: Evidence from Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in English)

14:00-14:40 Presentation (10)
Dr. Thath Rido, Faculty of Economics, Meiji Gakuin University
“An Overview of Microfinance in Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in English)

14:40-15:20 Presentation (11)
Dr. Samreth Sovannroeun, Graduate School of Humanity and Social Science, Saitama University
“Findings from a Preliminary Survey of Poor Households in Rural Cambodia: A Case of a Commune in Prey Veng Province”
->Click here for Abstract (in English)

6/24 Abstract 1



6/24 Abstract 2


 マリカ王女(1872~1951年)はノロドム王の王女であり、同じくノロドム王の子で、フランスの植民地支配に抗議して失脚したユカントール王子の妃でもある。マリカ王女の娘たち、ピンピエン王女とペンポ王女は、独立後のカンボジア王国で要職をつとめた。マリカ王女自身も、古典文学『コーキー物語』や歴史教科書の編纂、マリカ女学校の創設などの業績が知られている。しかしながら、Justin CorfieldとLaura SummersによるHistorical Dictionary of Cambodia(2003年)にマリカ王女の項目はなく、管見の限りではあるが、マリカ王女を中心的に取り上げた研究もない。彼女については、ユカントール事件に関する記述や、カンボジア文学史、教育史の周辺に名前が出てくる程度の情報しか得られない。その背景には、植民地期のカンボジアに関する歴史研究自体が手薄で、女性であるマリカ王女にはなかなか視線が向けられない、という事情があるであろう。プノム・ペンの国立公文書館には、ユカントール王子の亡命後、カンボジア国内に残ったマリカ王女が、子どもたちを育てていくための財源を確保するために、フランス植民地当局や閣僚評議会、カンボジア王と取り交わした相当量の書簡類が収められている。本報告では現時点におけるこれらの文書類の分析結果から、いままで全く光が当てられてこなかった、植民地期カンボジア社会史の一側面を呈示したい。

6/24 Abstract 3



6/24 Abstract 4



6/24 Abstract 5


 上座仏教社会を対象とした先行研究において、「世俗的秩序」とサンガ(僧団)によって構成される「仏教的秩序」は不可分の関係にあることが指摘されてきた。そして、世俗権力がサンガの保護と浄化を行い、サンガが世俗権力の支配の正統性を保証するという相互依存関係があるとされる。本報告では、カンボジアにおける世俗権力とサンガの具体的な関係性を検討するため、全国幹部僧侶年次会議資料と僧令に着目する。サンガが新たな形で再生したポル・ポト政権崩壊後のカンボジア仏教に焦点を当て、全国幹部僧侶年次会議資料と僧令を検証することで、サンガ上層部の意図、サンガを取り巻く制度や状況の歴史的変遷について明らかにする。なお、本報告のための調査は「ポル・ポト政権後のカンボジアにおける政教関係の解明」(JSPS科研費 JP16H07035)によるものである。1980年代の文献資料については引き続き収集する必要があり、今回の発表は中間報告となる。そのため、今後の研究推進に向けてのご意見やコメントを賜わる場としたい。

6/24 Abstract 6


 ポル・ポト政権打倒後のヘン・サムリン政権下でのカンボジア情勢につき、フン・セン首相の著作「カンボジアの10年の歩み 1979年~1989年」に基づき発表する。同書は、フン・セン首相自身が、ポル・ポト政権からの解放後、ゼロと言うよりもマイナスからの国作りにつき、政治・軍事、経済、社会・文化の各分野に関して、自身の経験に基づき経済データを挙げながら著したものである。

6/25 Abstract 7



6/25 Abstract 8



6/25 Abstract 9

Chou Phanith
"Uncovering the Hidden Economic Value of Non-timber Forest Products from Poverty Alleviation Perspective: Evidence from Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri, Cambodia"

Cambodia has the largest areas of pristine tropical forests in mainland Southeast Asia, but the widespread destruction of Cambodia’s forests in recent decades have been seen very obvious. Valuation of Cambodia tropical forests has been traditionally based on a financial appraisal of its timber stock and forest conversion for plantation concessions. Non-timber forest products (NTFPs), which role in the national economy and in the daily life of million rural Cambodia people has mostly overlooked by country’s ruling elite. This study aims to answer three research questions as follows: What is the economic value of NTFPs? How can NTFPs contribute to reduce rural poverty? How can NTFPs contribute to reduce vulnerability to poverty? This study conducted fieldwork in September 2015, March and April 2016. Participatory rural appraisals (PRA) were conducted in four communities in Phnom Prich wildlife Sanctuary. Besides, structured interviews were conducted with 310 households, which were randomly selected from six communities. This study found that the economic values of some NTFPs always go beyond the conventional monetary value. NTFP may not go to be a panacea for poverty alleviation in large scale, but to some extent measurable households can be lifted from poverty or prevented them from slipping deeper into poverty due to four reasons such as contributing to household income, supplying home consumption, reducing the rural poverty rate, reducing the some vulnerability to poverty. The decline in NTFPs leads devastating impacts on the lives of rural families. Therefore, NTFP extraction is strongly encouraged for local communities to sustain their livelihoods. It regards as the sustainable development strategy that government and multi-stakeholders should pay attention.

6/25 Abstract 10

Rido Thath
"An Overview of Microfinance in Cambodia"

Microfinance has appeared in Cambodia as an NGO financial program to assist the repatriated soldiers in the early 1990s. Having initially operated under donors’ support, many NGO Microfinance Institutions (MFI) evolve. They become financially independent and are successfully transformed to be commercial banks. Recently, the number of private MFIs have grown significantly having offices in all provinces and serving their main customers, the poor, even in the most remote areas. During almost three decades of existence, there are many favorable and unfavorable development that the MFIs and their customers have faced. In the early stage of transformation to become a commercial bank, many people were worried that those MFIs would cease serving the poor. And recently, as the number of private MFIs increases, so does the number of indebted poor households. And MFIs have been finger-pointed as their loose lending policies and high interest are the main causes of this indebtedness. The government decided to regulate the interest rate by announcing the interest ceiling that is below the rate charged by MFIs, drawing concern about the sustainability of the MFIs, the possibility to access to formal finance by poor households.

6/25 Abstract 11

Sovannroeun Samreth
"Findings from a Preliminary Survey of Poor Households in Rural Cambodia: A Case of a Commune in Prey Veng Province"

Cambodia has achieved a remarkable economic growth over the last decade. With the average growth rate of around 6% between 2005 and 2015 based on the World Bank’s data, it has moved from the low-income group to the lower middle-income group recently. However, its poverty situation, especially in rural areas, is still a national issue, and poverty reduction is a main strategic objective in the government’s policy agenda. The information on financial diaries of poor households can provide good implications for designing policy to combat poverty. This importance motivates our study and a year-long project of the daily record of financial diaries of poor households in rural Cambodia was proposed. Specifically, the information on income sources, expenditure behaviors, financial transaction, etc., is being recorded. In preparing for this year-long survey, a preliminary survey on randomly selected poor-level-1 households was conducted in 2016. This study introduces the results from this preliminary survey. It includes the information and discussion on household structure, housing condition, education level, employment characteristics, land ownership, income sources, expenditure patterns, access to finance, etc. The implications from the discussion provide various important insights into the livelihood of poor households in rural Cambodia.