



Surat LERTLUM & SHIBAYAMA Mamoru, "Application of Geo-Informatics to the Study of the Royal Road from Angkor to Phimai"


小林知「カンボジア、トンレサープ湖東岸地域農村における集落の解体と再編: 一村落社会の1970年以降の歴史経験の検証[An Examination of the Demise and Reconstruction of a Cambodian Village since 1970: A Case Study from the Eastern Tonle Sap Region]」

カンボジア小特集"New Japanese Scholarship in Cambodian Studies"

HAYASHI Yukio, "Introduction"

KITAGAWA Takako, "Kampot of the Belle Epoque: From the Outlet of Cambodia to a Colonial Resort "

SASAGAWA Hideo, "Post/colonial Discourses on the Cambodian Court Dance"

TAKAHASHI Miwa, "Marriage, Gender, and Labor: Female-Headed Households in a Rural Cambodian Village"

SAKANASHI Yukiko, "The Relationship of Socio-Economic Environment and Ethnicity to Student Career Development in Contemporary Cambodia: A Case Study of High Schools in Phnom Penh"

KOBAYASHI Satoru, "An Ethnographic Study on the Reconstruction of Buddhist Practice in Two Cambodian Temples: With the Special Reference to Buddhist Samay and Boran"


Yunita T. Winarto, "The Evolutionary Changes in Rice-crop Farming: Integrated Pest Management in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam"

東佳史「カンボジア国除隊兵士の人口学・疫学的調査結果に関する一考察[Abandoned People: An Epidemiological and Demographic Profile of Demobilized Cambodian Soldiers]」