
7/1-4 セミナー「カンボジア古典舞踊にみる伝統と社会変容」




日時 2019年7月1日 月曜日 11:30-13:00

会場 京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所 稲盛財団記念館 2階 201号

題目 Forming Cambodia's First Gay Dance Company


日時 2019年7月3日 水曜日 16:20-17:50

会場 立命館大学 びわこ草津キャンパス セントラルアーク2階 Beyond Borders Plaza (BBP)

題目 ワークショップ「不屈のナーガ」(実際に身体を使って基本的な所作を体験します)

日時 2019年7月4日 木曜日 14:40-16:10

会場 立命館大学 衣笠キャンパス 平井嘉一郎記念図書館 カンファレンスルーム

題目 ワークショップ「不屈のナーガ」(実際に身体を使って基本的な所作を体験します)

 [講師紹介]About Prumsodun Ok

Born to Khmer refugees in the United States, Prumsodun Ok rose from the poverty and violence-stricken inner city of Long Beach to become the new face of Khmer dance. He uses art to heal, illuminate, and empower, reviving the spirit of his people from the enduring forces of conflict. Seen by many as a champion of Khmer culture, he works as an artist, teacher, and writer to shape a world where everyone can blossom into their fullest selves.

Ok’s interdisciplinary performances contemplate the “avant-garde in antiquity,” and have been presented at the Department of Performing Arts (Cambodia), Bangkok Theater Festival – Asia Focus (Thailand), Za-Koenji (Japan), Godrej Leadership Forum (India), Teatro Benito Juarez (Mexico), bhive (Greece), and REDCAT (United States). They have been celebrated as “a vision of elegance and grace” (The Phnom Penh Post) and “Radical Beauty” (The Bangkok Post).

Ok is the recipient of grants and fellowships from TED, MAP Fund, Surdna Foundation, and Dance/USA, and has been a guest speaker and choreographer at California Institute of the Arts, UCLA, Santa Monica College, and Rajabhat University among others. He was also associate artistic director of Khmer Arts, a member of the Alliance for California Traditional Arts’ Board of Directors, and an artist in residence at the Baryshnikov Arts Center in New York. He is the founding artistic director of Prumsodun Ok & NATYARASA, Cambodia’s first gay dance company, which Channel NewsAsia (Singapore) describes as “one of the most revolutionary dance troupes in Cambodia . . . a dance troupe like no other.”

Ok was named an LGBT+ Creative Leader of Tomorrow for The Dots's and WeTransfer’s Championing Diversity. He is the keynote speaker of the Dance/USA Annual Conerence in 2019. His celebrated TED Talk has been translated into more than fifteen languages and viewed more than 2.5 million times across various platforms.

問い合わせ 羽谷沙織(立命館大学国際教育推進機構)hagai[atmark]fc.ritsumei.ac.jp

科学研究費若手研究(B)「カンボジア古典舞踊の観光化:観光舞踊が担う「正しい」クメール文化の表象と妥協」(研究課題/領域番号: 17K13127)