
6/19 The 6th ASEAN festival @ Komaba International House

The 6th ASEAN Festival(2011) is just around the corner, and we are very excited to share this fantastic piece of news with all of you! This year’s theme is "The WORLD is ONE," and rightly so because we insist on communicating with you our solidarity—not just with one another but also with Japan. Our hearts are certainly with the victims of the March 11 earthquake, tsunami and ensuing nuclear disaster as they rebuild their lives even as we speak. All the more so, we wish to express our support by celebrating their resilience through the short span of this festival.

We have a whole slew of events lined up for you! There will be cultural performances by the representative ASEAN student groups including live song performances by our very own vocal talents. Visual sights are also in store for you in our fashion show segment showcasing each ASEAN country’s traditional costume, not forgetting that of our Japanese counterpart, SNIE! If this is not enough to entice you, we also have live audience interaction in the form of cultural sharing! This means fun and traditional games, as well as your chance to try on some of our traditional costumes! Last but not least, and perhaps the most important of all, we have FOOD! This is one great opportunity to savor these unique and delectable treats at the convenience of having them all in one place!

Whether or not you learn new things about other cultures, make friends, or take part in the activities, that's entirely up to you but one's thing for sure: we definitely need your support to make this work. So come on down and cheer your friends on, or simply have a smashing time!

Details of ASEAN Festival 2011 are as follows:

Chick here for ASEAN Festival poster

日にち: 2011年6月19日日曜日

時間: 午前11:30~午後5:30

会場: 駒場国際交流会館(〒153-0041 東京都目黒区駒場4-5-29)

See the make by click here

入場無料 and bringing friends is warmly welcomed.

For more details and other enquiries, please kindly direct them to: info[atmark]aynj.org.