
3/29-30 「人間の安全保障」プログラム、国際シンポジウム「移民、人権ビジネス、公共人類学」

「人間の安全保障」プログラム シンポジウム2010春4

Registration is Required

日時: 2010年3月29日(月) 15:00-17:30 (開場14:30)
Date: 29 March 2010 (Mon) 15:00-17:30 (Open at 14:30)

場所: 東京大学駒場キャンパス (18号館1階ホール)
Venue: The Hall, Bldg.18, Komaba Campus

15:00−15:05 オープニングアドレス
佐藤 安信 (東京大学)「人の移動と人間の安全保障に関する研究プロジェクト」
15:05−15:30 イントロダクション
山下 晋司 (東京大学) 「移民、人権ビジネス、公共人類学
15:30−16:30 基調講演
ロバート・ボロフスキー (ハワイ太平洋大学)「なぜ公共人類学か」
16:30−17:30 ディスカッション ディスカッサント:
沼崎 一郎 (東北大学)
ジェレミー・イーズ (立命館タジア太平洋大学)

※なお、翌30日(火)のワークショップ (英語で実施、通訳無し) に参加をご希望の方も、こちら からの登録が必要となります。
30日のワークショップの詳細につきましては、こちらのポスター をご覧下さい。

Graduate Program on Human Security,
International Symposium in Spring 2010 IV

Transnational Migration, Human Rights Business, and Public Anthropology

Date: 29-30 March, 2010
Place: The University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus

Symposium Abstract
In the current global scapes of people on the move, a huge number of, and a great variety of people are moving around the world: tourists, guest workers, migrants, refugees, exiles and even terrorists. Our symposium focuses on the vulnerable people in terms of human security. People on the move generally tend to face more risk outside of their homeland, but the most vulnerable might be asylum seekers, refugees, transnational migrants including guest-workers and metics (settled foreign population). They are often deprived of human rights and may even become victims of trafficking. Women in particular are more susceptible to trafficker business as resources/victims. Focusing on the vulnerable people in Asia, our workshop illuminates the “human rights business” that contributes to their human security. Some business fills in the task a government fails to perform. Non-governmental and profitable/non-profitable business, such as CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) or SRI (Socially Responsible Investment), may fill in such a niche. The workshop thus explores the possibility of “human rights business” in relation to human security. In so doing, the workshop intends to establish “public anthropology” in Japan by linking anthropological knowledge to public interests.

29 March Monday (Public Session) : 15:00-17:30 at No. 18 Building Hall
15:00-15:05: Opening Address
Yasunobu Sato (U Tokyo): On the Research Project of Human Mobility and Human Security

15:05-15:30: Introduction
Shinji Yamashita (U Tokyo): Transnational Migration, Human Rights Business, and Public Anthropology: An Introduction

15:30-16:30: Part I Keynote Lecture Chair: Shinji Yamashita
Robert Borofsky (Hawaii Pacific U): Why a Public Anthropology?

16:30-17:30 Discussion
Discussants: Ichiro Numazaki (Tohoku U) and Jerry Eades (APU)

18:00-20:00: Reception at Lever Son Verre Restaurant, the Faculty House

30 March Tuesday (Closed Session) : 9:30-18:00 at No. 18 Building, 4th Floor, Collaboration Room 4

9:30-12:00: Part II Transnational Migrants and Human Rights Business 1
Chair: Mika Toyota
1. Xiang Biao (U Oxford): States, Middlemen and Uncertainty: Rethinking Rights Protection in the Case of Labor Migration from China
2. Haeng-ja Chung (Hamilton College/U Tokyo): High-End Transnational Nightclub as Human Rights Business
3. Nobue Suzuki (Chiba U): Polysemy of Goodwill: Filipino Residents in Japan and Human Security Business
4. Keiko Yamanaka (UC Berkeley): Empowering Immigrant Workers and Families in the Time of  Economic Crisis in Central Japan
Discussion: 11:30-12:30
Discussant: Atsushi Kondo (Meijo U)

12:30-13:30: Lunch at No.18 Building, 4th Floor, Open Space

13:30-16:30: Part III Transnational Migrants and Human Rights Business 2
Chair: Xiang Biao
5. Khine Zaw (U Tokyo): Tackling Trafficking through Returned Migrants: a Myanmar Perspective
6. Ikuo Kawakami (Waseda U): Investment for “Securitisation”: A Case Study of Indochinese Refugees in Japan
7. Cheng Tien-shi (Minpaku): Development and Tasks of “Stateless Network”
8. Mika Toyota (National U Singapore): Institutionalised De-skilling Processes of Transmigrant Nurses in the Asia Pacific Region
Discussion: 15:30-16:30
Discussant: Satoshi Yamamoto (U Tokyo)

16:45-18:00: Part IV: Establishing Public Anthropology in Japan
Chair: Shinji Yamashita
Concluding Discussion
Discussants: Ichiro Numazaki (Tohoku U), Jerry Eades (APU), Saburo Takizawa
(Toyoeiwa U), and Robert Borofsky (Hawaii Pacific U)

18:30-20-30: Buffet at No.18 Building, 4th Floor, Open Space