
9/23 International Workshop "Mapping Buddhist Cultures among Theravadin in Time and Space" @RUFA

International Workshop
"Mapping Buddhist Cultures among Theravadin in Time and Space"

co-hosted by
Center for Integrated Area Studies (CIAS), Kyoto University, Japan
Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, Japan
Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA), Cambodia

Date: September 23 (Fri.)

Venue: Conference Hall, Royal University of Fine Arts, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Program (provisional)

8:30  Opening remarks (MC: KOBAYASHI Satoru, CSEAS, Kyoto University, Japan)

8:40-9:20  Introduction of the Project

HAYASHI Yukio (CIAS, Kyoto University, Japan)
"Scope and the Progress of the Project of 'Mapping Buddhist Cultures among Theravadin in Time and Space'."

9:20-9:30  Break

9:30-10:30  Session 1: Cambodia

SASAGAWA Hideo (College of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan)
"Historical and Geographical Data on the Buddhist Temples in Cambodia"

TAKAHASHI Miwa (Department of Human and Cultural Sciences, Aikoku Gakuen University, Japan) and KOBAYASHI Satoru (CSEAS, Kyoto University, Japan)
“A Comparative Study of Temple Residents in Kampong Thum and Kandal Province, Cambodia: Their Attributes and Mobility”

10:30-11:30  Session 2: Thailand
Pinit LAPTHANANON (Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute, Thailand)
“Thai Theravada Buddhism” and “Dynamics of the Mobility of the Monks and Novices at Royal Monastery, Wat Maha That in Thailand.”

HAYASHI Yukio (CIAS, Kyoto University, Japan)
“Fission of the Hermitage in Search of Dharma: A Case from KC in Northeast Thailand 2006-2014”

11:30-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00  Session 3: Myanmar

KURAMOTO Ryosuke (Faculty of Humanities, Nanzan University, Japan)
“Visualizations of Myanmar Buddhism: Monk’s Movement and Monasteries in Yangon”

TOSA Keiko (Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
“Monk Mobility in the suburbs of Yangon, Myanmar”

14:00-15:00  Session 4: Southwestern China

KOJIMA Takahiro (Faculty of Liberal Arts, Ttsuda College, Japan)
“Mapping Theravada Buddhist Practices in Dehong, Yunnan, China”

HASEGAWA Kiyoshi (Faculty of Language and Literature, Bunkyo University, Japan)
“Monk’s Mobility and Temples in the Rural Transformation: Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan, China”

15:00-15:10 Break

15:10-15:40  Session 5: Sri Lanka

YAMADA Kyota (CIAS, Kyoto University)
“Buddhist Temple and Practice in Urban Area of Sri Lanka”

15:50-17:30 Discussion


7/16 第249回、東南アジア考古学会例会



日時 2016年7月16日(土)15時~17時(開場は14:30)

会場 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス 36号館382教室

講演者:大橋 康二(NPO法人アジア文化財協力協会理事長)

題目: 「カンボジア・ラオスの貿易陶磁器」

田中和彦研究室内 東南アジア考古学会事務局
 E-mail: jssaa[atmark]jssaa.jp


6/11 Abstract(1)

発表要旨(1) POEUNG Sokkech

“A study on the Cambodian emerging tycoons and Foreign direct investment (Chinese capital) since the early 1990s”


6/11 Abstract(2)

発表要旨(2) 小坂井真季 Kozakai Maki

“The Road to Independence: A Case Analysis of Young Victims of Human Trafficking at an NGO in Battambang”


6/11 Abstract(3)

Abstract(3) Hart N. Feuer

“Appropriating nutrition science to valorize traditional cuisine: Is there inherent wisdom in Cambodian customary eating patterns?”

6/11 Abstract(4)

Abstract(4) Kobayashi Satoru

“On the multiple development paths of Cambodian rural society: A reflection from livelihoods studies in Cambodia-Thai border area”

This paper aims to clarify the multiple directions and experiences of transformation in Cambodian rural society in the last two decades. The scheme of center and periphery has been considered as a basic framework for understanding the recent social transformation processes in Cambodia. The process of reconstruction/rehabilitation that began with the cease of warfare in the beginning of the 1990s was basically fueled by foreign donor assistance, international organizations, NGOs and others. Those development programs resulted in the surfacing of flows of goods, money and information ? the drivers and sources of development ? from the capital city Phnom Penh to rural communities in provinces. Industrialization started in the country at the same period, causing the emergence and increase of economic migrants, mostly young women, from rural villages to suburban areas of Phnom Penh. The scheme of center and periphery is highly useful in examining these development phenomena, as observed in lowland plains of the country.
However, the scheme is not applicable to the study of Cambodian communities located in Cambodia-Thai border area. The area was once a battle field, contaminated by landmines and UXOs in the 1990s, that is now transformed into vast farmlands growing cash crops. According to recent surveys conducted in Kamrieng district, Battambang province and Veal Seng district, Pursat province, there are three major factors that have contributed to this rapid development; (1) socio-environmental features, such as good soil for cash crop cultivation and large scale land holdings of ex-Khmer Rouge soldiers, (2) tans-border economic transactions in of agricultural materials, productions and electricity, and (3) geopolitical environment characterized by autonomy and border dispute. In sum, the area achieved steady and fast development in the context of political disinterest the Phnom Penh government and voluntary activities making multiple connections with society and economy in Thailand. In conclusion, the paper will illustrate the significance of studying connectivity in various forms and states for analyzing and planning rural development in Cambodia and other countries in Southeast Asia in an era of globalization.

6/11 Abstract(5)

Abstract(5) SAM Sam-Ang

“Cambodian Performing Arts Projects: International Collaboration with Minpaku”

The dark chapter of Cambodia’s history, which unfolded for three years, eight months, and twenty days (April 17, 1975-January 7, 1979) took a heavy death toll of over two millions of lives just within such a short period. Following the unspeakable human tragedy of the Killing Fields, the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime was deposed, their leaders arrested, and the atrocious iron-grip rule was brought to an end. Since then, efforts have been made to restore and revive the Cambodian performing arts which were almost completely uprooted and demolished by the regime.
There have been programs and projects created and implemented by the government, the NGOs, the academic institutions, and the Japanese government, among others, to try to restore, revive, maintain, and improve Cambodia’s tangible and intangible heritages. For the interest of this presentation, I shall examine only the Cambodian performing arts.
On various levels and capacities, I have been collaborating with the National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) in Osaka, Japan through my personal and professional relationship and through visiting residencies (2001-2002, 2009) for collaboration and research on Cambodian performing arts, namely, music, dance, and theater. Through such relationship and facilitation, we have collaboratively produced a book on musical instruments of Cambodia and several audiovisual performing arts on DVD format readily available for interested academic and the public at large.
This time around, 2015-2016, I have the opportunity, for the third time, to come to Minpaku for a full-year research, writing, and producing seven complete audiovisual Reamker (Ramayana) episodes of sbaek thomm, the Cambodian large-sized puppet theater.
In this presentation, I shall allude to the spirit of international effort and collaboration in general while focusing on Cambodia-Japan (Minpaku) partnership in particular. I will use specific audiovisual examples, when appropriate, to materialize my statements.

6/12 Abstract(6)

発表要旨(6) 新谷春乃 Shintani Haruno

“The Changes and Diversification of National History under the Khmer Republic”

本報告は、歴史叙述の担い手、新聞メディアや各種歴史書、歴史教科書の言説分析を通して、クメール共和国期(1970-75年) の自国史をめぐる歴史叙述の変容と多様化について論じる。1970年3月の対シハヌーク打倒クーデタは、シハヌークに独占されていた歴史叙述から脱却し、 担い手や語りの多様化を生み出した。クーデタ後、言論の自由が一気に広がる中で、これまで抑制されていた歴史観も含めて、様々な歴史観が噴出し、数多くの歴史書が書かれた。現在のカンボジア国内で最も広く読まれているカンボジアの通史『クメール史』(トラン・ギア著)もこの時代に書かれたものである。

6/12 Abstract(7)

発表要旨(7) 千田沙也加 Senda Sayaka

「ポル・ポト政権期後カンボジアにおける教育モデルの考察  ―新聞『カンプチア』の分析から―」
“Model for Education after the Pol Pot Regime in Cambodia: An Analysis of News Paper ‘Kampuchea’”


6/12 Abstract(8)

発表要旨(8) 北川香子 Kitagawa Takako

“Chu Nom - Khmer documents of Khmer Krom villages under Nguyen Dynasty (mid 19th century) ”

ギメ美術館所蔵文書Fonds chinois 74453-3および7には、紹治七年(1847年)の字喃・クメール文字併記文書8点が含まれている。1点は同一のベトナム語文が字喃とクメール文字で記されており、それ以外は字喃でベトナム語文、クメール文字でクメール語文が記されている。またベトナム第2国家公文書館は、字喃表記のベトナム語文とク メール文字表記のクメール語文が併記された、1868年の巴川府豊盛縣盛和總安息村の土地人丁台帳を所蔵している。報告者は現在、学習院大学東洋文化研究 所の一般研究プロジェクト「ベトナム・阮朝アーカイブズに関する基礎的研究」の一環として、慶應義塾大学言語文化研究所の嶋尾稔教授とともに、これらの解読作業を進めている。本研究会では上記の字喃・クメール文字併記文書の概要と、現時点での解読成果を報告したい。

6/12 Abstract(9)

発表要旨(9) 吉本康子 Yoshimoto Yasuko

“Exploratory Study on the Cham Muslim in Cambodia, with a focus on religious practices of Cham Bani"

本報告では、チャムとイスラームの関係について検討するために、カンボジアのチャムのイスラーム的宗教実践についての予備的考察を試みる。チャムは1471年のヴィジャヤ(チャンパ)陥落以降、ベトナム中部から段階的にカンボジアに移住し、現在はムスリムとして居住している。カンボジアのチャム系のムスリムは、イスラーム改革の影響を受けたグループと伝統的な宗教実践の要素を維持するグループがあると指摘されてきた。本報告では主に、チャム・バニな いしカウム・イマーム・サーンと呼ばれる後者のグループに着目し、文献資料及びオーリセイ周辺における短期の現地調査に基づく調査の報告を行う。その上で、報告者がこれまでに進めてきたベトナム中南部におけるチャム・バニの事例との比較および今後の研究に向けた課題について検討することを試みる。


6/11-12 The 10th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Cambodian Studies

The 10th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Cambodian Studies

Date: June 11 - 12, 2016

Venue: Large size meeting room, 3rd floor, Inamori Memorial Building, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University


Day 1: June 11, 2016 (Saturday)

12:30   Opening Remarks

12:30-13:10   Presentation (1)
Ms. POEUNG Sokkech, Master course student, Graduate School of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University
“A study on the Cambodian emerging tycoons and foreign direct investment (Chinese capital) since the early 1990s”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

13:10-13:50 Presentation (2) (in Japanese)
Ms. Kozakai Maki, Doctor course student, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
“Roads to Independence: A Case Analysis of Young Victims of Human Trafficking at an NGO in Battambang”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

13:50-14:00   Break

14:00-14:40  Presentation (3)
Dr. Hart N. Feuer, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
“Appropriating nutrition science to valorize traditional cuisine: Is there inherent wisdom in Cambodian customary eating patterns?”
->Click here for Abstract

14:40-15:20  Presentation (4)
Dr. Kobayashi Satoru, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
“On the multiple development paths of Cambodian rural society: A reflection from livelihood studies in Cambodia-Thai border area”
->Click here for Abstract

15:20-16:00  Presentation (5)
Dr. SAM Sam-Ang, Visiting Overseas Professor, National Museum of Ethnology
“Cambodian Performing Arts Projects: International Collaboration with Minpaku”
->Click here for Abstract

16:00-16:10  Break

16:10-16:50  Special Session “Preservation of old cinemas in Cambodia“
Moderator:Dr. Okada Tomoko, Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Language
Guest Speaker:Mr. Suzuki Nobukazu, Tokyo KO-ON, Inc.

16:50-17:00  Break

17:00-19:00  Special Showing of Cambodian movie “Puthisen Neang Kongrey,” directed by Ly Bun Yim in 1968
*Special acknowledgements to “Osaka Asian Film Festival”

19:30  Reception

Day 2: June 12, 2016 (Sunday)
10:30-11:10  Presentation (6) (in Japanese)
Ms. Shintani Haruno, Doctor course student, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
“The Changes and Diversification of National History under the Khmer Republic”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

11:10-11:50  Presentation (7) (in Japanese)
Ms. Senda Sayaka, Doctor course student, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University
“Model for Education after the Pol Pot Regime in Cambodia: An Analysis of News Paper ‘Kampuchea’”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

11:50-13:00  Lunch Break

13:00-13:40  Presentation (8) (in Japanese)
Dr. Kitagawa Takako, Adjunct lecturer, Gakushuin University
“Chu Nom - Khmer documents of Khmer Krom villages under Nguyen Dynasty (mid 19th century)”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

13:40-14:20  Presentation (9) (in Japanese)
Dr. Yoshimoto Yasuko, Researcher, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
“Exploratory Study on the Cham Muslim in Cambodia, with a focus on religious practices of Cham Bani”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

Contact: Kobayashi Satoru (kobasa@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp)

Note: This conference is supported by “Collaborative Research on Transitional Justice and Inclusive Economic Development in Developing ASEAN Countries,” JSPS Core-To-Core Program, FY 2015-2017 (Principal researcher: Dr. Nakanishi Yoshihiro, CSEAS, Kyoto University) and “Historical and Anthropological Studies on Cambodian Buddhism: Dynamism of creating National and Ethnic Cultures,” JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal researcher: Dr. Sasagawa Hideo, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University


6/11-12 第10回日本カンボジア研究会




12時 開場

12時30分 開会

12時30分~13時10分 発表(1)
Ms. POEUNG Sokkech(立命館大学大学院政策科学研究科修士課程)
――90年代以降の土着財閥と外資 (中国資本)の関係に焦点を当てて――」

13時10分~13時50分 発表(2)
――バッタンバンの児童養護 施設を例に――」

13時50分~14時 休憩

14時~14時40分 発表(3)
Dr. Hart N. Feuer, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
“Appropriating nutrition science to valorize traditional cuisine:
Is there inherent wisdom in Cambodian customary eating patterns?”

14時40分~15時20分 発表(4)
Dr. Kobayashi Satoru, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
“On the multiple development paths of Cambodian rural society:
A reflection from livelihood studies in Cambodia-Thai border area”

15時20分~16時 発表(5)
Dr. SAM Sam-Ang, Visiting Overseas Professor, National Museum of Ethnology
“Cambodian Performing Arts Projects:
International Collaboration with Minpaku(民博)”

16時~16時10分 休憩

16時10分~16時50分 特別企画「カンボジアにおける映画保存」

16時50分~17時 休憩

17時~19時 映画上映
「『12人姉妹』(1968年、Ly BunYim監督)」

19時30分~ 懇親会

10時 開場

10時30分~11時10分 発表(6)

11時10分~11時50分 発表(7)

11時50分~13時 昼食休憩

13時~13時40分 発表(8)

13時40分~14時20分 発表(9)



3/29 第246回東南アジア考古学会例会


日時 2016年3月29日(水)15時~17時

会場 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス 32号館225教室


〒154-8533 東京都世田谷区太子堂1-7
 歴史文化学科 菊池誠一研究室内
 E-mail: jssaa[atmark]jssaa.jp