会場:大阪大学豊中キャンパス文法経本館 中庭会議室
*大阪大学へのアクセス http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/access/
豊中キャンパスの地図 http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/jp/annai/about/map/toyonaka.html
〒560-8532 大阪府豊中市待兼山町1-5 大阪大学文学部・文学研究科
東洋史学研究室内 冨田暁(大阪大学文学研究科博士後期課程・海域アジア史研究会事務局)
Tel(研究室): 06-6850-6111 / Fax(研究室): 06-6850-5091
5/20 Call for Papers: Cultural Translation and East Asia: Film, Literature and Art @ Bangor University, UK
Call for Papers:
Cultural Translation and East Asia: Film, Literature and Art
September 7th-8th 2012
Location: School of Creative Studies and Media and School of Modern Languages, Bangor University, Wales UK.
Call for papers
The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to focus on questions of "cultural translation" in all its forms and constructs. As global identity becomes increasingly defined by questions of communication across languages and cultures the role of "translation" becomes key in the forging of new subjectivities.
Topics could include (although are not limited to) :
1. Adaption in literature, film and media
2. Interplay between East Asian nations
3. Construction of "East Asia" as a theoretical/political/cultural concept
4. A focus on the interplay between "East Asia" and the "West"
5. Global Dissemination of East Asian Popular Culture.
6. Creative writing and literary translation as cross-cultural tool
We would especially welcome practice-led works from artists, translators, filmmakers and writers. Panel submissions (3-4 people) are also very welcome.
This conference is broadly considering Mainland China, Taiwan, Mongolia, Hong Kong, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia to be the geographical area of focus however comparative studies are very welcome.
There are plans for a special edition journal as a direct result of this conference.
Any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact the organisers:
Dr Kate Taylor-Jones (k.taylor[atmark]bangor.ac.uk) and Dr Yan Ying (y.ying[atmark]bangor.ac.uk)
Call for Papers
Submission Deadline: 20th May 2012
Submission of Papers:
The language of the conference is English and papers must be submitted in this language. However, we hope (dependent on submission) to offer specific panels in Korean, Japanese and Chinese Language with translation as needed. Please email all submissions with attachments in Word or PDF file format and with "Cultural Translation proposal (NAME OF APPLICANT, TITLE OF PROPOSAL)" in the subject line.
When submitting a panel proposal:
• include an abstract between 150 – 200 words that outlines the panel's theme (include title)
• designate one panelist as the contact person and include contact information
When submitting a paper proposal (individual or part of a panel):
• a one-page abstract (include title)
• short biography of the author
• contact details of author
The conference committee assumes all members of proposed panels have agreed to participate.
Cultural Translation and East Asia: Film, Literature and Art
September 7th-8th 2012
Location: School of Creative Studies and Media and School of Modern Languages, Bangor University, Wales UK.
Call for papers
The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to focus on questions of "cultural translation" in all its forms and constructs. As global identity becomes increasingly defined by questions of communication across languages and cultures the role of "translation" becomes key in the forging of new subjectivities.
Topics could include (although are not limited to) :
1. Adaption in literature, film and media
2. Interplay between East Asian nations
3. Construction of "East Asia" as a theoretical/political/cultural concept
4. A focus on the interplay between "East Asia" and the "West"
5. Global Dissemination of East Asian Popular Culture.
6. Creative writing and literary translation as cross-cultural tool
We would especially welcome practice-led works from artists, translators, filmmakers and writers. Panel submissions (3-4 people) are also very welcome.
This conference is broadly considering Mainland China, Taiwan, Mongolia, Hong Kong, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia to be the geographical area of focus however comparative studies are very welcome.
There are plans for a special edition journal as a direct result of this conference.
Any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact the organisers:
Dr Kate Taylor-Jones (k.taylor[atmark]bangor.ac.uk) and Dr Yan Ying (y.ying[atmark]bangor.ac.uk)
Call for Papers
Submission Deadline: 20th May 2012
Submission of Papers:
The language of the conference is English and papers must be submitted in this language. However, we hope (dependent on submission) to offer specific panels in Korean, Japanese and Chinese Language with translation as needed. Please email all submissions with attachments in Word or PDF file format and with "Cultural Translation proposal (NAME OF APPLICANT, TITLE OF PROPOSAL)" in the subject line.
When submitting a panel proposal:
• include an abstract between 150 – 200 words that outlines the panel's theme (include title)
• designate one panelist as the contact person and include contact information
When submitting a paper proposal (individual or part of a panel):
• a one-page abstract (include title)
• short biography of the author
• contact details of author
The conference committee assumes all members of proposed panels have agreed to participate.
2/22 シェア・カンボジア現地代表募集
シェア・カンボジア 現地代表募集
【職 種】 現地代表(1名)
【任 期】 2012年6月から2年間(着任時期は応相談、試用期間3カ月を含む、任期延長可能)
【勤務地】 シェア・カンボジア プノンペン事務所、及びプレイベン事務所
【応募締切】 2012年2月22日(水)17:00必着
(1) シェア・カンボジア事務所の運営全般
(2) カンボジア事業予算の作成と執行の管理
(3) プロジェクト運営
(4) ドナーへの申請書および報告書の作成
(5) カンボジア事業の広報、及びファンドレイジング
(6) カンボジア国内の他NGO、国際機関、政府機関とのネットワーキング及びアドボカシー活動
(7) 東京本部との連絡・調整 他
・ 勤務経験が3年以上あり、国際協力分野での実務経験を有すること。途上国でのプロジェクトの運営、組織運営、人材育成分野での経験があることが望ましい。
・ コンピューターを使用しての業務遂行が可能なこと。(Word、Excel、パワーポイント、電子メール等)
・ 会計管理(Excel使用)の実務経験があること。
・ 英語で実務ができること(報告書や公式文書が作成でき、交渉ができるレベル)。
・ 現地の文化や習慣を尊重し、周囲と良好なコミュニケーションを築いて業務にあたれること。
・ 人と協力してチームで働く柔軟性と積極性があること。
・ 当会の目的・事業に賛同していること(会員でない方は採用決定後に入会をお願いいたします)
【待 遇】
(1) 下記より履歴書をダウンロードしてください。
履歴書 (word)
(2) 当会所定の履歴書と職務経歴書、志望動機作文(1600~2000字程度)を郵送かE-Mailにてお送りください。
(3) 書類選考後、面接の日時をご連絡します。尚、面接は3月下旬~4月上旬に行う予定です。
〒110-0015 東京都台東区東上野1-20-6 丸幸ビル5階
Tel:03-5807-7581 Fax:03-3837-2151
【職 種】 現地代表(1名)
【任 期】 2012年6月から2年間(着任時期は応相談、試用期間3カ月を含む、任期延長可能)
【勤務地】 シェア・カンボジア プノンペン事務所、及びプレイベン事務所
【応募締切】 2012年2月22日(水)17:00必着
(1) シェア・カンボジア事務所の運営全般
(2) カンボジア事業予算の作成と執行の管理
(3) プロジェクト運営
(4) ドナーへの申請書および報告書の作成
(5) カンボジア事業の広報、及びファンドレイジング
(6) カンボジア国内の他NGO、国際機関、政府機関とのネットワーキング及びアドボカシー活動
(7) 東京本部との連絡・調整 他
・ 勤務経験が3年以上あり、国際協力分野での実務経験を有すること。途上国でのプロジェクトの運営、組織運営、人材育成分野での経験があることが望ましい。
・ コンピューターを使用しての業務遂行が可能なこと。(Word、Excel、パワーポイント、電子メール等)
・ 会計管理(Excel使用)の実務経験があること。
・ 英語で実務ができること(報告書や公式文書が作成でき、交渉ができるレベル)。
・ 現地の文化や習慣を尊重し、周囲と良好なコミュニケーションを築いて業務にあたれること。
・ 人と協力してチームで働く柔軟性と積極性があること。
・ 当会の目的・事業に賛同していること(会員でない方は採用決定後に入会をお願いいたします)
【待 遇】
(1) 下記より履歴書をダウンロードしてください。
履歴書 (word)
(2) 当会所定の履歴書と職務経歴書、志望動機作文(1600~2000字程度)を郵送かE-Mailにてお送りください。
(3) 書類選考後、面接の日時をご連絡します。尚、面接は3月下旬~4月上旬に行う予定です。
〒110-0015 東京都台東区東上野1-20-6 丸幸ビル5階
Tel:03-5807-7581 Fax:03-3837-2151
12/27 Facing Genocide @ Meta House
Tuesday, December 27
Facing Genocide
@ Meta House
A prominent member of the circle of leftist Khmer intellectuals studying in Paris in the 1950s, Khieu Samphan became one of the closest collaborators of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge "Head of State." Swedish filmmakers David Aronowitsch & Staffan Lindberg have followed him two years before his arrest in 2007. In the next months he will be tried for "Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes and Genocide" at the ECCC. This new documentary FACING GENOCIDE (94 mins, 2010, English/English subs) is only screened at Meta House. It also features interviews with Theary Seng, Jacques Vergès and Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan's wife.
Facing Genocide
@ Meta House
A prominent member of the circle of leftist Khmer intellectuals studying in Paris in the 1950s, Khieu Samphan became one of the closest collaborators of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge "Head of State." Swedish filmmakers David Aronowitsch & Staffan Lindberg have followed him two years before his arrest in 2007. In the next months he will be tried for "Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes and Genocide" at the ECCC. This new documentary FACING GENOCIDE (94 mins, 2010, English/English subs) is only screened at Meta House. It also features interviews with Theary Seng, Jacques Vergès and Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan's wife.
12/24 The Land of the wandering Souls @ Bophana
Saturday, December 24 - 4pm
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
The Land of the wandering Souls
Directed by Rithy Panh, 1h3min, 1999, Khmer version with English subtitles
The documentary follows a group of workers who are laying a high-tech fiber optic cable that will link Cambodia to South East Asia. The project is a hopeful symbol of the country's slow integration into the world community and the modern technological age. However, for the people employed to dig the trench by hand, a group of rice farmers, ex-soldiers, and their families, the poorest of the poor -- the work is a mixed blessing. This film provides a haunting glimpse into the lives of these indigent workers as they encounter the painful remnants of the past - mines, bones, and a landscaped littered with human suffering - and labor to bring Cambodia into the modern age.
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
The Land of the wandering Souls
Directed by Rithy Panh, 1h3min, 1999, Khmer version with English subtitles
The documentary follows a group of workers who are laying a high-tech fiber optic cable that will link Cambodia to South East Asia. The project is a hopeful symbol of the country's slow integration into the world community and the modern technological age. However, for the people employed to dig the trench by hand, a group of rice farmers, ex-soldiers, and their families, the poorest of the poor -- the work is a mixed blessing. This film provides a haunting glimpse into the lives of these indigent workers as they encounter the painful remnants of the past - mines, bones, and a landscaped littered with human suffering - and labor to bring Cambodia into the modern age.
12/20 Cambodia Dreams @ Meta House
Tuesday, December 20
Cambodia Dreams
@ Meta House
Cambodia was the epicenter of the proxy cold war. It resulted in civil wars and revolution, tearing apart the nation and causing the diaspora.
CAMBODIA DREAMS (90 mins, 2009) by Stanley Harper chronicles the parallel lives of one family, half of whom went to one of the refugee camps in Thailand, while the other half stayed in their village in Cambodia.
This seemingly simple story is enriched by the grand-mother, Yan Chheing, who has an extraordinary grasp of the complex issues involved. Despite being trapped in a refugee camp for 12 wasted years, this former rice farmer still refuses to become a victim. With remarkable insight she sees with clarity the problems that face all people separated from their heritage, ranging from the loss of cultural identity to present day responsibility for the well being of future generations.
Filmmaker will hold a Q&A.
Cambodia Dreams
@ Meta House
Cambodia was the epicenter of the proxy cold war. It resulted in civil wars and revolution, tearing apart the nation and causing the diaspora.
CAMBODIA DREAMS (90 mins, 2009) by Stanley Harper chronicles the parallel lives of one family, half of whom went to one of the refugee camps in Thailand, while the other half stayed in their village in Cambodia.
This seemingly simple story is enriched by the grand-mother, Yan Chheing, who has an extraordinary grasp of the complex issues involved. Despite being trapped in a refugee camp for 12 wasted years, this former rice farmer still refuses to become a victim. With remarkable insight she sees with clarity the problems that face all people separated from their heritage, ranging from the loss of cultural identity to present day responsibility for the well being of future generations.
Filmmaker will hold a Q&A.
1/14 カンボジア市民フォーラム/上智大学アジア文化研究所2011年度カンボジア連続セミナー(第8回)「売られる子どもをなくすために~児童買春・人身売買の現状と課題~」
開場:上智大学12号館 2階202教室
講師:村田 早耶香 氏 (特定非営利活動法人 かものはしプロジェクト 共同代表)
E-mail:pefocj[atmark]hotmail.co.jp TEL:03-3834-2407 FAX:03-3835-0519
開場:上智大学12号館 2階202教室
講師:村田 早耶香 氏 (特定非営利活動法人 かものはしプロジェクト 共同代表)
E-mail:pefocj[atmark]hotmail.co.jp TEL:03-3834-2407 FAX:03-3835-0519
12/14-18 Cambodia International Film Festival
Welcome to the Cambodia International Film Festival.
The Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, with the collaboration of the Cambodia Film Commission, presents the Cambodia International Film Festival 2011, second edition of the festival.
Engaged in the 60's by King Sihanouk, the cinematographic full-effervescence industry is getting on its way back to Cambodia for a couple of years already. The Cambodia International Film Festival 2011 lies within the scope of this artistic context and grant itself the vocation of reviving the Cinematographic Art.
Phnom Penh City is currently passing through a strong « cultural transition »: activities are sparkling everywhere and the city is sharply revitalizing its projects on that count. This event gives it the opportunity to emphasize one of the beautiful aspects of its contemporary culture: the revival of the Seventh Art. As a place that mixes cultural performances and conviviality, the Cambodia International Film Festival 2011 has an ambitious to gather an large audience thank to a free access policy to the screenings.
Be our guest and enjoy watching the big screen for 5 days of cinema.
The Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, with the collaboration of the Cambodia Film Commission, presents the Cambodia International Film Festival 2011, second edition of the festival.
Engaged in the 60's by King Sihanouk, the cinematographic full-effervescence industry is getting on its way back to Cambodia for a couple of years already. The Cambodia International Film Festival 2011 lies within the scope of this artistic context and grant itself the vocation of reviving the Cinematographic Art.
Phnom Penh City is currently passing through a strong « cultural transition »: activities are sparkling everywhere and the city is sharply revitalizing its projects on that count. This event gives it the opportunity to emphasize one of the beautiful aspects of its contemporary culture: the revival of the Seventh Art. As a place that mixes cultural performances and conviviality, the Cambodia International Film Festival 2011 has an ambitious to gather an large audience thank to a free access policy to the screenings.
Be our guest and enjoy watching the big screen for 5 days of cinema.
12/14 Virginity Trade & The Girls of Phnom Penh @ Meta House
Wednesday, December 14
Virginity Trade & The Girls of Phnom Penh
@ Meta House
In Cambodia, each year thousands of girls and boys are bought, sold or kidnapped and then forced to have sex with grown men. UK director Matthew Watson’s new film THE VIRGINITY TRADE (2009, 60mins, Khmer/English subs) is the compelling and utterly alarming account of the lives of girls and women affected by the so-called “virginity trade”. Many Asian men believe that obtaining a virgin girl for sex will grant them extra health and luck.
GIRLS OF PHNOM PENH (2009, 64mins, Khmer/English subs) follows three victims over six months. Srey Leak was deflowered when she was 14. Her friends, Menea & Cheata, opted to sell themselves to support their families.
Virginity Trade & The Girls of Phnom Penh
@ Meta House
In Cambodia, each year thousands of girls and boys are bought, sold or kidnapped and then forced to have sex with grown men. UK director Matthew Watson’s new film THE VIRGINITY TRADE (2009, 60mins, Khmer/English subs) is the compelling and utterly alarming account of the lives of girls and women affected by the so-called “virginity trade”. Many Asian men believe that obtaining a virgin girl for sex will grant them extra health and luck.
GIRLS OF PHNOM PENH (2009, 64mins, Khmer/English subs) follows three victims over six months. Srey Leak was deflowered when she was 14. Her friends, Menea & Cheata, opted to sell themselves to support their families.
12/13 Kendo practice @ CJCC
Tuesday, December 13
Kendo practice
@ Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center
Come in and join the practice of Kendo at the CJCC!
From 18:30 until 20:30
Kendo is the application of the principles of the katana (sword) and to improve one's spirit, nourish one's moral nature, and deepen one’s personality.
Practicing kendo is more than just simply striking an opponent. The aim of kendo is to develop a healthy body, a healthy mind, and for a person to live a virtuous life and improve themselves.
The monthly fee for December will be 5US$ for foreigners, 2.5$ for Khmer/working, and 1.5$ for Khmer/students.
Mr. Itaru Mori who will open his dental clinic here in Phnom Penh, joined our club. He is Japanese and practiced kendo both in Japan and in Australia. He'll be one of our coaches (sensei) and start practicing/teaching from December 13! Please welcome our new coach, Mori-sensei.
Please check out their blog to stay up to date: http://phnompenhkendoclub.wordpress.com/
Kendo practice
@ Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center
Come in and join the practice of Kendo at the CJCC!
From 18:30 until 20:30
Kendo is the application of the principles of the katana (sword) and to improve one's spirit, nourish one's moral nature, and deepen one’s personality.
Practicing kendo is more than just simply striking an opponent. The aim of kendo is to develop a healthy body, a healthy mind, and for a person to live a virtuous life and improve themselves.
The monthly fee for December will be 5US$ for foreigners, 2.5$ for Khmer/working, and 1.5$ for Khmer/students.
Mr. Itaru Mori who will open his dental clinic here in Phnom Penh, joined our club. He is Japanese and practiced kendo both in Japan and in Australia. He'll be one of our coaches (sensei) and start practicing/teaching from December 13! Please welcome our new coach, Mori-sensei.
Please check out their blog to stay up to date: http://phnompenhkendoclub.wordpress.com/
12/10 上智大学グローバル・コンサーン研究所国際シンポジウム「教育は社会を再生する力をはぐくむか:グローバル化のなかの大学を考える」
2010年度に社会正義研究所を改組し誕生したグローバル・コンサーン研究所は、こんにちの社会科学研究の主流を形成する客観主義アカデミズムの傾向に与することなく、他者とともに立つ(with Others)ことを旨とする上智学派の伝統の継承と刷新を目指し、グローバル化する社会のなかで人間の尊厳と連帯をもとめる指針を明確に打ち出し、研究や意識化、実践活動に取り組んできました。
両校主催による本年度の国際シンポジウムでは、Education with a Social Dimensionを中心テーマに据えます。
10:00 開会
10:20-12:30 基調講演
13:30-15:30 パネル・ディスカッションⅠ
15:50-16:00 共同の祈り
16:00-17:30 パネル・ディスカッションⅡ
17:30-17:45 閉会
18:00- レセプション
【Fr. Mark Raper SJ(マーク・レイパー)】
2008年よりイエズス会アジアパシフィック協議会会長。1980年代よりアジアにおけるイエズス会難民サービス(Jesuit Refugee Service)初代代表として、また2000年まで国際代表として、20年にわたり難民支援を行う。強制的に排除された人々と共に歩み、彼らの権利に奉仕し、それを守るという使命をもつイエズス会難民サービスは、50カ国に及ぶ国々に展開している。
【Fr. Francisco de Roux SJ(フランシスコ・デ・ルー)】
2010年度に社会正義研究所を改組し誕生したグローバル・コンサーン研究所は、こんにちの社会科学研究の主流を形成する客観主義アカデミズムの傾向に与することなく、他者とともに立つ(with Others)ことを旨とする上智学派の伝統の継承と刷新を目指し、グローバル化する社会のなかで人間の尊厳と連帯をもとめる指針を明確に打ち出し、研究や意識化、実践活動に取り組んできました。
両校主催による本年度の国際シンポジウムでは、Education with a Social Dimensionを中心テーマに据えます。
10:00 開会
10:20-12:30 基調講演
13:30-15:30 パネル・ディスカッションⅠ
15:50-16:00 共同の祈り
16:00-17:30 パネル・ディスカッションⅡ
17:30-17:45 閉会
18:00- レセプション
【Fr. Mark Raper SJ(マーク・レイパー)】
2008年よりイエズス会アジアパシフィック協議会会長。1980年代よりアジアにおけるイエズス会難民サービス(Jesuit Refugee Service)初代代表として、また2000年まで国際代表として、20年にわたり難民支援を行う。強制的に排除された人々と共に歩み、彼らの権利に奉仕し、それを守るという使命をもつイエズス会難民サービスは、50カ国に及ぶ国々に展開している。
【Fr. Francisco de Roux SJ(フランシスコ・デ・ルー)】
12/10 【再掲:プログラム一部変更】上智大学アジア文化研究所主催、第3回カンボジア文化研究会
・上智大学大学院生PEK Kimhuochさんの講演が中止となり、上智大学アジア文化研究所共同研究所員 Nhim Sotheavin氏へのインタビュー映像(Nhim氏の生い立ちと研究への道)の鑑賞に変更となりました。
2011年度 第3回カンボジア文化研究会「在日カンボジア人留学生を囲んで」 】
・在日カンボジア留学生協会 (CSAJ)
一橋大学大学院 経済学研究科 Chea Poleng氏 (副代表)、
デジタルハリウッド大学 デジタルコミュニケーション学部 Hay Vanna氏(IT担当)
・上智大学アジア文化研究所 共同研究所員 Nhim Sotheavin氏出演
・在日カンボジア大使館 一等書記官 Sim Vireak氏
◇日時:12月10日(土)14:00-17:00 (13:30開場)
◇場所:上智大学 11号館305教室
(JR/丸ノ内線 四ツ谷駅下車 徒歩3分)
◇事前申込: 不要/参加費無料
◇使用言語: 日本語
cambodia_sophia[atmark]yahoo.co.jp (担当朝日)
m-masako[atmark]sophia.ac.jp (丸井)
・上智大学大学院生PEK Kimhuochさんの講演が中止となり、上智大学アジア文化研究所共同研究所員 Nhim Sotheavin氏へのインタビュー映像(Nhim氏の生い立ちと研究への道)の鑑賞に変更となりました。
2011年度 第3回カンボジア文化研究会「在日カンボジア人留学生を囲んで」 】
・在日カンボジア留学生協会 (CSAJ)
一橋大学大学院 経済学研究科 Chea Poleng氏 (副代表)、
デジタルハリウッド大学 デジタルコミュニケーション学部 Hay Vanna氏(IT担当)
・上智大学アジア文化研究所 共同研究所員 Nhim Sotheavin氏出演
・在日カンボジア大使館 一等書記官 Sim Vireak氏
◇日時:12月10日(土)14:00-17:00 (13:30開場)
◇場所:上智大学 11号館305教室
(JR/丸ノ内線 四ツ谷駅下車 徒歩3分)
◇事前申込: 不要/参加費無料
◇使用言語: 日本語
cambodia_sophia[atmark]yahoo.co.jp (担当朝日)
m-masako[atmark]sophia.ac.jp (丸井)
12/15-16 Conference on Buddhist Revival in Asia @ ISEAS
Conference on Buddhist Revival in Asia
Click here for Programme Details.
Thursday and Friday 15-16 December 2011 at 9.00am, ISEAS Seminar Rooms I & II
Kindly complete this form and return it to Betty by Tuesday, 13 December 2011. For further enquiries, please call Betty at tel: 6870-2472 or email:
12/8 Human Science Happy Hour, "Intergenerational Transmission Effects of Trauma Stemming from the Khmer Rouge Regime"
Human Sciences Happy Hour in Phnom-Penh
Thursday 8th December 2011
Intergenerational Transmission Effects of Trauma Stemming from the Khmer Rouge Regime
Prof Nigel Field (Palo Alto University, California),
Taing Sopheap & Judith Strasser (Transcultural Psychosocial Organization Cambodia)
Baitong Restaurant, St 360, BKK 1, Phnom Penh
at 6 pm
You are invited to join this talk by Prof Nigel Field (Palo Alto University, California), Taing Sopheap and Judith Strasser (Transcultural Psychosocial Organization Cambodia).
We present findings from a study on intergenerational transmission effects of trauma stemming from the Khmer Rouge (KR) regime – comparing "perpetrator" former KR families with "victim" non-KR families.
Knowing that many rank-and-file KR members experienced considerable trauma during the KR regime and its aftermath – especially among those involved in active combat duty – a significant number are likely to continue to suffer from the effects of such trauma. Such effects may also have a psychological impact on their children similar to intergenerational effects of trauma known among victims. Nevertheless, there may be important differences between perpetrator and victim families in parent-child communication regarding the former KR past. Former perpetrators may be especially motivated to remain silent regarding their past in order to avoid being judged negatively by their child, given the negative image of the KR regime conveyed in the media. The child may also be aware of parents' discomfort in disclosing KR experiences, and therefore avoid asking about their past - creating a “conspiracy of silence”. Such lack of open communication may be an added stressor in the parent-child relationship among perpetrators with consequences for the child's adjustment beyond the effects of parents' trauma. In this study, we examine parents' KR-related trauma and parent-child communication as factors in intergenerational transmission effects.
Forty-eight former KR families and forty-seven non-KR families participated in the study. The KR families were recruited from Pailin and Battambung provinces and the non-KR families from Kandal amd Svay Rieng provinces. The mother, father, and young adult child born after the end of the KR regime were individually interviewed. Measures of KR-related trauma exposure, post traumatic stress (PTSD) symptoms, anxiety, and depression as well as measures assessing parent-child communication regarding parents' experiences during the KR regime and attitudes toward the KR were included.
As predicted, both perpetrator and victim groups of parents had comparable relatively high degrees of KR-related trauma exposure and PTSD symptom levels. Support for the intergenerational transmission of trauma was found in the mother-child relationship for both groups, wherein a positive relationship was found between mothers' trauma exposure and PTSD hyperarousal symptoms and her child's anxiety. Regarding parent-child communication, the KR mothers KR mothers admitted to being less open and more concerned about being judged by her child than non-KR mothers, although no group differences were found for fathers.
Moreover, children in the KR group was more motivated not to ask about their mother's or father's KR past relative to non-KR children. Parent-children communication was largely not predictive of the child's psychological adjustment. However, somewhat surprisingly, in both groups the child's report of parents' willingness to communicate about their past KR experiences was positively correlated with the child's anxiety. The possible clinical and social implications of the findings will be discussed.
Organized by: Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh
Thursday 8th December 2011
Intergenerational Transmission Effects of Trauma Stemming from the Khmer Rouge Regime
Prof Nigel Field (Palo Alto University, California),
Taing Sopheap & Judith Strasser (Transcultural Psychosocial Organization Cambodia)
Baitong Restaurant, St 360, BKK 1, Phnom Penh
at 6 pm
You are invited to join this talk by Prof Nigel Field (Palo Alto University, California), Taing Sopheap and Judith Strasser (Transcultural Psychosocial Organization Cambodia).
We present findings from a study on intergenerational transmission effects of trauma stemming from the Khmer Rouge (KR) regime – comparing "perpetrator" former KR families with "victim" non-KR families.
Knowing that many rank-and-file KR members experienced considerable trauma during the KR regime and its aftermath – especially among those involved in active combat duty – a significant number are likely to continue to suffer from the effects of such trauma. Such effects may also have a psychological impact on their children similar to intergenerational effects of trauma known among victims. Nevertheless, there may be important differences between perpetrator and victim families in parent-child communication regarding the former KR past. Former perpetrators may be especially motivated to remain silent regarding their past in order to avoid being judged negatively by their child, given the negative image of the KR regime conveyed in the media. The child may also be aware of parents' discomfort in disclosing KR experiences, and therefore avoid asking about their past - creating a “conspiracy of silence”. Such lack of open communication may be an added stressor in the parent-child relationship among perpetrators with consequences for the child's adjustment beyond the effects of parents' trauma. In this study, we examine parents' KR-related trauma and parent-child communication as factors in intergenerational transmission effects.
Forty-eight former KR families and forty-seven non-KR families participated in the study. The KR families were recruited from Pailin and Battambung provinces and the non-KR families from Kandal amd Svay Rieng provinces. The mother, father, and young adult child born after the end of the KR regime were individually interviewed. Measures of KR-related trauma exposure, post traumatic stress (PTSD) symptoms, anxiety, and depression as well as measures assessing parent-child communication regarding parents' experiences during the KR regime and attitudes toward the KR were included.
As predicted, both perpetrator and victim groups of parents had comparable relatively high degrees of KR-related trauma exposure and PTSD symptom levels. Support for the intergenerational transmission of trauma was found in the mother-child relationship for both groups, wherein a positive relationship was found between mothers' trauma exposure and PTSD hyperarousal symptoms and her child's anxiety. Regarding parent-child communication, the KR mothers KR mothers admitted to being less open and more concerned about being judged by her child than non-KR mothers, although no group differences were found for fathers.
Moreover, children in the KR group was more motivated not to ask about their mother's or father's KR past relative to non-KR children. Parent-children communication was largely not predictive of the child's psychological adjustment. However, somewhat surprisingly, in both groups the child's report of parents' willingness to communicate about their past KR experiences was positively correlated with the child's anxiety. The possible clinical and social implications of the findings will be discussed.
Organized by: Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh
12/3 The Sea Wall @ Bophana
Saturday, December 03 - 4pm
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
The Sea Wall
Directed by Rithy Panh, 1h50min, 2009, French version with English subtitles
Indochina 1931, the Siam Golf at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. The mother realizes that the departure of her two children - Joseph 20 and Suzanne 16 - is ineluctable. Deceived by the colonial administration, she invested all of her savings in worthless, regularly flooded farmland. She puts into place a crazy scheme: building a dam against the sea with the help of the villagers...
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
The Sea Wall
Directed by Rithy Panh, 1h50min, 2009, French version with English subtitles
Indochina 1931, the Siam Golf at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. The mother realizes that the departure of her two children - Joseph 20 and Suzanne 16 - is ineluctable. Deceived by the colonial administration, she invested all of her savings in worthless, regularly flooded farmland. She puts into place a crazy scheme: building a dam against the sea with the help of the villagers...
12/3 Cambodian Maids in Malaysia: victims of human trafficking @ Meta House
Saturday, December 03
Cambodian Maids in Malaysia: victims of human trafficking
@ Meta House
There are currently some 30,000 Cambodian domestic workers employed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, many of whom are underage and forced to work in conditions akin to modern day slavery.
The Malaysian TV feature YOUNG MAIDS FOR SALE (ntv7, 60 mins, English subs) stems from the experience of a 14-year-old girl who has now fortunately been able to return to her home and school in Prey Veng Province.
Q&A after screening.
9PM: X-PAT SOUNDSYSYSTEM presents an "Electronica and Minimal" DJ Set by German music producer CORNEL.
With a background in industrial and alternative music, he now focuses on dark psy and contemporary electronica.
Cambodian Maids in Malaysia: victims of human trafficking
@ Meta House
There are currently some 30,000 Cambodian domestic workers employed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, many of whom are underage and forced to work in conditions akin to modern day slavery.
The Malaysian TV feature YOUNG MAIDS FOR SALE (ntv7, 60 mins, English subs) stems from the experience of a 14-year-old girl who has now fortunately been able to return to her home and school in Prey Veng Province.
Q&A after screening.
9PM: X-PAT SOUNDSYSYSTEM presents an "Electronica and Minimal" DJ Set by German music producer CORNEL.
With a background in industrial and alternative music, he now focuses on dark psy and contemporary electronica.
12/1 Made In Cambodia, the best student films from the DMC @ Meta House
Thursday, December 01
Made In Cambodia, the best student films from the DMC
@ Meta House
A day in the life of a Buddhist monk. The struggles of a female deminer. The hardships of a blind street musician. The fate of the victim of an acid attack.
These are some of the subjects on the new DVD "Made in Cambodia" (120 mins), that the Department of Media and Communication (DMC) at the Royal University of Phnom Penh has put out on the occasion of its 10th anniversary.
The DVD features 14 of the best doc films made in the first decade of the only journalism program in Cambodia.
DVD and other publications will be for sale.
Made In Cambodia, the best student films from the DMC
@ Meta House
A day in the life of a Buddhist monk. The struggles of a female deminer. The hardships of a blind street musician. The fate of the victim of an acid attack.
These are some of the subjects on the new DVD "Made in Cambodia" (120 mins), that the Department of Media and Communication (DMC) at the Royal University of Phnom Penh has put out on the occasion of its 10th anniversary.
The DVD features 14 of the best doc films made in the first decade of the only journalism program in Cambodia.
DVD and other publications will be for sale.
1/8 JACS, 京大CSEAS, 京大CIASワークショップ「公と私を結ぶ―東南アジアから考える新しい共生のかたち」
日時:2012年1月8日(日) 午前10時~午後6時
会場:京都大学稲盛財団記念館 大会議室
(総合司会 西芳実(京都大学))
10:00-10:05 開会の辞
10:05-10:15 趣旨説明
■10:15-11:40 第一パネル「文書と語り――王国・植民地期の地方統治」
10:15-10:35 報告① 増原善之(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター研究員)
10:35-10:55 報告② 坪井祐司(東洋文庫研究員)
10:55-11:05 コメント 飯島明子(天理大学)
11:05-11:40 討論
■11:40-13:00 昼食休憩
■13:00-14:25 第二パネル「都市と辺境――領域国家形成期の人の移動」
13:00-13:20報告③ 長田紀之(東京大学大学院)
13:20-13:40 報告④ 王柳蘭(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター・日本学術振興会特別研究員)
13:40-13:50 コメント 早瀬晋三(大阪市立大学)
13:50-14:25 討論
■14:25-14:40 休憩
■14:40-16:05 第三パネル「寺と学校――ポスト開放期における公・私関係の再編」
14:40-15:00 報告⑤ 小林知(京都大学東南アジア研究所助教)
15:00-15:20 報告⑥ 伊藤未帆((東京大学社会科学研究所・日本学術振興会特別研究員)
15:20-15:30 コメント 速水洋子(京都大学)
15:30-16:05 討論
■16:05-18:00 総合討論 (司会 山本博之(京都大学))
16:05-16:15 コメント 小泉順子(京都大学)
16:15-16:25 コメント 林行夫(京都大学)
16:25-16:35 コメント 古田元夫(東京大学)
16:35-18:00 討論
■18:00-19:30 懇親会
日時:2012年1月8日(日) 午前10時~午後6時
会場:京都大学稲盛財団記念館 大会議室
(総合司会 西芳実(京都大学))
10:00-10:05 開会の辞
10:05-10:15 趣旨説明
■10:15-11:40 第一パネル「文書と語り――王国・植民地期の地方統治」
10:15-10:35 報告① 増原善之(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター研究員)
10:35-10:55 報告② 坪井祐司(東洋文庫研究員)
10:55-11:05 コメント 飯島明子(天理大学)
11:05-11:40 討論
■11:40-13:00 昼食休憩
■13:00-14:25 第二パネル「都市と辺境――領域国家形成期の人の移動」
13:00-13:20報告③ 長田紀之(東京大学大学院)
13:20-13:40 報告④ 王柳蘭(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター・日本学術振興会特別研究員)
13:40-13:50 コメント 早瀬晋三(大阪市立大学)
13:50-14:25 討論
■14:25-14:40 休憩
■14:40-16:05 第三パネル「寺と学校――ポスト開放期における公・私関係の再編」
14:40-15:00 報告⑤ 小林知(京都大学東南アジア研究所助教)
15:00-15:20 報告⑥ 伊藤未帆((東京大学社会科学研究所・日本学術振興会特別研究員)
15:20-15:30 コメント 速水洋子(京都大学)
15:30-16:05 討論
■16:05-18:00 総合討論 (司会 山本博之(京都大学))
16:05-16:15 コメント 小泉順子(京都大学)
16:15-16:25 コメント 林行夫(京都大学)
16:25-16:35 コメント 古田元夫(東京大学)
16:35-18:00 討論
■18:00-19:30 懇親会
12/17 第三世界の教育研究会例会
【場所】 国立教育政策研究所 第2特別会議室
会場案内: 千代田区霞が関3丁目2番2号
地図 http://bit.ly/7Cb1aU
【場所】 国立教育政策研究所 第2特別会議室
会場案内: 千代田区霞が関3丁目2番2号
地図 http://bit.ly/7Cb1aU
12/3 奈良文化財研究所、特別講演会「文化遺産を救済する」
特別講演会 文化遺産を救済する―奈良文化財研究所の挑戦―
【日 時】2011年12月3日(土)9:50~
【場 所】学術総合センター(一橋記念講堂)
【参 加 費】無料
【定 員】400名(事前申込み制)
9:50~10:00 主催者挨拶
松村 恵司(所長)
10:00~10:50 大津波と三陸沿岸の埋蔵文化財
松井 章(埋蔵文化財センター長)
10:55~11:45 大津波で被災した古文書を救え!
高妻 洋成(保存修復科学研究室長)
12:45~13:35 アンコール西トップ遺跡の修復
杉山 洋(国際遺跡研究室長)
13:40~14:30 ハノイ・タンロン皇城遺跡の宮殿遺構
井上 和人(副所長)
14:35~15:25 バーミヤーン仏教遺跡の保護
森本 晋(文化財情報研究室長)
15:35~16:25 高松塚古墳・キトラ古墳壁画を守る
降幡 順子(都城発掘調査部主任研究員)
16:25~16:30 閉会挨拶
郵便番号102-0072 東京都千代田区飯田橋3-11-15 UEDAビル6F
TEL:03-3238-1689 FAX:03-3238-1837
【日 時】2011年12月3日(土)9:50~
【場 所】学術総合センター(一橋記念講堂)
【参 加 費】無料
【定 員】400名(事前申込み制)
9:50~10:00 主催者挨拶
松村 恵司(所長)
10:00~10:50 大津波と三陸沿岸の埋蔵文化財
松井 章(埋蔵文化財センター長)
10:55~11:45 大津波で被災した古文書を救え!
高妻 洋成(保存修復科学研究室長)
12:45~13:35 アンコール西トップ遺跡の修復
杉山 洋(国際遺跡研究室長)
13:40~14:30 ハノイ・タンロン皇城遺跡の宮殿遺構
井上 和人(副所長)
14:35~15:25 バーミヤーン仏教遺跡の保護
森本 晋(文化財情報研究室長)
15:35~16:25 高松塚古墳・キトラ古墳壁画を守る
降幡 順子(都城発掘調査部主任研究員)
16:25~16:30 閉会挨拶
郵便番号102-0072 東京都千代田区飯田橋3-11-15 UEDAビル6F
TEL:03-3238-1689 FAX:03-3238-1837
12/15 Call for Papers, An International Conference on New Research in Cham Studies: 18-19 June 2012 @ EFEO, Paris
Call for Papers
New Research in Cham Studies: An International Conference
Dates: 18-19 June 2012
Place: École française d’Extrême-Orient, 22, avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris The Conference
The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore and the École française d’Extrême-Orient, Paris, are pleased to announce the convening of a joint international conference on New Research in Cham Studies. To be held over the two days 18-19 June 2012 at EFEO in Paris, the conference will explore the newest researches around the globe in the areas of Cham history, religion, architecture, epigraphy and linguistics.
During the first major tide of French scholarly investigation of Cham culture in the 1870s-1910s, there was a gradual accretion of knowledge and initial deepening of studies in the field. While French research continued, in the 1920s and 1930s Indian scholars contributed their skills to further understanding the inscriptional and historical vestiges of Cham civilization as well as the Indian connections. Key works such as Maspero's Le Royaume du Champa (1913), Majumdar's Ancient Indian Colonies in the Far East: Champa (1927), Coedès' Histoire ancienne des États hindouisés d’Extrême-Orient (1944) and Stein's Le Lin-yi (1947) made efforts to bring together existing knowledge and understandings of the Cham past. In the decades after World War II, however, research on ancient Champa came virtually to a halt, with little progress being made with the inventories of monuments and inscriptions. Attention shifted instead to the modern Cham language and its speakers, with the creation of a new dictionary, studies of the linguistic affiliations of Cham and of various other languages belonging to the Chamic group. Ethnographic studies also saw significant progress. A number of conferences were organized in the 1980s and 1990s to further the exploration of the Chams and of Champa, one important new topic being the linkages between the Chams and the "Malay world."
Recent years have seen increasing attention being paid to the neglected history of the Cham people in the centuries following the fall of Vijaya in 1471; to the connections between the Chams of Cambodia and those of Vietnam; to the royal archives of Panduranga; and to Cham political and religious identities.
Meanwhile, there have been new studies of recently-discovered inscriptions; new interpretations of ancient Cham religious iconography; archaeological excavations at sites of ancient Cham temples and settlements; comparative studies of Cham and Malay texts, terms and concepts; examination of the linguistic connections between the Cham and highland peoples; and investigations of linkages between Champa and the Khmer polity.
In order to allow this new scholarship to be presented and discussed, we are convening this conference in Paris in 2012 to examine Cham history society and language.
The Collaborating Institutions
The École française d’Extrême-Orient (http://www.efeo.fr/) has the longest history in the world in terms of the study of Cham history, literature, epigraphy, and archaeology. It has for more than a century now actively been promoting the publication of scholarly work in these fields. It is collaborating in organizing this conference with the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre (http://nsc.iseas.edu.sg/). Based in Singapore, this Centre explores the inter-connections between Asian polities and cultures through time.
These two institutions are linking to convene this Conference and will jointly publish an edited volume of the best papers presented at the gathering. The languages of the Conference will be English and French.
Call for papers
Proposals are invited from scholars with research interests in the issues to be addressed at the New Research in Cham Studies Conference. Proposals should include a paper title, an abstract of 300 words and a short CV of the proposer.
Some travel funds will be available and applicants are requested to advise whether they will require funding.
Proposals should be submitted by 15 December 2011 to: nscconferences[atmark]iseas.edu.sg
Proposers are requested to place New Research in Cham Studies in the Subject line of their email.
Successful applicants will be advised by 1 January 2012
Conference Committee
Arlo Griffiths
Andrew Hardy
Pierre-Yves Manguin
Tansen Sen
Geoff Wade
New Research in Cham Studies: An International Conference
Dates: 18-19 June 2012
Place: École française d’Extrême-Orient, 22, avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris The Conference
The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore and the École française d’Extrême-Orient, Paris, are pleased to announce the convening of a joint international conference on New Research in Cham Studies. To be held over the two days 18-19 June 2012 at EFEO in Paris, the conference will explore the newest researches around the globe in the areas of Cham history, religion, architecture, epigraphy and linguistics.
During the first major tide of French scholarly investigation of Cham culture in the 1870s-1910s, there was a gradual accretion of knowledge and initial deepening of studies in the field. While French research continued, in the 1920s and 1930s Indian scholars contributed their skills to further understanding the inscriptional and historical vestiges of Cham civilization as well as the Indian connections. Key works such as Maspero's Le Royaume du Champa (1913), Majumdar's Ancient Indian Colonies in the Far East: Champa (1927), Coedès' Histoire ancienne des États hindouisés d’Extrême-Orient (1944) and Stein's Le Lin-yi (1947) made efforts to bring together existing knowledge and understandings of the Cham past. In the decades after World War II, however, research on ancient Champa came virtually to a halt, with little progress being made with the inventories of monuments and inscriptions. Attention shifted instead to the modern Cham language and its speakers, with the creation of a new dictionary, studies of the linguistic affiliations of Cham and of various other languages belonging to the Chamic group. Ethnographic studies also saw significant progress. A number of conferences were organized in the 1980s and 1990s to further the exploration of the Chams and of Champa, one important new topic being the linkages between the Chams and the "Malay world."
Recent years have seen increasing attention being paid to the neglected history of the Cham people in the centuries following the fall of Vijaya in 1471; to the connections between the Chams of Cambodia and those of Vietnam; to the royal archives of Panduranga; and to Cham political and religious identities.
Meanwhile, there have been new studies of recently-discovered inscriptions; new interpretations of ancient Cham religious iconography; archaeological excavations at sites of ancient Cham temples and settlements; comparative studies of Cham and Malay texts, terms and concepts; examination of the linguistic connections between the Cham and highland peoples; and investigations of linkages between Champa and the Khmer polity.
In order to allow this new scholarship to be presented and discussed, we are convening this conference in Paris in 2012 to examine Cham history society and language.
The Collaborating Institutions
The École française d’Extrême-Orient (http://www.efeo.fr/) has the longest history in the world in terms of the study of Cham history, literature, epigraphy, and archaeology. It has for more than a century now actively been promoting the publication of scholarly work in these fields. It is collaborating in organizing this conference with the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre (http://nsc.iseas.edu.sg/). Based in Singapore, this Centre explores the inter-connections between Asian polities and cultures through time.
These two institutions are linking to convene this Conference and will jointly publish an edited volume of the best papers presented at the gathering. The languages of the Conference will be English and French.
Call for papers
Proposals are invited from scholars with research interests in the issues to be addressed at the New Research in Cham Studies Conference. Proposals should include a paper title, an abstract of 300 words and a short CV of the proposer.
Some travel funds will be available and applicants are requested to advise whether they will require funding.
Proposals should be submitted by 15 December 2011 to: nscconferences[atmark]iseas.edu.sg
Proposers are requested to place New Research in Cham Studies in the Subject line of their email.
Successful applicants will be advised by 1 January 2012
Conference Committee
Arlo Griffiths
Andrew Hardy
Pierre-Yves Manguin
Tansen Sen
Geoff Wade
2/1 Call for Papers, 22nd Annual conference of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
SEALS 2012 :
22nd Annual conference of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
The Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS) provides a forum to share both research findings at various stages and thought-provoking ideas on the languages and linguistics of Southeast Asia, including the Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Hmong-Mien, Tibeto-Burman and Tai-Kadai language families. Linguistic investigations that interest the SEALS cover a range of topics including descriptive, theoretical and historical linguistics; linguistic anthropology (ethnolinguistics, language attitude and ideology, discourse and conversational analysis, language and gender, language and politics); language planning, literacy and bilingual education.
Abstracts are invited for papers on any of the following topics related to Southeast Asian Languages:
* Space in Southeast Asian Languages: trajectory, deixis, directionality, metaphorical space etc…
* Discourse in Southeast Asian Languages: information structure, discourse markers discourse construction, etc.
* Corpus and variation in Southeast Asian Languages: data, variation, analysis, structure, normalization, usages, etc…
Furthermore, we invite papers on any aspect of language or linguistics related to the languages of Southeast Asia.
Keynote speakers
* Gérard Diffloth (EFEO)
* Denis Paillard (CNRS/Paris-Diderot, Université de Paris 7)
* Nick ENFIELD (Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen)
Abstract submission format
Please send your abstract of no more than 500 words on-line at Easychair
If you encounter problems with Easychair please contact : seals22.agay[atmark]gmail.com
If special font or characters are required, please use Unicode.
Abstracts should have the following structure:
Page 1 : Text (500 words) containing a statement of topic, approach and conclusions.
Page 2 : Examples and references.
Abstracts will be evaluated by the members of the academic committee on a strictly scientific basis.
* Abstract submission: 1 February 2012, online
* Notification of acceptance : 15 March 2012, via e-mail
Presentation guidelines
Presentations should be in French or English. Participants will be allocated 25 minutes for presentation, plus 10 minutes for discussion.
22nd Annual conference of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
The Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS) provides a forum to share both research findings at various stages and thought-provoking ideas on the languages and linguistics of Southeast Asia, including the Austroasiatic, Austronesian, Hmong-Mien, Tibeto-Burman and Tai-Kadai language families. Linguistic investigations that interest the SEALS cover a range of topics including descriptive, theoretical and historical linguistics; linguistic anthropology (ethnolinguistics, language attitude and ideology, discourse and conversational analysis, language and gender, language and politics); language planning, literacy and bilingual education.
Abstracts are invited for papers on any of the following topics related to Southeast Asian Languages:
* Space in Southeast Asian Languages: trajectory, deixis, directionality, metaphorical space etc…
* Discourse in Southeast Asian Languages: information structure, discourse markers discourse construction, etc.
* Corpus and variation in Southeast Asian Languages: data, variation, analysis, structure, normalization, usages, etc…
Furthermore, we invite papers on any aspect of language or linguistics related to the languages of Southeast Asia.
Keynote speakers
* Gérard Diffloth (EFEO)
* Denis Paillard (CNRS/Paris-Diderot, Université de Paris 7)
* Nick ENFIELD (Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen)
Abstract submission format
Please send your abstract of no more than 500 words on-line at Easychair
If you encounter problems with Easychair please contact : seals22.agay[atmark]gmail.com
If special font or characters are required, please use Unicode.
Abstracts should have the following structure:
Page 1 : Text (500 words) containing a statement of topic, approach and conclusions.
Page 2 : Examples and references.
Abstracts will be evaluated by the members of the academic committee on a strictly scientific basis.
* Abstract submission: 1 February 2012, online
* Notification of acceptance : 15 March 2012, via e-mail
Presentation guidelines
Presentations should be in French or English. Participants will be allocated 25 minutes for presentation, plus 10 minutes for discussion.
12/10 上智大学アジア文化研究所2011年度第3回カンボジア文化研究会「在日カンボジア人留学生を囲んで」
2011年度 第3回カンボジア文化研究会「在日カンボジア人留学生を囲んで」 】
今年度第3回目となる今回は、在日カンボジア留学生協会の方より、 同協会の活動、および留学生の方がどこで何を学んでいるのか、留学生生活の実態についてお聞きします。
・在日カンボジア留学生協会 (CSAJ)
一橋大学大学院 経済学研究科 Chea Poleng氏 (副代表)、
デジタルハリウッド大学 デジタルコミュニケーション学部 Hay Vanna氏(IT担当)
・上智大学大学院 理工学研究科 Pek Kimhuoch氏
・在日カンボジア大使館 一等書記官 Sim Vireak氏
◇日時:12月10日(土)14:00-17:00 (13:30開場)
◇場所:上智大学 11号館305教室
(JR/丸ノ内線 四ツ谷駅下車 徒歩3分)
◇事前申込: 不要/参加費無料
◇使用言語: 日本語
cambodia_sophia[atmark]yahoo.co.jp (担当朝日)
m-masako[atmark]sophia.ac.jp (丸井)
2011年度 第3回カンボジア文化研究会「在日カンボジア人留学生を囲んで」 】
今年度第3回目となる今回は、在日カンボジア留学生協会の方より、 同協会の活動、および留学生の方がどこで何を学んでいるのか、留学生生活の実態についてお聞きします。
・在日カンボジア留学生協会 (CSAJ)
一橋大学大学院 経済学研究科 Chea Poleng氏 (副代表)、
デジタルハリウッド大学 デジタルコミュニケーション学部 Hay Vanna氏(IT担当)
・上智大学大学院 理工学研究科 Pek Kimhuoch氏
・在日カンボジア大使館 一等書記官 Sim Vireak氏
◇日時:12月10日(土)14:00-17:00 (13:30開場)
◇場所:上智大学 11号館305教室
(JR/丸ノ内線 四ツ谷駅下車 徒歩3分)
◇事前申込: 不要/参加費無料
◇使用言語: 日本語
cambodia_sophia[atmark]yahoo.co.jp (担当朝日)
m-masako[atmark]sophia.ac.jp (丸井)
3/15 Call for Papers, Cambodia Studies Conference 2012: Imagining Cambodia @ Northern Illinois University
Cambodia Studies Conference 2012: Imagining Cambodia
The Cambodia Studies Working Group and the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University, in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ohio University, the University of Massachusetts Lowell and the Center for Khmer Studies, invite the submission of individual papers and panels for an international Cambodia Studies conference scheduled for September 14-16, 2012. The theme "Imagining Cambodia" opens the possibility of presentations in the arts as well as the social sciences and humanities, encourages interdisciplinary/ multidisciplinary projects, and promotes creative work on both future possibilities and re-imagined versions of the past. What is beyond a post-conflict society? How are new histories being constructed? What visions of the future are being expressed through painting, drama, and literature as well as economic policy and new patterns of political participation? Papers that focus on Cambodian Diaspora communities are welcome.
In addition to regular academic panels with paper presentations, the format will include special themed panels where papers are circulated in advance to all registered participants for in-depth discussions on the particular topics. Please feel welcome to suggest themes and participants for these panels.
The conference will open for registration Thursday afternoon September 13, with panels Friday and Saturday, dinners Friday and Saturday evenings with a musical performance Saturday night and a trip on Sunday morning the 16th to the Cambodian American Heritage Museum and Killing Fields Memorial in Chicago, ending midday. More information on speakers and performers will be forthcoming.
Save the dates! September 13-16, 2012
Deadline for the submission of 250 word abstracts: March 15, 2012
Deadline for the submission of completed papers for themed panels: June 15, 2012
We are currently seeking funding to help subsidize participation by graduate students in the US and scholars from Cambodia.
Please send your title and abstract and all queries to: CambodiaConf2012[atmark]niu.edu
Members of the Cambodia Studies Working Group at Northern Illinois University:
Kenton Clymer, Trude Jacobsen, Kheang Leang, Judy Ledgerwood and Kheang Un.
Northern Illinois University is located 60 miles from downtown Chicago, Illinois in the far western suburbs.
The Cambodia Studies Working Group and the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University, in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ohio University, the University of Massachusetts Lowell and the Center for Khmer Studies, invite the submission of individual papers and panels for an international Cambodia Studies conference scheduled for September 14-16, 2012. The theme "Imagining Cambodia" opens the possibility of presentations in the arts as well as the social sciences and humanities, encourages interdisciplinary/ multidisciplinary projects, and promotes creative work on both future possibilities and re-imagined versions of the past. What is beyond a post-conflict society? How are new histories being constructed? What visions of the future are being expressed through painting, drama, and literature as well as economic policy and new patterns of political participation? Papers that focus on Cambodian Diaspora communities are welcome.
In addition to regular academic panels with paper presentations, the format will include special themed panels where papers are circulated in advance to all registered participants for in-depth discussions on the particular topics. Please feel welcome to suggest themes and participants for these panels.
The conference will open for registration Thursday afternoon September 13, with panels Friday and Saturday, dinners Friday and Saturday evenings with a musical performance Saturday night and a trip on Sunday morning the 16th to the Cambodian American Heritage Museum and Killing Fields Memorial in Chicago, ending midday. More information on speakers and performers will be forthcoming.
Save the dates! September 13-16, 2012
Deadline for the submission of 250 word abstracts: March 15, 2012
Deadline for the submission of completed papers for themed panels: June 15, 2012
We are currently seeking funding to help subsidize participation by graduate students in the US and scholars from Cambodia.
Please send your title and abstract and all queries to: CambodiaConf2012[atmark]niu.edu
Members of the Cambodia Studies Working Group at Northern Illinois University:
Kenton Clymer, Trude Jacobsen, Kheang Leang, Judy Ledgerwood and Kheang Un.
Northern Illinois University is located 60 miles from downtown Chicago, Illinois in the far western suburbs.
11/23 Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh: Teaching Democratic Kampuchea: "Genocide" versus "politicide"
Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh
Once a month - 6pm – Baitong Restaurant
(7 Street 360/ Norodom Bd, Beung Keng Kang I)
Up coming events:
Wednesday 23th November 2011, 6pm
Henri Locard, PhD
Teaching Democratic Kampuchea: "Genocide" versus "politicide"
Since the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979, a controversy has developed among Cambodian politicians, together with international historians and lawyers, about how to brand the criminal policies of Angkar Padevoat - the Revolutionary Organization.
The dominant approach among Cambodian officials has been to associate "the Pol Pot regime" with the "genocides" of the XXth Century - the one perpetrated by the Nazis in particular. This in fact is not an issue for the Khmer speakers themselves, as the 1948 new word "genocide" of Raphael Lemkin has been translated into the Khmer language by kaprolay puchsah, "the extermination of a nation" or simply okretekam, "the crime."
The use of such a word in English is no answer to the controversial issue of why did the Khmer Rouge kill. Thus the Khmer students are never informed about the great controversy touching the differences between the Communist and the Nazi forms of totalitarian regimes and societies. The former killed people perceived as their political enemies "politi-cide" (as the Americans political scientists Barbara Harff et Ted Robert Gurr have proposed), while the Nazis have eliminated the "racially inferior races" that they claimed "polluted" the purity of the Germanic race (geno-cide)
It matters to be frank with the Cambodian public and its vast student population in particular, to describe the lethal regime accurately and with suitable historical analogies and comparisons. Democratic Kampuchea needs to be compared with its models: Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, Kim Il-sung's North Korea and Ho Chi Minh's Vietnam - and not with Nazi Germany, Iraq, Yugoslavia and Rwanda, as is done in Cambodian schools today.
Henri Locard, is a french historian, involved since 2007 as researcher and consultant for the Association de Défense des Droits de l'Homme au Cambodge (ADHOC) He wrote various books and articles, and he is currently writing a comprehensive report, in the form of questions and answers, covering most aspects of the Democratic Kampuchea regime. It is destined to the civil parties at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). There is now an English and a Khmer version of this Understanding Democratic Kampuchea.
Once a month - 6pm – Baitong Restaurant
(7 Street 360/ Norodom Bd, Beung Keng Kang I)
Up coming events:
Wednesday 23th November 2011, 6pm
Henri Locard, PhD
Teaching Democratic Kampuchea: "Genocide" versus "politicide"
Since the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979, a controversy has developed among Cambodian politicians, together with international historians and lawyers, about how to brand the criminal policies of Angkar Padevoat - the Revolutionary Organization.
The dominant approach among Cambodian officials has been to associate "the Pol Pot regime" with the "genocides" of the XXth Century - the one perpetrated by the Nazis in particular. This in fact is not an issue for the Khmer speakers themselves, as the 1948 new word "genocide" of Raphael Lemkin has been translated into the Khmer language by kaprolay puchsah, "the extermination of a nation" or simply okretekam, "the crime."
The use of such a word in English is no answer to the controversial issue of why did the Khmer Rouge kill. Thus the Khmer students are never informed about the great controversy touching the differences between the Communist and the Nazi forms of totalitarian regimes and societies. The former killed people perceived as their political enemies "politi-cide" (as the Americans political scientists Barbara Harff et Ted Robert Gurr have proposed), while the Nazis have eliminated the "racially inferior races" that they claimed "polluted" the purity of the Germanic race (geno-cide)
It matters to be frank with the Cambodian public and its vast student population in particular, to describe the lethal regime accurately and with suitable historical analogies and comparisons. Democratic Kampuchea needs to be compared with its models: Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, Kim Il-sung's North Korea and Ho Chi Minh's Vietnam - and not with Nazi Germany, Iraq, Yugoslavia and Rwanda, as is done in Cambodian schools today.
Henri Locard, is a french historian, involved since 2007 as researcher and consultant for the Association de Défense des Droits de l'Homme au Cambodge (ADHOC) He wrote various books and articles, and he is currently writing a comprehensive report, in the form of questions and answers, covering most aspects of the Democratic Kampuchea regime. It is destined to the civil parties at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). There is now an English and a Khmer version of this Understanding Democratic Kampuchea.
11/21-12/12 Northbridge International School presents: Phnom Penh @ Intercontinental Hotel
Monday, November 21
@ Intercontinental Hotel
Northbridge International School presents: Phnom Penh
Art by students of the Northbridge International School, titled Phnom Penh, ison display at the Intercontinental Hotel from 21 November until 12 December.
The Intercontinental Hotel is hosting an opening event at 4pm on 21 November.
Students ranging in age from Grade 2/3 through Grade 12 have been busy at work representing different concepts of Phnom Penh. They are excited to share their artworks with the greater Phnom Penh Community.
NISC would like to thank the Intercontinental Hotel; with the help of Ms. Jenny Tchen, Mr. Simon Hall, Mr. Bobby Fajardo and Mr. Stefan Voogel; for hosting the art show which gives our students the opportunity to be part of this professional exhibit.
Organized by: NISC
@ Intercontinental Hotel
Northbridge International School presents: Phnom Penh
Art by students of the Northbridge International School, titled Phnom Penh, ison display at the Intercontinental Hotel from 21 November until 12 December.
The Intercontinental Hotel is hosting an opening event at 4pm on 21 November.
Students ranging in age from Grade 2/3 through Grade 12 have been busy at work representing different concepts of Phnom Penh. They are excited to share their artworks with the greater Phnom Penh Community.
NISC would like to thank the Intercontinental Hotel; with the help of Ms. Jenny Tchen, Mr. Simon Hall, Mr. Bobby Fajardo and Mr. Stefan Voogel; for hosting the art show which gives our students the opportunity to be part of this professional exhibit.
Organized by: NISC
11/25 ARUN カンボジア・シンポジウム@CJCC
また、今年はシンポジウムの単独での開催に留まらず、ARUNラボが企画運営する日本・カンボジア学生によるビジネスコンペティションとコラボレーションしカンボジア日本人材開発センター(Cambodia Japan Cooperation Center, CJCC)のご協力も頂くことにより、昨年とはスケールの違う現地イベントを開催することになっており、現地で活躍されている社会起業家から官公庁の方々、更には学生の皆さんに至るまで、より幅広い世代や業種、より多くの世代に楽しんで頂けることと信じています。
■ 場所:Angkor-Kizuna Hall, Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center(CJCC)
■ 日時:2011年11月25日(金)
14時: 開場
14時30分~17時: シンポジウム
□ARUN投資先企業の事例発表、ARUNカンボジア事務所マネージャー による事業報告
- Yang Saing Koma, CEDAC; Kok Kao, Oikocredit;
- Valerian Fauvel, Insitor Fund; Kono Satoko, ARUN.
□Social Business Competition優勝チームの発表
17時~19時: 懇親会
また、今年はシンポジウムの単独での開催に留まらず、ARUNラボが企画運営する日本・カンボジア学生によるビジネスコンペティションとコラボレーションしカンボジア日本人材開発センター(Cambodia Japan Cooperation Center, CJCC)のご協力も頂くことにより、昨年とはスケールの違う現地イベントを開催することになっており、現地で活躍されている社会起業家から官公庁の方々、更には学生の皆さんに至るまで、より幅広い世代や業種、より多くの世代に楽しんで頂けることと信じています。
■ 場所:Angkor-Kizuna Hall, Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center(CJCC)
■ 日時:2011年11月25日(金)
14時: 開場
14時30分~17時: シンポジウム
□ARUN投資先企業の事例発表、ARUNカンボジア事務所マネージャー による事業報告
- Yang Saing Koma, CEDAC; Kok Kao, Oikocredit;
- Valerian Fauvel, Insitor Fund; Kono Satoko, ARUN.
□Social Business Competition優勝チームの発表
17時~19時: 懇親会
11/26 Sovannahong @ Bophana
Saturday, November 26 - 4pm
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Directed by Yvon Hem, 1h48min, 1967, Khmer version
"Sovannahong" is a successful movie of Yvon Hem made in the 60s. This film talks about the prince Sovannahong who take a golden swan to find the princess Keth Soriyong. They would face many obstacles before they can live together.
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Directed by Yvon Hem, 1h48min, 1967, Khmer version
"Sovannahong" is a successful movie of Yvon Hem made in the 60s. This film talks about the prince Sovannahong who take a golden swan to find the princess Keth Soriyong. They would face many obstacles before they can live together.
11/26 第5回東南アジア歴史研究会
日時:11月26日(土) 9時30分~12時00分
Chapitre II: L' HINDOUISATION (2. Les premiers temoignages sur l’hindouisation de l’Inde exterieure.) ~
[George Coedès, 1944, HISTOIRE ANCIENNE DES ETATS HINDOUISES, Hanoi(George Coedès, 1968, The Indianized States of Southeast Asia, Honolulu)]
インストラクター:栗原麻那美(Chapitre II_1-3),平田晶子(Chapitre II_4-6)
この研究会では、主として19世紀以前の東南アジア史を、テキストを通じて学ぶことをねらいとしており、現在は、上記しましたように、ジョルジュ・セデスの文献を購読しています。学部生でこれから歴史を学びたいと思っている方、また東南アジア非学会員であっても全く構いません。東南アジア史に興味のある方であれば、どなたでも参加できますので、参加を希望する方は、佐藤恵子ke_bluye116[atmark]yahoo.co.jp までご連絡ください。
日時:11月26日(土) 9時30分~12時00分
Chapitre II: L' HINDOUISATION (2. Les premiers temoignages sur l’hindouisation de l’Inde exterieure.) ~
[George Coedès, 1944, HISTOIRE ANCIENNE DES ETATS HINDOUISES, Hanoi(George Coedès, 1968, The Indianized States of Southeast Asia, Honolulu)]
インストラクター:栗原麻那美(Chapitre II_1-3),平田晶子(Chapitre II_4-6)
この研究会では、主として19世紀以前の東南アジア史を、テキストを通じて学ぶことをねらいとしており、現在は、上記しましたように、ジョルジュ・セデスの文献を購読しています。学部生でこれから歴史を学びたいと思っている方、また東南アジア非学会員であっても全く構いません。東南アジア史に興味のある方であれば、どなたでも参加できますので、参加を希望する方は、佐藤恵子ke_bluye116[atmark]yahoo.co.jp までご連絡ください。
12/16 カンボジア市民フォーラム/上智大学アジア文化研究所共催2011年度カンボジア連続セミナー(第7回)「カ ンボジア王国における精神医学・医療の現状と課題」
講師:吉田 尚史 氏 (東邦大学医学部精神神経科医学講座助教)
【講師略歴】 1997年3月、島根医科大学医学部医学科卒業。現在、東邦大学医学部精神神経医学講座助教。同大学にて精神医学臨床研究のかたわら、2007年3月、早稲田大学大学院文学研究科修士課程修了し、現在、早稲田大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程に在籍。2009年11月より2年、カナダ・マギル大学社会文化精神医学講座客員研究員。2010年9月より1年、カンボジア・王立健康科学大学客員教員。臨床精神医学、文化精神医学、医療人類学を専攻する。
E-mail:pefocj[atmark]hotmail.co.jp TEL:03-3834-2407 FAX:03-3835-0519
講師:吉田 尚史 氏 (東邦大学医学部精神神経科医学講座助教)
【講師略歴】 1997年3月、島根医科大学医学部医学科卒業。現在、東邦大学医学部精神神経医学講座助教。同大学にて精神医学臨床研究のかたわら、2007年3月、早稲田大学大学院文学研究科修士課程修了し、現在、早稲田大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程に在籍。2009年11月より2年、カナダ・マギル大学社会文化精神医学講座客員研究員。2010年9月より1年、カンボジア・王立健康科学大学客員教員。臨床精神医学、文化精神医学、医療人類学を専攻する。
E-mail:pefocj[atmark]hotmail.co.jp TEL:03-3834-2407 FAX:03-3835-0519
12/17-18 Kyoto-NTU-SYSU Joint International Workshop "Plural Coexistence: East Asian Experiences in Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives"
Kyoto-NTU-SYSU Joint International Workshop
Plural Coexistence: East Asian Experiences in Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
East Asia is rich in its diversity of ethnic, religious and cultural composition. By and large the region has maintained the coexistence of such diversity while at the same time achieving economic progress, becoming the hub of the flow of people, goods, money and information. Yet the region is also confronted with serious issues such as the decrease of biodiversity and tropical forest, disasters, pandemics, aging population, ethnic and religious conflicts, economic differentiation and poverty. In the face of this, how is coexistence and sustainability possible despite or on account of diversity?
For this purpose, we promote the study of plural coexistence which connects the global and the local dynamically, towards mending the political and economic imbalances of globalization. How can we make public resources out of the region’s social foundations at the basis of people's everyday lives? How can we connect these in a complementary way with existing systems of governance towards solving problems and issues mentioned above?
This proposed workshop is the first of a workshop series to take place in Kyoto (Dec. 2011), Singapore (2012), and Guangzhou (2013), representing a core component of institutional linkages among the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University in Kyoto, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. The research themes of the workshops are closely linked with the research program entitled "Towards Sustainable Humanosphere in Southeast Asia" currently being undertaken at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University (http://www.humanosphere.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/) and with two of the Five Peaks of Excellence at NTU, namely, "Sustainable Earth" and "The New Silk Road."
(http://enewsletter.ntu.edu.sg/classact/Nov10/Pages/cn2a.aspx). These themes will also have the potential of being connected with the on-going developments of the Sino-Singapore Knowledge City in Guangzhou of which NTU is one of the major participants.
Date: December 17 (Sat.) - 18 (Sun.), 2011
Venue:Middle-sized Conference Room (Room No. 332), 3rd floor of Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University
Plural Coexistence: East Asian Experiences in Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
East Asia is rich in its diversity of ethnic, religious and cultural composition. By and large the region has maintained the coexistence of such diversity while at the same time achieving economic progress, becoming the hub of the flow of people, goods, money and information. Yet the region is also confronted with serious issues such as the decrease of biodiversity and tropical forest, disasters, pandemics, aging population, ethnic and religious conflicts, economic differentiation and poverty. In the face of this, how is coexistence and sustainability possible despite or on account of diversity?
For this purpose, we promote the study of plural coexistence which connects the global and the local dynamically, towards mending the political and economic imbalances of globalization. How can we make public resources out of the region’s social foundations at the basis of people's everyday lives? How can we connect these in a complementary way with existing systems of governance towards solving problems and issues mentioned above?
This proposed workshop is the first of a workshop series to take place in Kyoto (Dec. 2011), Singapore (2012), and Guangzhou (2013), representing a core component of institutional linkages among the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University in Kyoto, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. The research themes of the workshops are closely linked with the research program entitled "Towards Sustainable Humanosphere in Southeast Asia" currently being undertaken at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Kyoto University (http://www.humanosphere.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/) and with two of the Five Peaks of Excellence at NTU, namely, "Sustainable Earth" and "The New Silk Road."
(http://enewsletter.ntu.edu.sg/classact/Nov10/Pages/cn2a.aspx). These themes will also have the potential of being connected with the on-going developments of the Sino-Singapore Knowledge City in Guangzhou of which NTU is one of the major participants.
Date: December 17 (Sat.) - 18 (Sun.), 2011
Venue:Middle-sized Conference Room (Room No. 332), 3rd floor of Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University
11/12 Water Festival and Independence Day @ Bophana
Saturday, November 12 - 4pm
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Water Festival
Produced by Pathé and ECPAD, 10min, silent
These images correspond to the films produced by Pathé Film and ECPAD (Establishment of Communication and Audiovisual production of Defense) about the 1910’s, 1929’s and 1954’s Water Festival.
Captain Hugues Bedetti In Indochina
Directed by Hugues Bedetti, 13min, 1954, Khmer version
These amateur images show the passage of lieutenant Hugues Bedetti in Phnom Penh, but also some landscape of the Dalat Plateau and ethnic minorities.
The Independence of Cambodia
Directed by captain Am Rong, 40min, 1954, Khmer version
In 1953, His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk obtained the total Independence of Cambodia from France without any combat. King Norodom Sihanouk created the party of Sangkum Reastr Niyum with the aim of the 1955’s general election.
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Water Festival
Produced by Pathé and ECPAD, 10min, silent
These images correspond to the films produced by Pathé Film and ECPAD (Establishment of Communication and Audiovisual production of Defense) about the 1910’s, 1929’s and 1954’s Water Festival.
Captain Hugues Bedetti In Indochina
Directed by Hugues Bedetti, 13min, 1954, Khmer version
These amateur images show the passage of lieutenant Hugues Bedetti in Phnom Penh, but also some landscape of the Dalat Plateau and ethnic minorities.
The Independence of Cambodia
Directed by captain Am Rong, 40min, 1954, Khmer version
In 1953, His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk obtained the total Independence of Cambodia from France without any combat. King Norodom Sihanouk created the party of Sangkum Reastr Niyum with the aim of the 1955’s general election.
11/25-26 Colloque sue les études khmère @ INALCO
COLLOQUE SUR LES ÉTUDES KHMÈRES - Inalco, Paris, 25-26 novembre 2011.
Quelle(s) science(s) pour le pays khmer ? Approches empiriques et théoriques
L'Association d'Échanges et de Formation pour les Études Khmères (AEFEK), en partenariat avec le Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE, UMR 8170, CNRS/EHESS), le Centre Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est (CEASSE, ASIES EA 4512, INALCO) et la revue Péninsule, lance un appel à communications dans le cadre d'un colloque international sur les Études Khmères qui se tiendra du 25 au 26 novembre 2011 dans les nouveaux locaux de l'INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisation Orientales), 65 rue des Grands-Moulins (Paris 13e).
Ci-joint 2 documents à télécharger pour plus de détails.
Planning du colloque
Résumé des communications
Quelle(s) science(s) pour le pays khmer ? Approches empiriques et théoriques
L'Association d'Échanges et de Formation pour les Études Khmères (AEFEK), en partenariat avec le Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE, UMR 8170, CNRS/EHESS), le Centre Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est (CEASSE, ASIES EA 4512, INALCO) et la revue Péninsule, lance un appel à communications dans le cadre d'un colloque international sur les Études Khmères qui se tiendra du 25 au 26 novembre 2011 dans les nouveaux locaux de l'INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisation Orientales), 65 rue des Grands-Moulins (Paris 13e).
Ci-joint 2 documents à télécharger pour plus de détails.
Planning du colloque
Résumé des communications
11/26-27 2011年度、東南アジア考古学会、研究大会
2011年度 東南アジア考古学会 研究大会のご案内(PDF)
開催日 2011年11月26日(土)・27日(日)
会 場 青山学院大学(青山キャンパス)6号館 1階 第4会議室
■11月26日(土)自由研究発表 (発表時間は質疑応答の10分を含む)
12:30 開場・受付開始
13:00~13:35 山形眞理子(昭和女子大学国際文化研究所)・松村博文(札幌医科大学)
13:35~14:10 齋藤正憲(早稲田大学アジア研究所)
14:10~14:45 鈴木朋美(早稲田大学大学院博士課程)
14:45~15:00 休憩
15:00~15:35 田畑幸嗣(上智短期大学)
15:35~16:10 佐藤由似(奈良文化財研究所国際遺跡研究室)
16:10~16:45 向井 亙(金沢大学国際文化資源学研究センター)
16:45 終了
■11月27日(日) 東南アジア考古学会研究大会
大会テーマ「東南アジアの生活と文化IV:嗜好品への視点 -甘味と喫煙-」
10:00 開場・受付開始
10:30~10:40 開会挨拶
10:40~11:40 基調講演 半田昌之(たばこと塩の博物館)
11:40~12:40 昼休み
12:40~13:40 会員総会
13:50~14:20 報告1 小林 克(江戸東京たてもの園)
14:20~14:50 報告2 荒尾美代(昭和女子大学国際文化研究所)
14:50~15:00 休憩
15:00~15:30 報告3 江上幹幸(沖縄国際大学)
15:30~16:00 報告4 田中和彦(上智大学)
16:00~16:30 報告5 石井龍太(日本学術振興会特別研究員)
16:30~16:40 休憩
16:40~17:20 全体質疑応答と討論 司会:坂井隆
17:20~17:30 閉会挨拶
開催日 2011年11月26日(土)・27日(日)
会 場 青山学院大学(青山キャンパス)6号館 1階 第4会議室
■11月26日(土)自由研究発表 (発表時間は質疑応答の10分を含む)
12:30 開場・受付開始
13:00~13:35 山形眞理子(昭和女子大学国際文化研究所)・松村博文(札幌医科大学)
13:35~14:10 齋藤正憲(早稲田大学アジア研究所)
14:10~14:45 鈴木朋美(早稲田大学大学院博士課程)
14:45~15:00 休憩
15:00~15:35 田畑幸嗣(上智短期大学)
15:35~16:10 佐藤由似(奈良文化財研究所国際遺跡研究室)
16:10~16:45 向井 亙(金沢大学国際文化資源学研究センター)
16:45 終了
■11月27日(日) 東南アジア考古学会研究大会
大会テーマ「東南アジアの生活と文化IV:嗜好品への視点 -甘味と喫煙-」
10:00 開場・受付開始
10:30~10:40 開会挨拶
10:40~11:40 基調講演 半田昌之(たばこと塩の博物館)
11:40~12:40 昼休み
12:40~13:40 会員総会
13:50~14:20 報告1 小林 克(江戸東京たてもの園)
14:20~14:50 報告2 荒尾美代(昭和女子大学国際文化研究所)
14:50~15:00 休憩
15:00~15:30 報告3 江上幹幸(沖縄国際大学)
15:30~16:00 報告4 田中和彦(上智大学)
16:00~16:30 報告5 石井龍太(日本学術振興会特別研究員)
16:30~16:40 休憩
16:40~17:20 全体質疑応答と討論 司会:坂井隆
17:20~17:30 閉会挨拶
12/3-4 東南アジア学会、第86回研究大会
日時:2011 年12 月3 日(土)、4 日(日)
場所:東海大学高輪校舎(〒108-8619 東京都港区高輪2-3-23)
会場へのアクセス、施設マップについては、次の Web サイトをご覧ください。
2011 年12 月3 日(土)
12:00 受付開始 1号館1階学生ホール
12:50 開会の辞 大会準備委員長 内藤 耕(東海大学)
■第1会場 4 号館1 階4101 教室
13:00-13:35 松村智雄(東京大学・博士課程)
「インドネシア西カリマンタンにおける1967 年華人大追放事件の経緯と影響」
13:35-14:10 長谷川拓也(筑波大学・博士課程)
14:10-14:45 東 佳史(茨城大学)
「ジャカルタのベチャこぎ達 2010-11 年、狩った側狩られた側そして援助した側の視点から」
14:45-15:00 休憩
15:00-15:35 塩崎悠輝(同志社大学)
15:35-16:10 久志本裕子(上智大学・研究員)
16:10-16:45 吉村真子(法政大学)
「マジョリティのための「アファーマティブ・アクション」:マレーシアのNEP 再考と南アフリ
■第2会場 4 号館3 階4304 教室
13:00-13:35 青木澄夫(中部大学)
13:35-14:10 吉井美知子(三重大学)
14:10-14:45 石高真吾(大阪大学)
14:45-15:00 休憩
15:00-15:35 桐ヶ谷賢一
15:35-16:10 江藤双恵(獨協大学)
16:10-16:45 玉田芳史(京都大学)
「タイ式民主主義と2011 年7 月総選挙」
16:50-17:50 会員総会 2 号館地下2B101 教室(講堂)
18:00-20:00 懇親会 4 号館地下学生食堂(参加費:3000 円)
2011 年12 月4 日(日)
9:00 受付開始 1 号館1 階学生ホール
<シンポジウム> 会場 1 号館地下2B101 教室(講堂)
10:00-10:10 片岡 樹(京都大学)
10:10-10:45 鈴木絢女(福岡女子大学)
10:45-11:20 笹川秀夫(立命館アジア太平洋大学)
11:20-11:55 片岡 樹(京都大学)
12:00-13:00 昼食休憩
13:00-13:35 見市 建(岩手県立大学)
13:35-14:10 福武慎太郎(上智大学)
14:10-14:25 討論:蓮田隆志(新潟大学)
14:25-14:40 討論:富田晋介(東京大学)
14:40-15:00 休憩
15:00-16:30 討論
16:30 閉会の辞
場所:東海大学高輪校舎(〒108-8619 東京都港区高輪2-3-23)
会場へのアクセス、施設マップについては、次の Web サイトをご覧ください。
2011 年12 月3 日(土)
12:00 受付開始 1号館1階学生ホール
12:50 開会の辞 大会準備委員長 内藤 耕(東海大学)
■第1会場 4 号館1 階4101 教室
13:00-13:35 松村智雄(東京大学・博士課程)
「インドネシア西カリマンタンにおける1967 年華人大追放事件の経緯と影響」
13:35-14:10 長谷川拓也(筑波大学・博士課程)
14:10-14:45 東 佳史(茨城大学)
「ジャカルタのベチャこぎ達 2010-11 年、狩った側狩られた側そして援助した側の視点から」
14:45-15:00 休憩
15:00-15:35 塩崎悠輝(同志社大学)
15:35-16:10 久志本裕子(上智大学・研究員)
16:10-16:45 吉村真子(法政大学)
「マジョリティのための「アファーマティブ・アクション」:マレーシアのNEP 再考と南アフリ
■第2会場 4 号館3 階4304 教室
13:00-13:35 青木澄夫(中部大学)
13:35-14:10 吉井美知子(三重大学)
14:10-14:45 石高真吾(大阪大学)
14:45-15:00 休憩
15:00-15:35 桐ヶ谷賢一
15:35-16:10 江藤双恵(獨協大学)
16:10-16:45 玉田芳史(京都大学)
「タイ式民主主義と2011 年7 月総選挙」
16:50-17:50 会員総会 2 号館地下2B101 教室(講堂)
18:00-20:00 懇親会 4 号館地下学生食堂(参加費:3000 円)
2011 年12 月4 日(日)
9:00 受付開始 1 号館1 階学生ホール
<シンポジウム> 会場 1 号館地下2B101 教室(講堂)
10:00-10:10 片岡 樹(京都大学)
10:10-10:45 鈴木絢女(福岡女子大学)
10:45-11:20 笹川秀夫(立命館アジア太平洋大学)
11:20-11:55 片岡 樹(京都大学)
12:00-13:00 昼食休憩
13:00-13:35 見市 建(岩手県立大学)
13:35-14:10 福武慎太郎(上智大学)
14:10-14:25 討論:蓮田隆志(新潟大学)
14:25-14:40 討論:富田晋介(東京大学)
14:40-15:00 休憩
15:00-16:30 討論
16:30 閉会の辞
11/26 東南アジア学会関東例会
日時: 2011年11月26日(土)13:30~17:45
会場: 東京外国語大学・本郷サテライト5階セミナースペース
☆ 第一報告(13時30分~15時30分)
報告者: 新谷春乃氏(東京大学大学院)
コメンテーター: 山田裕史氏(日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD))
報告者:Joss Wibisono氏 (京都大学東南アジア研究所)
報告題:「Fascination with Fascism: Japan and Germany in the Indies of 1930s」
Japan’s victory over Russia in 1905 was, as widely known, an eye opener for other Asian nations, especially those who were still colonized. At last fellow Asians defeated the white race, so it was perceived. Japan became a model and the interest in the country of the rising sun extended well until the 1930s, a different period in Japan as it embraced fascism. Information and knowledge about Japan filtered through to the Indies mainly through publications in Dutch, which, in turn, originated from Germany. This should not be a surprise, since a close relationship has long been established between Japan and Germany. In the Indies admiration for Japan grew into fascination for Germany too.
Ki Hadjar Dewantara, leader of the educational institute Taman Siswa and father of the Indonesian national education, admired Japan for its tradition of Kokka or “to govern a nation as a family”, as published in Wasita, one of Taman Siswa's periodicals. As an educationalist Dewantara emphasized the importance of family, which he considered as sacred and therefore adopted as a basis for Taman Siswa. At least in the 1930s Dewantara educated his pupils as if they were brought up in a family, the so-called Among System.
In 1930 Dewantara was also elected dictator of Taman Siswa. This was actually his strategy to face Dutch colonial authority, which was determined to shut down Taman Siswa. Taman Siswa was considered one of the so-called “wild schools”, because they rejected government subsidy and subsequent control. It turned out that as a dictator Dewantara succeeded in putting the colonial authority’s attempt to shut down Taman Siswa on hold. He also succeeded, for the first time ever, in uniting nationalist organisations in the Indies. This means there was no urgency to replace him as dictator. At best there was a change of title, from dictator into general leader.
There are some striking continuations between Dewantara and Soeharto.
First and foremost Dewantara wanted to have a strong leader, and Soeharto was indeed Indonesia’s strong man during 32 years of Neuordnung. Dewantara was also one of the authors of Constitution UUD 45, which Soeharto used to rule with iron fist. Soeharto also governed Indonesia as if he presided over a family. Not only did he confuse being head of a family with being head of state, he also did not give opposition a chance. Dewantara rejected division between employers and employees. By applying the Pancasila labour relations, Soeharto, in effect, prohibited labour unions.
In Dewantara’s fascination with pre-war Japan and Germany, we discover the origins of Soeharto’s dictatorship and also, perhaps, a history of the Indonesian Right.
J. Wibisono is senior producer at the Indonesian service of Radio Netherlands Worldwide, Hilversum Holland.
日時: 2011年11月26日(土)13:30~17:45
会場: 東京外国語大学・本郷サテライト5階セミナースペース
☆ 第一報告(13時30分~15時30分)
報告者: 新谷春乃氏(東京大学大学院)
コメンテーター: 山田裕史氏(日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD))
報告者:Joss Wibisono氏 (京都大学東南アジア研究所)
報告題:「Fascination with Fascism: Japan and Germany in the Indies of 1930s」
Japan’s victory over Russia in 1905 was, as widely known, an eye opener for other Asian nations, especially those who were still colonized. At last fellow Asians defeated the white race, so it was perceived. Japan became a model and the interest in the country of the rising sun extended well until the 1930s, a different period in Japan as it embraced fascism. Information and knowledge about Japan filtered through to the Indies mainly through publications in Dutch, which, in turn, originated from Germany. This should not be a surprise, since a close relationship has long been established between Japan and Germany. In the Indies admiration for Japan grew into fascination for Germany too.
Ki Hadjar Dewantara, leader of the educational institute Taman Siswa and father of the Indonesian national education, admired Japan for its tradition of Kokka or “to govern a nation as a family”, as published in Wasita, one of Taman Siswa's periodicals. As an educationalist Dewantara emphasized the importance of family, which he considered as sacred and therefore adopted as a basis for Taman Siswa. At least in the 1930s Dewantara educated his pupils as if they were brought up in a family, the so-called Among System.
In 1930 Dewantara was also elected dictator of Taman Siswa. This was actually his strategy to face Dutch colonial authority, which was determined to shut down Taman Siswa. Taman Siswa was considered one of the so-called “wild schools”, because they rejected government subsidy and subsequent control. It turned out that as a dictator Dewantara succeeded in putting the colonial authority’s attempt to shut down Taman Siswa on hold. He also succeeded, for the first time ever, in uniting nationalist organisations in the Indies. This means there was no urgency to replace him as dictator. At best there was a change of title, from dictator into general leader.
There are some striking continuations between Dewantara and Soeharto.
First and foremost Dewantara wanted to have a strong leader, and Soeharto was indeed Indonesia’s strong man during 32 years of Neuordnung. Dewantara was also one of the authors of Constitution UUD 45, which Soeharto used to rule with iron fist. Soeharto also governed Indonesia as if he presided over a family. Not only did he confuse being head of a family with being head of state, he also did not give opposition a chance. Dewantara rejected division between employers and employees. By applying the Pancasila labour relations, Soeharto, in effect, prohibited labour unions.
In Dewantara’s fascination with pre-war Japan and Germany, we discover the origins of Soeharto’s dictatorship and also, perhaps, a history of the Indonesian Right.
J. Wibisono is senior producer at the Indonesian service of Radio Netherlands Worldwide, Hilversum Holland.
12/10 SVA設立30周年記念イベント「カンボジア難民キャンプから東日本大震災へ30年の歩み」
第1部 記念イベント(13:30--16:30 開場13:00) 場所:桜の間
「カンボジアの難民キャンプから東日本大震災へ 30年の歩み
第2部 懇親会(17:00--19:00)場所:桜の間
東京グランドホテル 東京都港区芝2-5-2
第1部 記念イベント(13:30--16:30 開場13:00) 場所:桜の間
「カンボジアの難民キャンプから東日本大震災へ 30年の歩み
第2部 懇親会(17:00--19:00)場所:桜の間
東京グランドホテル 東京都港区芝2-5-2
11/7 カンボジア・アンコール遺跡における文化遺産教育と環境教育活動報告会2011年@上智大学
2.カンボジアにおける環境保護の取り組みと世界遺産でのISO14001:森本修・JQA 理事
4.アンコール地域住民に対する文化遺産教育: 阿部千依・アジア人材養成研究センター研究員
2.カンボジアにおける環境保護の取り組みと世界遺産でのISO14001:森本修・JQA 理事
4.アンコール地域住民に対する文化遺産教育: 阿部千依・アジア人材養成研究センター研究員
11/23 C-Rights、明治学院大学国際平和研究所「子どもたちとともに災害や暴力に立ち向かう」
【会場】明治学院大学 白金校舎 本館10 階大会議場
東京メトロ南北線、都営地下鉄三田線「白金台駅」2番出口 徒歩約7分
東京メトロ南北線、都営地下鉄三田線「白金高輪駅」1番出口 徒歩約7分
都営地下鉄浅草線「高輪台駅」A2番出口 徒歩約7分
【資料代(参加費)】1,000円(C-Rights 会員・サポーター 800 円)
【お申込み/ お問合せ】 認定NPO 法人 国際子ども権利センター(C-Rights)
※本文に(1)お名前 (2)所属(大学名・職業等)
(3)参加人数 (複数名の場合は、全員のお名前・所属をお書きください)
(4)連絡先メールアドレス、又は、電話番号 をお書きいただき、
【共催】認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(C-Rights)、
認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(シーライツ)
〒110-0015 東京都台東区東上野1-20-6 丸幸ビル3 階
TEL & FAX :03-5817-3980
【会場】明治学院大学 白金校舎 本館10 階大会議場
東京メトロ南北線、都営地下鉄三田線「白金台駅」2番出口 徒歩約7分
東京メトロ南北線、都営地下鉄三田線「白金高輪駅」1番出口 徒歩約7分
都営地下鉄浅草線「高輪台駅」A2番出口 徒歩約7分
【資料代(参加費)】1,000円(C-Rights 会員・サポーター 800 円)
【お申込み/ お問合せ】 認定NPO 法人 国際子ども権利センター(C-Rights)
※本文に(1)お名前 (2)所属(大学名・職業等)
(3)参加人数 (複数名の場合は、全員のお名前・所属をお書きください)
(4)連絡先メールアドレス、又は、電話番号 をお書きいただき、
【共催】認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(C-Rights)、
認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(シーライツ)
〒110-0015 東京都台東区東上野1-20-6 丸幸ビル3 階
TEL & FAX :03-5817-3980
11/4-5 Puppets Beyond Borders @ Department of Performing Arts
Friday, November 04 & Saturday, November 05
Puppets Beyond Borders
@ Department of Performing Arts
A performance gathering Puppets from Germany, France, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. A tribute to the modernity of this century-old artistic tradition and its tremendous capacity to amuse, move and inherit from.
Free admission
Tickets available at the Institut français (218 street 184 - 023 213 124) and MetaHouse (37 Sothearos Blvd - 023 224 140)
Puppets Beyond Borders
@ Department of Performing Arts
A performance gathering Puppets from Germany, France, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. A tribute to the modernity of this century-old artistic tradition and its tremendous capacity to amuse, move and inherit from.
Free admission
Tickets available at the Institut français (218 street 184 - 023 213 124) and MetaHouse (37 Sothearos Blvd - 023 224 140)
10/29 Changing the World on Vacation@ Meta House
Saturday, October 29
Changing the World on Vacation (doc)
@ Meta House
Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, but people also volunteer for their own skill development, to meet others and to have fun.
Daniela Kon's debut documentary CHANGING THE WORLD ON VACATION: NGO VOLUNTEERS AND THE POLITICS OF COMPASSION (2008, 87 mins) is inspired by her own experiences volunteering with NGO's in Thailand, India, and Cambodia.
She investigates the moral complexity of development work and the personal and political boundaries of sustainability.
Not only volunteers are invited tonight for our "Volunteer Party" with DJ after screening. Free Admission!
Changing the World on Vacation (doc)
@ Meta House
Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, but people also volunteer for their own skill development, to meet others and to have fun.
Daniela Kon's debut documentary CHANGING THE WORLD ON VACATION: NGO VOLUNTEERS AND THE POLITICS OF COMPASSION (2008, 87 mins) is inspired by her own experiences volunteering with NGO's in Thailand, India, and Cambodia.
She investigates the moral complexity of development work and the personal and political boundaries of sustainability.
Not only volunteers are invited tonight for our "Volunteer Party" with DJ after screening. Free Admission!
10/29 Acting Together on the World Stages @ Bophana
Saturday, October 29 - 4pm
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Acting Together on the World Stages: Performing and the Creative transformation of Conflict
Copyrights: Cynthia E. Cohen and Allison Lund, 58 min, 2011, English Version with English Subtitles
A feature-length Documentary, "Acting Together on the World Stage" features 18 stories and clips of performances that enact resistance to abuses of power, re-humanization of former adversaries, and reconciliation in the aftermath of violence.
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Acting Together on the World Stages: Performing and the Creative transformation of Conflict
Copyrights: Cynthia E. Cohen and Allison Lund, 58 min, 2011, English Version with English Subtitles
A feature-length Documentary, "Acting Together on the World Stage" features 18 stories and clips of performances that enact resistance to abuses of power, re-humanization of former adversaries, and reconciliation in the aftermath of violence.
公益社団法人シャンティ国際ボランティア会(会長 若林恭英/所在地 東京都新宿区/以下SVA)の事業対象国である、タイとカンボジアが大規模な水害被害に見舞われています。それに伴い、被災者救援を開始します。
(公社)シャンティ国際ボランティア会(SVA)東京事務所 担当:鎌倉
〒160-0015 東京都新宿区大京町31慈母会館2・3F
(公社)シャンティ国際ボランティア会(SVA)東京事務所 担当:鎌倉
〒160-0015 東京都新宿区大京町31慈母会館2・3F
11/11-13 日本国際政治学会2011年度研究大会
なお、会員のお手元にお届けしたプログラム冊子は8月18日現在の暫定的なものとなります。最新のプログラムは下記 のPDF版にてご確認ください。
日 程
会 場
〒305-0032 茨城県つくば市竹園2-20-3
電話: 029-861-0001 FAX: 029-861-1209
URL: http://www.epochal.or.jp
参 加 申 込
〇一般会員・・・3000 円/学生会員・・・無料
〇非会員 一般 3000円/学生 1000円 (ただし市民公開講座のみの参加は無料)
なお、会員のお手元にお届けしたプログラム冊子は8月18日現在の暫定的なものとなります。最新のプログラムは下記 のPDF版にてご確認ください。
日 程
会 場
〒305-0032 茨城県つくば市竹園2-20-3
電話: 029-861-0001 FAX: 029-861-1209
URL: http://www.epochal.or.jp
参 加 申 込
〇一般会員・・・3000 円/学生会員・・・無料
〇非会員 一般 3000円/学生 1000円 (ただし市民公開講座のみの参加は無料)
11/13 関東教育学会、第59回大会
The Kanto Educational Research Society
1.受 付 午前9時00分開始
(東京学芸大学S棟1階 受付にて)
2.発表要項 研究発表:
複数/ 40分、質疑10分
3.参 加 費 会員2,000円、院生会員1,000円、臨時参加2,000円、(シンポジウムのみは無料)
4.懇親会費 会員3,500円、院生会員2,500円、臨時参加3,500円
5.会員控室 S棟 S201教室
6.昼 食 控え室、分科会室をご利用下さい。
□会 場
大会会場 東京学芸大学 小金井キャンパス 南講義棟1 階2 階
〒184-8501 東京都小金井市貫井北町4-1-1 電話042-329-7777(開催時まで)
E-mail kantou59kai[atmark]yahoo.co.jp
The Kanto Educational Research Society
1.受 付 午前9時00分開始
(東京学芸大学S棟1階 受付にて)
2.発表要項 研究発表:
複数/ 40分、質疑10分
3.参 加 費 会員2,000円、院生会員1,000円、臨時参加2,000円、(シンポジウムのみは無料)
4.懇親会費 会員3,500円、院生会員2,500円、臨時参加3,500円
5.会員控室 S棟 S201教室
6.昼 食 控え室、分科会室をご利用下さい。
□会 場
大会会場 東京学芸大学 小金井キャンパス 南講義棟1 階2 階
〒184-8501 東京都小金井市貫井北町4-1-1 電話042-329-7777(開催時まで)
E-mail kantou59kai[atmark]yahoo.co.jp
10/22 Money or Blood @ Bophana
Saturday, October 22 - 4pm
Money or Blood
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Directed by Georges Gachot, 68 min,2004, English Version with English Subtitles
Money or Blood shows the clash of two health systems built on the conflicting philosophies. For the first time, camera takes us inside the Cambodian public service (supported by international organization) and enables the concrete comparison to be made. The film brings impassioned debate between the worlds into open and casts new light on…
Money or Blood
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Directed by Georges Gachot, 68 min,2004, English Version with English Subtitles
Money or Blood shows the clash of two health systems built on the conflicting philosophies. For the first time, camera takes us inside the Cambodian public service (supported by international organization) and enables the concrete comparison to be made. The film brings impassioned debate between the worlds into open and casts new light on…
10/22 Housing Rights Task Force: Eviction Free Phnom Penh @ Meta House
Saturday, October 22
Housing Rights Task Force: Eviction Free Phnom Penh
@ Meta House
The single most egregious violation of housing rights is the unacceptable and often violent practice of forced evictions. The Cambodian NGO "Housing Rights Task Force" (HRTF) states that "over 10 percent of Phnom Penh's inhabitants have been evicted in the past two decades." As land prices have soared, 150,000 people have found themselves without home. What are the underlying causes for this situation?
HRTF invites you to join activists, filmmakers, and photographers in exploring the structural factors that lie behind the systematic violation of land and housing rights and join the call for making Phnom Penh an "Eviction Free Zone."
Free admission!
Housing Rights Task Force: Eviction Free Phnom Penh
@ Meta House
The single most egregious violation of housing rights is the unacceptable and often violent practice of forced evictions. The Cambodian NGO "Housing Rights Task Force" (HRTF) states that "over 10 percent of Phnom Penh's inhabitants have been evicted in the past two decades." As land prices have soared, 150,000 people have found themselves without home. What are the underlying causes for this situation?
HRTF invites you to join activists, filmmakers, and photographers in exploring the structural factors that lie behind the systematic violation of land and housing rights and join the call for making Phnom Penh an "Eviction Free Zone."
Free admission!
10/16-23 第1回カンボジア写真展
カンボジアというとみなさんはどのようなことをイメージされるでしょうか? すぐに思い浮かぶのは、ポルポト派による大虐殺、貧困、ユネスコの世界遺産に登録されたアンコール遺跡群などではないでしょうか。
11/12 第57回東南アジア彫刻史研究会
科学研究費補助金研究班「南アジアおよび東南アジアにおけるデーヴァラージャ信仰とその造形に関する基礎的研究」(研究代表者肥塚隆)の研究会を 次の通り開催いたします。一般の方々にも公開していますので、興味のある方にお知らせいただければ幸いです。
今回は、原田さんと小野さんのタイ調査の報告と、久保さんの研究発表を予定しています。多く の方々のご参加をお待ちいたします。
日 時:2011年11月12(土)13:30~17:30
会 場:大阪人間科学大学正雀学舎(大阪薫 英女子短期大学) 5号館1階第2会議室 アクセスは、末尾をご覧ください。
報 告者:原田あゆみ(九州国立博物館)
題 目:シーテープ出土の彫刻
報 告者:小野邦彦(サイバー大学)
題 目:東北タイのクメール寺院建築調査報告
題 目:プ レア・カーン(アンコール)の出入口に施された装飾について
概 要:プレア・カーン(アンコール)は、ジャヤヴァルマン7世が1191年 に創建した寺院の遺跡といわれている。寺院内各施設の外観には様々な装飾が施され、特に出入口には神話の場面や神像が浮彫されてい る。本 研究ではそれら出入口に施された装飾の主題を同定し、伽藍全体における出入口装飾の配置構成を明らかにする。さらに、その配置構成をこの 遺跡で発見された碑文に記された神像の配置構成と比較し、両者の整合性を検証する。
大阪人間科学大学/大阪薫英女子短期大学 橋本康子
E-mail :takashikzk[atmark]mva.biglobe.ne.jp(肥 塚 隆)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
【大阪人間科学大学正雀学舎(大阪薫英女子短期大学)へのアクセス 】
大阪人間科学大学/大阪薫英女子短期大学のホームページhttp://www.ohs.ac.jp /access/あるいはhttp://www.ohs.ac.jp/access/をご覧ください。
新大阪からなら、JR在来線各駅停車で京都方面へ3つ 目の岸辺で下車してください。出口は南東側の1か所のみです。
岸辺駅出口左前方のフレンドマート(平和堂)横を直進し、その角を左折して北東に進み、突き当たり(阪急正雀工場)を右折し南東に進み、阪急正雀 駅の地下道を通って(または2階通路を経て)反対側へ出て、十三(じゅうそう)信用金庫前の薫英女学院中学高校の生徒通用門からお入りください 。JR 岸辺駅から徒歩約15分、ゆっくり歩いても20分以内です。阪急正雀駅から は、徒歩約7分です。
今回は、原田さんと小野さんのタイ調査の報告と、久保さんの研究発表を予定しています。多く の方々のご参加をお待ちいたします。
日 時:2011年11月12(土)13:30~17:30
会 場:大阪人間科学大学正雀学舎(大阪薫 英女子短期大学) 5号館1階第2会議室 アクセスは、末尾をご覧ください。
報 告者:原田あゆみ(九州国立博物館)
題 目:シーテープ出土の彫刻
報 告者:小野邦彦(サイバー大学)
題 目:東北タイのクメール寺院建築調査報告
題 目:プ レア・カーン(アンコール)の出入口に施された装飾について
概 要:プレア・カーン(アンコール)は、ジャヤヴァルマン7世が1191年 に創建した寺院の遺跡といわれている。寺院内各施設の外観には様々な装飾が施され、特に出入口には神話の場面や神像が浮彫されてい る。本 研究ではそれら出入口に施された装飾の主題を同定し、伽藍全体における出入口装飾の配置構成を明らかにする。さらに、その配置構成をこの 遺跡で発見された碑文に記された神像の配置構成と比較し、両者の整合性を検証する。
大阪人間科学大学/大阪薫英女子短期大学 橋本康子
E-mail :takashikzk[atmark]mva.biglobe.ne.jp(肥 塚 隆)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
【大阪人間科学大学正雀学舎(大阪薫英女子短期大学)へのアクセス 】
大阪人間科学大学/大阪薫英女子短期大学のホームページhttp://www.ohs.ac.jp /access/あるいはhttp://www.ohs.ac.jp/access/をご覧ください。
新大阪からなら、JR在来線各駅停車で京都方面へ3つ 目の岸辺で下車してください。出口は南東側の1か所のみです。
岸辺駅出口左前方のフレンドマート(平和堂)横を直進し、その角を左折して北東に進み、突き当たり(阪急正雀工場)を右折し南東に進み、阪急正雀 駅の地下道を通って(または2階通路を経て)反対側へ出て、十三(じゅうそう)信用金庫前の薫英女学院中学高校の生徒通用門からお入りください 。JR 岸辺駅から徒歩約15分、ゆっくり歩いても20分以内です。阪急正雀駅から は、徒歩約7分です。
10/29 国際シンポジウム「国民と民族のはざま―創造される「クメール」民族―」@上智大学
・塩川 伸明 氏(東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科 教授)
・Pichet Saiphan 氏(Thammasat University, Faculty of Sociology&
「Ethnicity and National Identity: Being Khmer outside Cambodia」
・伊藤 正子 氏(京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究科 准教授)
・岩下 明裕 氏(北海道大学大学院文学研究科・文学部 教授)
・貝塚 乃梨子(上智大学大学院グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 博士前期課程2年)
「カンボジアの公教育に見る国民と「クメール」: 初等社会科教育を中心に」
・櫻田 智恵 (上智大学大学院グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 博士前期課程2年)
・伊藤 未帆 (日本学術振興会 特別研究員)
2011年10月29日(土)12時00分~18時00分(11時30分 開場)
上智大学(四ツ谷キャンパス)中央図書館8階 L-821
⇒ 櫻田 智恵 (c_sakurada[atmark]hoffman.cc.sophia.ac.jp)
・塩川 伸明 氏(東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科 教授)
・Pichet Saiphan 氏(Thammasat University, Faculty of Sociology&
「Ethnicity and National Identity: Being Khmer outside Cambodia」
・伊藤 正子 氏(京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究科 准教授)
・岩下 明裕 氏(北海道大学大学院文学研究科・文学部 教授)
・貝塚 乃梨子(上智大学大学院グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 博士前期課程2年)
「カンボジアの公教育に見る国民と「クメール」: 初等社会科教育を中心に」
・櫻田 智恵 (上智大学大学院グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 博士前期課程2年)
・伊藤 未帆 (日本学術振興会 特別研究員)
2011年10月29日(土)12時00分~18時00分(11時30分 開場)
上智大学(四ツ谷キャンパス)中央図書館8階 L-821
⇒ 櫻田 智恵 (c_sakurada[atmark]hoffman.cc.sophia.ac.jp)
10/15 Behind The Gate @ Bophana
Saturday, October 15 - 4pm
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Behind The Gate
Directed by Jean Baronnet, 52 min, 2003, Khmer Version (French Version is available at Bophana database)
"Behind The Gate" portraits the history of François Bizot who was arrested by the Khmer Rouge in 1971 and released after three months of imprisonment, thanks to the complex bonds that he had forged with Duch, the camp commander.
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Behind The Gate
Directed by Jean Baronnet, 52 min, 2003, Khmer Version (French Version is available at Bophana database)
"Behind The Gate" portraits the history of François Bizot who was arrested by the Khmer Rouge in 1971 and released after three months of imprisonment, thanks to the complex bonds that he had forged with Duch, the camp commander.
10/26 シンポジウム「東南アジアの難民と人の移動:カンボジアとビルマを事例に」@上智大学
上智大学(四ツ谷キャンパス)中央図書館9階 L-921 会議室
第一部 カンボジア
山田裕史 (東京大学特別研究員、上智大学大学院地域研究専攻修了、博士、現代カンボジア史)
丸井雅子 (上智大学准教授、カンボジア研究、東南アジア考古学、文化遺産研究)
第二部 ビルマ(ミャンマー)
秋元由紀 (上智大学非常勤講師、ビルマ情報ネットワーク職員)
根本 敬 (上智大学教授、ビルマ近現代史)
⇒ 根本 敬 (kei-n[atmark]sophia.ac.jp)
上智大学(四ツ谷キャンパス)中央図書館9階 L-921 会議室
第一部 カンボジア
山田裕史 (東京大学特別研究員、上智大学大学院地域研究専攻修了、博士、現代カンボジア史)
丸井雅子 (上智大学准教授、カンボジア研究、東南アジア考古学、文化遺産研究)
第二部 ビルマ(ミャンマー)
秋元由紀 (上智大学非常勤講師、ビルマ情報ネットワーク職員)
根本 敬 (上智大学教授、ビルマ近現代史)
⇒ 根本 敬 (kei-n[atmark]sophia.ac.jp)
11/9 カンボジア市民フォーラム/上智大学アジア文化研究所共催、2011年度カンボジア連続セミナー(第6回)「拡大するカンボジアの高等教育システム」
講師:北村 友人氏(上智大学総合人間科学部 准教授)
E-mail:pefocj[atmark]hotmail.co.jp TEL:03-3834-2407 FAX:03-3835-0519
講師:北村 友人氏(上智大学総合人間科学部 准教授)
E-mail:pefocj[atmark]hotmail.co.jp TEL:03-3834-2407 FAX:03-3835-0519
10/22 第4回、東南アジア歴史研究会
日時:10月22日(土) 9時30分~12時00分
Chapitre premier: LE PAYS ET LES HABITANTS (4. Esquisse ethnologique)
[George Coedès. 1944. HISTOIRE ANCIENNE DES ETATS HINDOUISES, Hanoi (George Coedès. 1968. The Indianized States of Southeast Asia, Honolulu)]
インストラクター:佐藤恵子(Chapitre premier),栗原麻那美(Chapitre II)
この研究会では、主として19世紀以前の東南アジア史を、テキストを通じて学ぶことをねらいとしており、現在は、上記しましたように、ジョルジュ・セデスの文献を購読しています。学部生でこれから歴史を学びたいと思っている方、また東南アジア非学会員であっても全く構いません。東南アジア史に興味のある方であれば、どなたでも参加できますので、参加を希望する方は、佐藤恵子ke_bluye116[atmark]yahoo.co.jp までご連絡ください。
Chapitre premier: LE PAYS ET LES HABITANTS (4. Esquisse ethnologique)
[George Coedès. 1944. HISTOIRE ANCIENNE DES ETATS HINDOUISES, Hanoi (George Coedès. 1968. The Indianized States of Southeast Asia, Honolulu)]
インストラクター:佐藤恵子(Chapitre premier),栗原麻那美(Chapitre II)
この研究会では、主として19世紀以前の東南アジア史を、テキストを通じて学ぶことをねらいとしており、現在は、上記しましたように、ジョルジュ・セデスの文献を購読しています。学部生でこれから歴史を学びたいと思っている方、また東南アジア非学会員であっても全く構いません。東南アジア史に興味のある方であれば、どなたでも参加できますので、参加を希望する方は、佐藤恵子ke_bluye116[atmark]yahoo.co.jp までご連絡ください。
10/23 仙人の会10月例会
2011年 仙人の会10月例会発表
日時:10月23日(日) 14:00~18:00
場所:法政大学大学院棟 6階601号室
JR中央線・地下鉄南北線飯田橋あるいは市ヶ谷駅または JR中央線・地下鉄南北線/有楽町線/東西線飯田橋駅下車、徒歩約10分
交通アクセス(市ケ谷)(Copyright (c) Hosei University)
キャンパスマップ(市ヶ谷)(Copyright (c) Hosei University)
発表者(1):松井 生子氏(国立民族学博物館外来研究員)
発表者(2):土肥 歩氏(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科 地域文化研究専攻博士課程3年)
本報告ではアレキサンダー・ドン(Alexander Don)によって先鞭をつけられ、ジョージ・マクニュール(George H. McNeur)らによって始動した「広州郷村宣教団」(Canton Villages Mission)の活動に考察を加える(考察対象年代は1880年代から1920年代を予定している)。オーストラリア出身のドンは1860年代のゴールド・ラッシュでニュージーランドへやってきた広東系中国人鉱山労働者に布教のチャンスを見いだす。しかし、中国人排斥の風潮が渦巻くニュージーランドでの活動が停滞し始めると、彼は広東系華僑の強い同族意識に目を向ける。すなわち、ドンは在ニュージーランド華僑の同一宗族を通じて中国での布教を画策したのである。この布教活動では華僑から手紙や資金を預かり、それを携えて広州へと赴くスタイルが採用された。この活動は彼に影響を受けたマクニュールらによって引き継がれる。
日時:10月23日(日) 14:00~18:00
場所:法政大学大学院棟 6階601号室
JR中央線・地下鉄南北線飯田橋あるいは市ヶ谷駅または JR中央線・地下鉄南北線/有楽町線/東西線飯田橋駅下車、徒歩約10分
交通アクセス(市ケ谷)(Copyright (c) Hosei University)
キャンパスマップ(市ヶ谷)(Copyright (c) Hosei University)
発表者(1):松井 生子氏(国立民族学博物館外来研究員)
発表者(2):土肥 歩氏(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科 地域文化研究専攻博士課程3年)
本報告ではアレキサンダー・ドン(Alexander Don)によって先鞭をつけられ、ジョージ・マクニュール(George H. McNeur)らによって始動した「広州郷村宣教団」(Canton Villages Mission)の活動に考察を加える(考察対象年代は1880年代から1920年代を予定している)。オーストラリア出身のドンは1860年代のゴールド・ラッシュでニュージーランドへやってきた広東系中国人鉱山労働者に布教のチャンスを見いだす。しかし、中国人排斥の風潮が渦巻くニュージーランドでの活動が停滞し始めると、彼は広東系華僑の強い同族意識に目を向ける。すなわち、ドンは在ニュージーランド華僑の同一宗族を通じて中国での布教を画策したのである。この布教活動では華僑から手紙や資金を預かり、それを携えて広州へと赴くスタイルが採用された。この活動は彼に影響を受けたマクニュールらによって引き継がれる。
投稿 (Atom)