
9/8-15 The 6th Lakhaon Theater Festival

LAKHAON theater festival
From September 8 to 15
Phnom Penh

Since 2007, The nstitut français has organised the yearly Lakhaon Festival which purpose is to participate in the revival of the different traditional theatrical forms of Southeast Asia, and to promote the development of new contemporary forms through encounters and exchanges between artists from other cultural horizons.

Opening of the festival
« Cambodge, me voici » (Cambodia, here I am) -  Cie Khsay
Lakhaon Niyeay
@ Chenla theater (corner of mao tse toung bvd and Monireth Ave.)

« Cambodge, me voici » (Cambodia, here I am)- CieKhsay
Lakhaon Niyeay

12 SEPTEMBER (7pm)
« Reamker : L'exil de Preah Ream » - Department of performing arts from Kompong Cham
@ Department of performing arts (behind the spark - phnom penh)

15 SEPTEMBER (7pm)
« Mais où est passé Monsieur Sanghak ? »(Where is Mr Sanghak ?) - Studio Théâtre
@Institut français (218 street 184)

FREE ENTRANCE with tickets (available at the Institut francais - 218 street 184