
7/5 第8回日本カンボジア研究会、発表要旨(1)


「東京大学史料編纂所所蔵 近藤重蔵関係史料『外国関係書簡』所収 クメール語書簡について」



7/5 第8回日本カンボジア研究会、発表要旨(2)

原田至郎(東京大学 大学院情報学環 准教授)




7/6 第8回日本カンボジア研究会、発表要旨(3)

Vong Sotheara
(History Department, Royal University of Phnom Penh;
 JSPS Grantee for Ph.D Research)

"Analogous Toponyms between Ancient India and Cambodia"

In ancient Cambodia, Indian Sanskrit toponyms were one among many aspects of Indian culture, that were adapted by Khmer people from the time of Indian culture was introduced into the country from around 3rd century. There are some well-known place names such as Kuruksetra, Janapada, Aryadeça, Madhyadeça, Vijayapura, and Pasan recorded in several inscriptions and Chinese records in 14th century. The first two and the last two names were identified by scholar George Coedès's as also referring to toponyms in Cambodia; but there was no evidence to suggest the existence of "Madhyadeça" as referring to a place name in Cambodia during his life. Therefore, whenever there was as suggestion of a person as coming from Madhyadeça, the assumption was that he had come from India. This assumption, however, has not proved to be correct as, in fact, Madhyadeça was situated in ancient Cambodia.


7/6 第8回日本カンボジア研究会、発表要旨(4)

Heng Naret (Department Community Development,
Faculty of Development Study, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

"Social Capital and the Performance of Farmer Water User Communities (FWUCs) in Takeo Province, Cambodia"

This study analyzed the critical social capital variables related to the level of performance in three selected FWUCs in Takeo province, Cambodia. Three selected FWUCs from three villages, three communes, and three districts of Takeo province were chosen as the study location where the stratified random sampling method was employed.  A total of 256 FWUC members were interviewed.  Twenty-seven (27) respondents were divided into three groups for Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from each FWUC. Primary data were gathered through 11 key informant interviews. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the data analyses.
   Results showed that the level of adequacy of social capital in terms of groups and networks, and information and communication in three FWUCs in Takeo province was low. However, there was moderate level of adequacy of social capital in terms of trust and solidarity, collective action and cooperation, social cohesion and inclusion, and empowerment and political action. It resulted to moderate performance of the FWUCs because the FWUC officers lacked knowledge and skills especially on planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Furthermore, their commitment in the operation and maintenance of irrigation systems was poor. Finally, the level of profit from farm production was low. On the other hand, the extent of trust and solidarity, participation, and interaction among FWUC members and officers highly contributed to effective management of the irrigation system while other variables of social capital also contributed at various rates.
   Based on these findings, some recommendations at the national level are forwarded. MOWRAM should intensify efforts in implementing PIMD policy; launch more both information education and social marketing campaigns to motivate farmers in joining FWUCs thereby increasing trust, solidarity, participation, and cooperation among communities. Involving institutions especially the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the MOWRAM should resolve their overlapping functions on water use management to allow the smooth performance of the FWUC. At the local level, promotion of the importance of social capital on effective implementation of FWUC programs should be undertaken and encourage more participation of the pagoda (monks) to develop unity and trust among farmers in building, operating, and maintaining irrigation systems.

7/6 第8回日本カンボジア研究会、発表要旨(5)

Hor Sanara (Laboratory of Regional Planning
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University)

"Obfuscating collective ownership: Forest degradation in Ratanakiri province, Cambodia"

Cambodia is currently experiencing profound processes of land use and cover change, driven by obfuscating collective ownership. This article discusses potential future of titling indigenous communal land towards to address land issue by clarifying collective rights in the east of Ratanakiri province, Cambodia. Qualitative method was applied to interview key informants in order to characterize land-use dynamics and law enforcement. There were forty-seven farmers excluding three government officers and three NGO’s employees who were invited to join in-depth interviews. Two Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) images from 1996 to 2009 employed in analyzing change in land use and cover. 2012 Worldview-1 image employed during the field survey in order to collect concrete information on agricultural land uses. This composition of research methods may request to understand at least three aspects, such as livelihood of indigenous people, quantitative information of land use change and legal documents. Particularly, the study found that the livelihood of local people is significant deference within 1998 and 2008. This transformation causes change in forest cover under open access resource regime. Sadly, forests have significantly declined, and agricultural land has dramatically increased between 1996 and 2009. In-depth interviews yielded an understanding of communal tenure could clarify collective ownership. Finally, the de-facto situation must call for vigorous action on managing common property before depletion and titling communal land should not delay.

7/6 第8回日本カンボジア研究会、報告要旨(6)

Thol Dina (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Jin Sato (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo)

"Is Greater Fishery Access Better for the Poor?
Explaining De-Territorialisation of the Tonle Sap, Cambodia"

The general tendency for states in Southeast Asia is to claim exclusive rights over natural resources at the cost of impoverishing the people who depend on them for subsistence. However, contrary to what one might expect, the government of Cambodia initiated unconventional intervention: it cancelled the fishing lots system, the de facto property rights that had granted exclusive access to certain aquatic resources to license holders.  These interventions, focused on Cambodia’s largest lake, question the rationale behind such state measures to forfeit control. This paper demonstrates that political interests such as garnering election votes and circumventing certain bureaucratic agencies explain this radical shift in policy. Opening up previously exclusive lot areas to the communities won immediate support from the poor fishermen. However, now that the lake is under a more diverse, if obscure, system of governance managed by multiple agencies, the environmental and social consequences of the policy shift deserve a fuller examination.



6/20-28 上智大学アジア人材養成研究センター連続特別講演会「カンボジアのポル・ポト政権を問う」


連続特別講演『カンボジアのポル・ポト政権を問う』 全4回
<会 場> JR、地下鉄「四ツ谷駅」下車3分
上智大学四谷キャンパス 2号館5階510室        
第1回 「国連とカンボジア政府によるクメール・ルージュ裁判について」
日 時:6月20日(金)18:00~19:30
講 師:野口 元郎氏(元カンボジア特別法廷最高裁判所国際判事)

第2回 「対立・懐柔・政治利用―人民党の対クメール・ルージュ政策の変遷―」
日 時:6月21日(土)18:00~19:30
講 師:山田 裕史氏(東京大学大学院グローバル地域研究機構持続的平和研究センター研究員、カンボジア市民フォーラム事務局長)

第3回 「NGOから見た、カンボジア紛争―ポル・ポト政権とその前後の時代―」
日 時:6月27日(金)18:00~19:30
講 師:熊岡 路矢氏(日本映画大学教授、法務省難民審査参与員)

第4回 「なぜあんなに殺したのか―記者が見た内戦とポル・ポトの時代」
日 時:6月28日(土)18:00~19:30
講 師:山田 寛氏(元嘉悦大学教授)

司 会:石澤 良昭(上智大学アジア人材養成研究センター所長)


6/28 東南アジア学会、関東例会



報告者:久礼 克季(立教大学アジア地域研究所特任研究員)

コメンテーター:鈴木 恒之(東京女子大学名誉教授)







報告者:NHIM SOTHEAVIN(上智大学アジア文化研究所・共同研究所員)


報告題:Factors behind the change of the Khmer Capital from Angkor to the South in the 15th century






7/5-6 第8回、日本カンボジア研究会



13:00 開場

13:50 開会

14:00~15:10 自由発表(1)
「東京大学史料編纂所所蔵 近藤重蔵関係史料『外国関係書簡』所収 クメール語書簡について」

15:10~16:20 自由発表(2)

16:20~16:30 休憩

16:30~18:00 特別企画
「ドキュメンタリー映画“Lives under the red light”(Hem Vanna監督、2013)を見る」

「リティ・パニュ以後 カンボジアドキュメンタリー映画の現在」

18:30~ 懇親会


9:30 開場

10:00~11:10 自由発表(3)
Mr. Vong Sotheara (Lecturer of History Department, Royal University of Phnom Penh, and JSPS Grantee for Ph.D Research, Sophia University)
"Analogous Toponyms between Ancient India and Cambodia"

11:10~12:20 自由発表(4)
Dr. Heng Naret (Lecturer of Department of Community Development, Faculty of Development Studies, Royal University of Phnom Penh, and Visiting Fellow of Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University)
"Social Capital and the Performance of Farmer Water User Communities (FWUCs) in Takeo Province, Cambodia"

12:20~13:30 休憩

13:30~14:40 自由発表(5)
Mr. Hor Sanara (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University)
"Obfuscating collective ownership: Forest degradation in Ratanakiri province, Cambodia"

14:40~15:50 自由発表(6)
Mr. Thol Dina (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
"Is Greater Fishery Access Better for the Poor? Explaining De-Territorialisation of the Tonle Sap, Cambodia"

16:00~16:30 総合討論