
11/29 CKS Public Lecture Series

Center for Khmer Studies Public Lecture Series

Up-coming Lecture in PHNOM PENH

CAMBODIA Present and Future:
Toward a development that can benefit all

Mr. Natharoun Ngo

Cambodia has achieved tremendous progress over the past 20 years. As the country moves towards graduating from ‘Least Developed Country’ status, it must manage its growth sustainably.

In 2003, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) were adopted and contextualized in Cambodia so that the country would not only focus on economic growth, but also on important social development indicators that would ensure clear improvements for the well-being of the Cambodian people.

In the first part of this talk Natharoun Ngo will discuss the effects the MDGs have had on Cambodia. After ten years, what role have they really played for the country? Where does the country stand in achieving each of the goals? Have they achieved sustainable development in Cambodia?

In addition he will aim to explain what roadblocks, if any, lie in Cambodia’s way, before it can achieve sustainable development that can benefit all Cambodians equally?

6 – 7pm, Friday, 29th November 2013

Venue:CKS Phnom Penh, 234 Street 450, Tuol Tumpung II, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh

Please confirm attendance by 28th November.

Email: Puthea_sim[atmark]khmerstudies.org, or call 023 991 937

Click Here for the Event Poster: Natharoun NGO