
11/21-12/26 CKS Lecture Series on Special Topics

Cambodia under the Protectorate

Henri Locard, PhD

This Lecture Series on Cambodia under the French Protectorate 1863-1953 marks the publication of a special issue of Siksācakr: CKS Journal of Cambodia Research on Cambodia: Colonial Encounters.
CKS will host Dr. Henri Locard to give weekly lectures on the historical events and political transformations that led up to Cambodia's Independence.

The lectures will run for 6 consecutive weeks and are scheduled every Thursday at 5.30pm at the CKS Phnom Penh Office starting on the 21st of November.

Both students and the wider public are encouraged to attend as Dr. Locard will give some practical tools to think about historical events in an informed and critical manner. These tools will help the participants understand how they have shaped the country.

In preparation for the talks, reading materials can either be accessible from our website or from the latest Siksācakr, which is available to buy from our CKS office or good bookshops in Cambodia.

Please visit www.khmerstudies.org/events or for more information or contact us:

Email:  Puthea_sim[atmark]khmerstudies.org

Tel: (855) 023 991 937 234

Address: Street 450, Tuol Tumpung II, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh

Below is a detailed schedule of events: