下記の通り、12月の東南アジア考古学会例会をご案内いたします。今回は奈良文化財研究所との共催でオーストラリアより2名の研究者をお招き し、最新のアンコール研究成果をご発表いただきます。
日時 2013年12月14日 15時~
場所 奈良文化財研究所仮設庁舎南棟1階会議室(平城宮跡内、平城宮跡資料館南側)
発表者氏名 Damian Evans
所属 Director, University of Sydney Robert Christie Research Centre, Siem Reap, Cambodia
発表タイトル Towards a Landscape Archaeology of Cambodia’s ‘Middle Period’, 15^th to 19^th Centuries AD: New Approaches Using Lidar and Palaeoenvironmental Techniques
Recent archaeological work in Cambodia has begun to offer crucial insights into the broader currents of history across Southeast Asia, including the long-term persistence of inland, agrarian centres well beyond the so-called ‘collapse’ of the empires they were once closely identified with. And yet, even as our understanding of the classical Angkor period has grown rapidly in recent years, there have been very few studies into the history of human-environment interactions outside of Angkor’s urban core. Meanwhile, almost no work whatsoever has been undertaken in relation to Cambodia’s ‘middle period’ (15th to 19th centuries AD), the very period when increasing globalisation supposedly precipitated radical transformations in the historical geography of the region. Throughout this period, the lack of monumental architecture, great cities, hydraulic works, textual records, works of art, and other forms of material seems to present a striking contrast to the vitality and productivity of the Angkor period that preceded it. Although Chandler and others have referred to this period as the ‘Dark Ages’ of Cambodia, there are compelling reasons to believe that this apparent ‘darkness’ is simply a historical and archaeological lacuna that reflects a shift to less durable forms of material culture, rather than a lack of dynamism or prosperity in Khmer civilisation. Equally, it may simply reflect the overarching dominance of studies of the classical Angkor period in Cambodian archaeology and historiography.
By taking advantage of diverse research methods in the domains of archaeology, remote sensing, GIS, ceramic analysis, and palaeoenvironmental research, a joint team of Japanese, Australian and Cambodian researchers proposes to address this empirical deficit.
Utilizing a suite of complementary geoscientific techniques, we hope to chart the trajectory of decline of urban populations at inland provincial urban centres across northwest Cambodia, including in the Angkor region. Furthermore, we plan to definitively locate, identify and map the major middle period cities in Cambodia using lidar remote sensing and GIS; conduct the very first palaeoenvironmental studies of those urban areas to elucidate aspects of chronology, environment and residential life; conduct extensive and systematic surface surveys to document ceramics and other time-diagnostic material remains; and use spatio-temporal modelling to analyse the changing patterns of human-environment interactions within those settlement contexts. This presentation will detail similar research activities that have been completed so far in the Greater Angkor region, and suggest a strategy for applying those same methods to the archaeology of the Middle Period.
発表者氏名 Martin Polkinghorne
所属 Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow
発表タイトル Bronze production at the Royal Palace Workshop of Angkor
Angkorian sculpture is universally recognised for its simplicity of orm, harmony of composition, attention to detail and mastery of technical execution. Every public art collection of note includes Khmer bronze sculpture, as well as a wide range of objects made of the same material. Until recently, the composition of these bronze or copper alloy artefacts and the methods of manufacture were unknown. For the first time in Southeast Asia a multi-disciplinary project has identified a ‘studio’ where both statues and objects were crafted and united this discovery with characterisation studies of manufacturing debris and finished products.
Preliminary results from archaeological excavations north of the Royal Palace in Angkor Thom, reveal much about the processes of production and distribution of Angkorian bronze metallurgy. The close proximity to the Royal Palace complex suggests that the atelier was of great importance to the kings of Angkor who devoted considerable resources and religious investment in bronze images of the Gods, as well as in ritual paraphernalia and temple decoration. Complementary technical investigations of the excavated material, such as molds, crucibles and
bronze slag can consider the chai^ne ope'ratoire of the lost-wax casting process privileged by Angkorian bronze craftsmen.
12/15 上智大学大学院グローバル・スタディーズ研究科、大学院生・次世代研究者によるシンポジウム
開会の辞/趣旨説明 13:00-13:15
第1部 基調講演/質疑応答 13:15-14:25
第2部 報告 14:30-16:00
第3部 全体討論/質疑応答 16:10-17:55
閉会の辞 17:55-18:00
Dr. Caroline Hughes (Professor of Conflict Resolution and Peace, University of Bradford, UK)
「土地紛争にみる社会統制 -青年土地測量隊による不満解消戦略を中心に」
上智大学グローバル・スタディーズ研究科事務室 gds-gs[atmark]sophia.ac.jp
上智大学グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 HP:http://gds-gs-sophia.jp/
開会の辞/趣旨説明 13:00-13:15
第1部 基調講演/質疑応答 13:15-14:25
第2部 報告 14:30-16:00
第3部 全体討論/質疑応答 16:10-17:55
閉会の辞 17:55-18:00
Dr. Caroline Hughes (Professor of Conflict Resolution and Peace, University of Bradford, UK)
「土地紛争にみる社会統制 -青年土地測量隊による不満解消戦略を中心に」
上智大学グローバル・スタディーズ研究科事務室 gds-gs[atmark]sophia.ac.jp
上智大学グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 HP:http://gds-gs-sophia.jp/
11/25 科研「検証 アンコール・ワットへの道」 第3回研究会
下記の通り、科研『検証 アンコール・ワットへの道』 第3回研究会をご案内
日 時:2013年11月25日(月) 18:00~19:30
会 場:上智大学四谷キャンパス 図書館9階 911教室
上智大学短期大学部非常勤講師 田畑幸嗣
なお、会場となる上智大学図書館入り口で、入館のための受付をお願いしております。お名前、ご所属、目的などを書くフォームがありますので、目的欄には、「L-911」 「科研研究会」 とご記入ください。
日 時:2013年11月25日(月) 18:00~19:30
会 場:上智大学四谷キャンパス 図書館9階 911教室
上智大学短期大学部非常勤講師 田畑幸嗣
なお、会場となる上智大学図書館入り口で、入館のための受付をお願いしております。お名前、ご所属、目的などを書くフォームがありますので、目的欄には、「L-911」 「科研研究会」 とご記入ください。
11/29 CKS Public Lecture Series
Center for Khmer Studies Public Lecture Series
Up-coming Lecture in PHNOM PENH
CAMBODIA Present and Future:
Toward a development that can benefit all
Mr. Natharoun Ngo
Cambodia has achieved tremendous progress over the past 20 years. As the country moves towards graduating from ‘Least Developed Country’ status, it must manage its growth sustainably.
In 2003, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) were adopted and contextualized in Cambodia so that the country would not only focus on economic growth, but also on important social development indicators that would ensure clear improvements for the well-being of the Cambodian people.
In the first part of this talk Natharoun Ngo will discuss the effects the MDGs have had on Cambodia. After ten years, what role have they really played for the country? Where does the country stand in achieving each of the goals? Have they achieved sustainable development in Cambodia?
In addition he will aim to explain what roadblocks, if any, lie in Cambodia’s way, before it can achieve sustainable development that can benefit all Cambodians equally?
6 – 7pm, Friday, 29th November 2013
Venue:CKS Phnom Penh, 234 Street 450, Tuol Tumpung II, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh
Please confirm attendance by 28th November.
Email: Puthea_sim[atmark]khmerstudies.org, or call 023 991 937
Click Here for the Event Poster: Natharoun NGO
Up-coming Lecture in PHNOM PENH
CAMBODIA Present and Future:
Toward a development that can benefit all
Mr. Natharoun Ngo
Cambodia has achieved tremendous progress over the past 20 years. As the country moves towards graduating from ‘Least Developed Country’ status, it must manage its growth sustainably.
In 2003, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) were adopted and contextualized in Cambodia so that the country would not only focus on economic growth, but also on important social development indicators that would ensure clear improvements for the well-being of the Cambodian people.
In the first part of this talk Natharoun Ngo will discuss the effects the MDGs have had on Cambodia. After ten years, what role have they really played for the country? Where does the country stand in achieving each of the goals? Have they achieved sustainable development in Cambodia?
In addition he will aim to explain what roadblocks, if any, lie in Cambodia’s way, before it can achieve sustainable development that can benefit all Cambodians equally?
6 – 7pm, Friday, 29th November 2013
Venue:CKS Phnom Penh, 234 Street 450, Tuol Tumpung II, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh
Please confirm attendance by 28th November.
Email: Puthea_sim[atmark]khmerstudies.org, or call 023 991 937
Click Here for the Event Poster: Natharoun NGO
11/21-12/26 CKS Lecture Series on Special Topics
Cambodia under the Protectorate
Henri Locard, PhD
This Lecture Series on Cambodia under the French Protectorate 1863-1953 marks the publication of a special issue of Siksācakr: CKS Journal of Cambodia Research on Cambodia: Colonial Encounters.
CKS will host Dr. Henri Locard to give weekly lectures on the historical events and political transformations that led up to Cambodia's Independence.
The lectures will run for 6 consecutive weeks and are scheduled every Thursday at 5.30pm at the CKS Phnom Penh Office starting on the 21st of November.
Both students and the wider public are encouraged to attend as Dr. Locard will give some practical tools to think about historical events in an informed and critical manner. These tools will help the participants understand how they have shaped the country.
In preparation for the talks, reading materials can either be accessible from our website or from the latest Siksācakr, which is available to buy from our CKS office or good bookshops in Cambodia.
Please visit www.khmerstudies.org/events or for more information or contact us:
Email: Puthea_sim[atmark]khmerstudies.org
Tel: (855) 023 991 937 234
Address: Street 450, Tuol Tumpung II, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh
Below is a detailed schedule of events:
Henri Locard, PhD
This Lecture Series on Cambodia under the French Protectorate 1863-1953 marks the publication of a special issue of Siksācakr: CKS Journal of Cambodia Research on Cambodia: Colonial Encounters.
CKS will host Dr. Henri Locard to give weekly lectures on the historical events and political transformations that led up to Cambodia's Independence.
The lectures will run for 6 consecutive weeks and are scheduled every Thursday at 5.30pm at the CKS Phnom Penh Office starting on the 21st of November.
Both students and the wider public are encouraged to attend as Dr. Locard will give some practical tools to think about historical events in an informed and critical manner. These tools will help the participants understand how they have shaped the country.
In preparation for the talks, reading materials can either be accessible from our website or from the latest Siksācakr, which is available to buy from our CKS office or good bookshops in Cambodia.
Please visit www.khmerstudies.org/events or for more information or contact us:
Email: Puthea_sim[atmark]khmerstudies.org
Tel: (855) 023 991 937 234
Address: Street 450, Tuol Tumpung II, Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh
Below is a detailed schedule of events:
12/7-8 東南アジア学会第90回研究大会
日時: 2013年12月7日(土)・8日(日)
会場: 東京外国語大学
(〒183-8534 東京都府中市朝日町3-11-1)
構内マップ http://www.tufs.ac.jp/abouttufs/campusmap.html
徒歩5分(JR新宿駅から約40 分)
◆京王電鉄「飛田給」駅北口より多磨駅行き京王バスにて約10 分
PDF 報告要旨集(第1日・第2日共通)
12:00 受付開始(総合教育研究棟1階ロビー)
12:50 開会の辞
大会準備委員長 青山 亨(東京外国語大学)
司会:笹川 秀夫(立命館アジア太平洋大学)
13:00 岡本 義輝(宇都宮大学・研究員)
13:35 青木 澄夫(中部大学)
14:10 野村 佳正(防衛大学校)
14:40 休憩
司会:中野 亜里(大東文化大学)
15:00 下條 尚志(京都大学・院生)
15:35 伊藤 正子(京都大学)
16:10 浅見 靖仁(一橋大学)
司会:見市 建(岩手県立大学)
13:00 山崎 美保(東京外国語大学・院生)
13:35 山口 元樹(慶應義塾大学・院生)
14:10 野中 葉(慶應義塾大学・上席所員)
14:40 休憩
司会:西 芳実(京都大学)
15:00 合地 幸子(東京外国語大学・院生)
15:35 茅根 由佳(京都大学・院生)
16:10 東 佳史(立命館大学)
16:40 休憩
16:50 会員総会(研究講義棟101講義室)
18:30 懇親会(アゴラ・グローバル)
PDF 報告要旨集(第1日・第2日共通)
9:30 受付開始
司会:岡本 正明(京都大学)
10:05 趣旨説明
10:15 タイ:試練に立つ政党政治
相沢 伸広(アジア経済研究所)
10:40 フィリピン:道徳を語るエリート支配の動揺と再興
日下 渉(名古屋大学)
11:05 インドネシア:民主化の15年
増原 綾子(亜細亜大学)
11:30 マレーシア:20世紀政治経済システムの疲労
鈴木 絢女(福岡女子大学)
11:55 昼食休憩
13:15 ミャンマー:予期せぬ改革はいかにはじまり、どこへ向かうのか
中西 嘉宏(京都大学)
13:40 カンボジア:人民党一党支配体制の確立と変容
山田 裕史(東京大学PD)
13:15 討論(1)
田村 慶子(北九州市立大学)
14:15 討論(2)
山影 進(青山学院大学)
14:35 休憩
14:45 総合討論
16:00 閉会の辞
弘末 雅士(東南アジア学会会長,立教大学)
日時: 2013年12月7日(土)・8日(日)
会場: 東京外国語大学
(〒183-8534 東京都府中市朝日町3-11-1)
構内マップ http://www.tufs.ac.jp/abouttufs/campusmap.html
徒歩5分(JR新宿駅から約40 分)
◆京王電鉄「飛田給」駅北口より多磨駅行き京王バスにて約10 分
PDF 報告要旨集(第1日・第2日共通)
12:00 受付開始(総合教育研究棟1階ロビー)
12:50 開会の辞
大会準備委員長 青山 亨(東京外国語大学)
司会:笹川 秀夫(立命館アジア太平洋大学)
13:00 岡本 義輝(宇都宮大学・研究員)
13:35 青木 澄夫(中部大学)
14:10 野村 佳正(防衛大学校)
14:40 休憩
司会:中野 亜里(大東文化大学)
15:00 下條 尚志(京都大学・院生)
15:35 伊藤 正子(京都大学)
16:10 浅見 靖仁(一橋大学)
司会:見市 建(岩手県立大学)
13:00 山崎 美保(東京外国語大学・院生)
13:35 山口 元樹(慶應義塾大学・院生)
14:10 野中 葉(慶應義塾大学・上席所員)
14:40 休憩
司会:西 芳実(京都大学)
15:00 合地 幸子(東京外国語大学・院生)
15:35 茅根 由佳(京都大学・院生)
16:10 東 佳史(立命館大学)
16:40 休憩
16:50 会員総会(研究講義棟101講義室)
18:30 懇親会(アゴラ・グローバル)
PDF 報告要旨集(第1日・第2日共通)
9:30 受付開始
司会:岡本 正明(京都大学)
10:05 趣旨説明
10:15 タイ:試練に立つ政党政治
相沢 伸広(アジア経済研究所)
10:40 フィリピン:道徳を語るエリート支配の動揺と再興
日下 渉(名古屋大学)
11:05 インドネシア:民主化の15年
増原 綾子(亜細亜大学)
11:30 マレーシア:20世紀政治経済システムの疲労
鈴木 絢女(福岡女子大学)
11:55 昼食休憩
13:15 ミャンマー:予期せぬ改革はいかにはじまり、どこへ向かうのか
中西 嘉宏(京都大学)
13:40 カンボジア:人民党一党支配体制の確立と変容
山田 裕史(東京大学PD)
13:15 討論(1)
田村 慶子(北九州市立大学)
14:15 討論(2)
山影 進(青山学院大学)
14:35 休憩
14:45 総合討論
16:00 閉会の辞
弘末 雅士(東南アジア学会会長,立教大学)
投稿 (Atom)