
3/10 Gong Across Borders & The Season of The Palm Tree's Flowers @ Bophana

Saturday March 10 - 4pm
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center

Gong Across Borders 
Produced by Cambodian Living Arts, 27 min, 2008, English version
Gongs across Borders is a documentary film about the cultural preservation and the surviving of the indigenous communities in two neighboring countries: Vietnam and Cambodia. The indigenous in the two countries share traditional and cultural heritage: Gongs.

The Season of The Palm Tree's Flowers
Produced by Department of Cinema and Cultural Diffusion, 25 min, 1980, Khmer version
Directed by Mao Ayuth, the documentary is about the harvest and the utility of the palm tree production. It also highlights the daily lives of the Cambodian people in the city and rural area: the child care, education, and the opening of a sugar factory in Kampong Speu.