
5/9 Sbek Thom @ Wat Botum

Sbek Thom @ Wat Botum
Sothearos / Sihanouk Blvds
Sunday May. 9, 19:00

Classified as an immaterial heritage masterpiece by UNESCO, Sbek Thom - the shadow theater of Cambodia - uses large puppets made of leather, some with moveable joints (depending upon the form) that come to life by means of the precise gestures of their manipulators.

Accompanied by an orchestra and narrators, the puppet-dancers play out scenes from the Reamker, the Khmer version of the Ramayana.

For our evening of Leathers, the Department of Dramatic Arts will interpret various forms of this theater, offering the chance to discover one of the oldest forms of theatrical spectacle. The stage will be lit, as it traditionally was, by fire, not by projected light.

Let yourself by carried away on a Sunday night by dreamlike shadows...