
6/24-25 【改訂版】第11回日本カンボジア研究会プログラム




早稲田大学戸山キャンパス 33号館2階 231教室

早稲田大学戸山キャンパス 39号館5階 第5会議室


12:00 開場

13:00-13:15 趣旨説明 小林知(京都大学)

13:15-13:55 発表(1)

13:55-14:35 発表(2)

14:35-15:15 発表(3)

15:15-15:30 休憩

15:30-16:10 発表(4)

16:10-16:50 発表(5)

16:50-17:30 発表(6)

17:30-17:40 休憩

17:40-18:30 ディスカッション 「2017年コミューン選挙について」


「Hybrid Democracyの周縁で」


10:00 開場

10:30-11:10 発表(7)

11:10-11:50 発表(8)

11:50-13:20  昼食

13:20-14:00 発表(9)
Mr. Chou Phanith, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
“Uncovering the Hidden Economic Value of Non-timber Forest Products from Poverty Alleviation Perspective: Evidence from Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri, Cambodia”

14:00-14:40 発表(10)
Dr. Thath Rido, Faculty of Economics, Meiji Gakuin University
“An Overview of Microfinance in Cambodia”

14:40-15:20 発表(11)
Dr. Samreth Sovannroeun, Graduate School of Humanity and Social Science, Saitama University
“Findings from a Preliminary Survey of Poor Households in Rural Cambodia: A Case of a Commune in Prey Veng Province”

6/24-25 [Revised] Program of the 11th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Cambodian Studies

This is to inform you the 11th annual conference of the JACS, which will be held at Waseda University on June 24-25, 2017. The meeting is opened to all researchers, students and the public who are interested in Cambodia.

We would use mainly Japanese during the sessions on the first day and the morning of second day, but English at the afternoon sessions of the second day.

Pre-registration is not required. We will be waiting for your participation!

Date June 24-25, 2017

June 24, 2017 (Saturday), at Room No. 231, 2nd floor of Building No. 33, Toyama Campus, Waseda University
June 25, 2017 (Sunday), at Room No. 5, 5th floor of Building No. 39, Toyama Campus, Waseda University
(The gate of the Campus is closed on Sunday. Please inform gatekeepers there your participation to the conference of the JACS.)


June 24, 2017 (Saturday)

12:00 Open

13:00-13:15 Opening Remarks by Dr. KOBAYASHI Satoru, Kyoto Unviersity

13:15-13:55 Presentation (1)
Dr. INOUE Ko, visiting researcher, National Museum of Ethnology
“Intimacy, play and bamboos: bamboo percussion and bamboo-tube rice cooking in the indigenous people of northeastern Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

13:55-14:35 Presentation (2)
Dr. KITAGAWA Takako, lecturer of Gakushuin University, Aoyamagakuin University and Meiji University
“Struggle of Princess Malika after l'Affaire Yukanthor”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

14:35-15:15 Presentation (3)
Dr. ISHIBASHI Hiroyuki, Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences, Waseda University
“On the move and interaction over forest: Historical relationships between the Cardamom Mountains and the Central Plains in Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

15:15-15:30 Break

15:30-16:10 Presentation (4)
Dr. SASAGAWA Hideo, College of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
“Miscommunication in the Era of Modern Buddhism: How was Cambodia Narrated in Japanese Buddhist Magazines and Books Published before and during WWII?”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

16:10-16:50 Presentation (5)
Ms. OTSUBO Kanako, Graduate School of Human-environment Studies, Kyushu University
“Cambodian Sangha and its Vicissitudes through an Analysis of Sang Prokas”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

16:50-17:30 Presentation (6)
Mr. KAWAGUCHI Masaki, Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
“The Situation of Cambodia from 1979 to 1989 (Based on the Book of Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen)”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

17:30-17:40 Break

17:40-18:30 Roundtable Discussion on “The Firsthand Analysis of 2017 Commune Election”

Mr. HARADA Shiro, Associate Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
“Analysis of Khum/Sangkat Council Election 2017 in Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

Dr. AZUMA Yoshifumi, Professor, School of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University
“On the Fringe of Hybrid Democracy”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

June 25, 2017 (Sunday)

10:00 Open

10:30-11:10 Presentation (7)
Ms. KAMIMURA Miku, Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies, Sophia University
“The Political Function of NGOs in the Process of Making NGO Law in Cambodia: Focused on the Period between 2008 to 2015”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

11:10-11:50 Presentation (8)
Ms. KIGUCHI Yuka, Mekong Watch
“Current Dam Development in the Mekong Region and its Impact on Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in Japanese)

11:50-13:20 Lunch

13:20-14:00 Presentation (9)
Mr. Chou Phanith, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
“Uncovering the Hidden Economic Value of Non-timber Forest Products from Poverty Alleviation Perspective: Evidence from Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in English)

14:00-14:40 Presentation (10)
Dr. Thath Rido, Faculty of Economics, Meiji Gakuin University
“An Overview of Microfinance in Cambodia”
->Click here for Abstract (in English)

14:40-15:20 Presentation (11)
Dr. Samreth Sovannroeun, Graduate School of Humanity and Social Science, Saitama University
“Findings from a Preliminary Survey of Poor Households in Rural Cambodia: A Case of a Commune in Prey Veng Province”
->Click here for Abstract (in English)

6/24 Abstract (Roundtable Discussion 1)



6/24 Abstract (Roundtable Discussion 2)

「Hybrid Democracyの周縁で」

本報告では発表者の2000年代初めからの調査地であるバッタンボン州、サムロット郡でのクム長選挙の素描を行う事を目的とする。1990年代後半にサムロットを支配するクメール・ルージュがCPPに投降してから現地では急激な森林伐採とインフラ整備を伴ったELCによる農園開発が進んでいる。 当然、クム長も皆元KR投降兵士で、初期定住民の多くはKR除隊兵士である。 その後、同地区での平和の定着と他州での人口増・農地所有の偏在化を受けて多くの開拓民が流入し、両住民ともに和平後の地雷原を開墾した土地・荒憮地等を必要とした。その開墾後の農地分配権を握るクム長は絶大な権力があった。両住民共にクム長にはしがらみと恩があり、クム長選ではCPPが圧勝していた地区である。しかし、2017年は、かなりの数のクム長が入れ替わる。各コミューン内訳は、正確には26日のNECからの最終発表を待たねばならないがバッタンボン州全体でも2012年選挙でのCPP102から2017年ではCPP54、CNRP48とすでに大幅に影響力を低下させている。それが平和の定着後に出生した「戦後派」有権者の増加という人口学的要因によるものか、「インフラ開発」による利益誘導という「開発独裁」体制が取るHybrid Democracyの政治経済的限界が露呈したものかは今後の調査を待たねばならない。