FORMATH Research Group
International Seminar/Workshop on Forest Resource Management under Socio-Ecologically Fragile Environments
Program (tentative)
Date: August 23-25, 2011
Venue: Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Sponsor: Risk Analysis Research Center, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Co- Sponsor: Tohoku University, Ecosystem Adaptability Global COE
Day 1 - Tuesday, August 23
Opening Remarks (8:30-9:00)
- Morning Lecture -
1. Forestry and Carbon Cycle Modeling
Nophea Sasaki, Univ. of Hyogo (9:00-12:00)
a) Reference Emission Level for Avoided Deforestation
b) Reference Emission Level for Avoided Forest Degradation
- Afternoon Lecture -
2. Introduction of Role of Mathematical Programming for Forest Resource Management
Atsushi Yoshimoto, Institute of Statistical Mathematics (13:00-16:00)
a) Dynamic programming
b) Linear programming
c) Integer programming
- Evening Discussion -
3. Presentation from Cambodia (16:30-17:30)
4. Discussion for Collaboration (17:30-20:00)
Day 2 - Wednesday, August 24
- Morning Lecture -
1. Introduction of Statistical Analysis for Forest Growth Dynamics
Ken-ichi Kamo, Sapporo Medical University (8:30-12:00)
a) Single growth equation
b) Estimation & inference
c) Cox analysis
- Afternoon Lecture -
2. Simulation & GIS application for Forest Resource Management & Economic Analysis
Masashi Konoshima, University of the Ryukyus (13:00-15:45)
a) Application of GIS for spatial forest management
b) Simulation model for managing forest under the risk of natural disturbances (Fire, Invasive species)
c) Simulation model of land use changes
- Evening Discussion -
3. Presentation from Cambodia (16:00-17:00)
4. Discussion for Collaboration (17:00-19:30)
Heng Sokh
Day 3 - Thursday, August 25
Field Excursion
8/6 早稲田大学教師教育研究所、2011年度第1回スモールフォーラム
【日 時】2011年8月6日(土) 14:00~18:00
【会 場】早稲田大学14号館717教室(早稲田キャンパス)
【講 演】
関根 彰子 氏(帝京ロンドン学園高等部教頭、招聘研究員)
小室 桃子 氏(カンボジア教員養成学校 CIESF 教員アドバイザー)
ウエスト 和子 氏(慶応ニューヨーク学院 数学科主任)
■参加費:無料 ■主催:早稲田大学教師教育研究所
■お問い合せ:早稲田大学教師教育研究所事務局 (担当:安達)
【日 時】2011年8月6日(土) 14:00~18:00
【会 場】早稲田大学14号館717教室(早稲田キャンパス)
【講 演】
関根 彰子 氏(帝京ロンドン学園高等部教頭、招聘研究員)
小室 桃子 氏(カンボジア教員養成学校 CIESF 教員アドバイザー)
ウエスト 和子 氏(慶応ニューヨーク学院 数学科主任)
■参加費:無料 ■主催:早稲田大学教師教育研究所
■お問い合せ:早稲田大学教師教育研究所事務局 (担当:安達)
7/31 Lost Loves @ Meta House
Sunday, July 31
Lost Loves
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
In the 1980s Chhay Bora studied drama at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. He became the country's first independent movie producer. His moving film LOST LOVES (100 mins, 2010) is set in the time of the Khmer Rouge regime. The story is based on the true story of Chhay Bora’s mother-in-law Nun Sila, whose father was executed by the Khmer Rouge soldiers. LOST LOVE premiered at the Cambodian International Film Festival in October 2010. At Meta House we sell tickets (5USD) to raise funds for the international distribution. One drink is included. Khmer students pay 1 USD with student ID. Filmmaker will be present at the screening (Q&A).
Lost Loves
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
In the 1980s Chhay Bora studied drama at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. He became the country's first independent movie producer. His moving film LOST LOVES (100 mins, 2010) is set in the time of the Khmer Rouge regime. The story is based on the true story of Chhay Bora’s mother-in-law Nun Sila, whose father was executed by the Khmer Rouge soldiers. LOST LOVE premiered at the Cambodian International Film Festival in October 2010. At Meta House we sell tickets (5USD) to raise funds for the international distribution. One drink is included. Khmer students pay 1 USD with student ID. Filmmaker will be present at the screening (Q&A).
8/6 The Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize, Special Lecture "Historical Sites and Local People"
Dr.Ang Choulean, Laureate of the 2011 Grand Prize
"Historical Sites and Local People"
Date & Time: AM10:00, August 6th, 2011
場所 Venue:Cambodia-Japan Cooperatin Center (CJCC)
The lecture will be delivered in Khmer, with simultaneous translation in English.
Dr.Ang Choulean, Laureate of the 2011 Grand Prize
"Historical Sites and Local People"
Date & Time: AM10:00, August 6th, 2011
場所 Venue:Cambodia-Japan Cooperatin Center (CJCC)
The lecture will be delivered in Khmer, with simultaneous translation in English.
8/8-12 アセアン・アニバーサリー 2011
“アセアン・アニバーサリー 2011”開催!【8月8日(月)~12日(金)】
日本アセアンセンターでは、ASEAN設立記念日をお祝いするイベント“アセアン・アニバーサリー 2011”を開催します!
● 日時: 2011年8月8日(月)~12日(金)
● 会場: 日本アセアンセンター・アセアンホール <アクセス>
● 入場料: 無料
● 主催: 国際機関 日本アセアンセンター
撮影: 古屋 均
共催: (公財) 現代人形劇センター
❂フジサンケイビジネスアイ×日本アセアンセンター メコンセミナー
13:30~16:30 ASEANロングステイセミナー ★セミナー後には懇親会も!
10:30~12:00 ASEANを観よう!とっておき映像上映 <インドネシア> 伝統人形劇 ワヤン・ゴレ公演
13:00~15:00 ASEANを知ろう!勉強会 <インドネシア編>
16:00~18:00 ASEANにさわろう!芸能体験ワークショップ <カンボジア> アンコール文明が生んだ大型影絵芝居
18:30~ ASEANを観よう!とっておき映像上映 <カンボジア> 大型影絵芝居 スバエク・トム公演
10:30~12:00 親子で(^0^) ASEANにさわろう!芸能体験ワークショップ <ラオス> 豊かな自然が生んだ人形劇
13:00~15:00 ASEANを知ろう!勉強会 <ベトナム編>
18:30~ ASEANを観よう!とっておき映像上映 <ラオス> 国立人形劇場 カボーン・ラオ公演
13:00~15:00 ASEANを知ろう!勉強会 <タイ編>
16:00~18:00 ASEANにさわろう!芸能体験ワークショップ <ミャンマー> 国を代表する伝統芸能:糸あやつり
18:30~ ASEANを観よう!とっておき映像上映 <ミャンマー>伝統糸あやつり ヨウッテー・ポエー公演
14:00~16:30 メコン・セミナー&ミャンマー竪琴ライブ ★ライブ終了後には自由参加の懇親会も!
国際機関 日本アセアンセンター
東京都港区新橋6-17-19 新御成門ビル1F
☎ 03-5402-8002
日本アセアンセンターでは、ASEAN設立記念日をお祝いするイベント“アセアン・アニバーサリー 2011”を開催します!
● 日時: 2011年8月8日(月)~12日(金)
● 会場: 日本アセアンセンター・アセアンホール <アクセス>
● 入場料: 無料
● 主催: 国際機関 日本アセアンセンター
撮影: 古屋 均
共催: (公財) 現代人形劇センター
❂フジサンケイビジネスアイ×日本アセアンセンター メコンセミナー
13:30~16:30 ASEANロングステイセミナー ★セミナー後には懇親会も!
10:30~12:00 ASEANを観よう!とっておき映像上映 <インドネシア> 伝統人形劇 ワヤン・ゴレ公演
13:00~15:00 ASEANを知ろう!勉強会 <インドネシア編>
16:00~18:00 ASEANにさわろう!芸能体験ワークショップ <カンボジア> アンコール文明が生んだ大型影絵芝居
18:30~ ASEANを観よう!とっておき映像上映 <カンボジア> 大型影絵芝居 スバエク・トム公演
10:30~12:00 親子で(^0^) ASEANにさわろう!芸能体験ワークショップ <ラオス> 豊かな自然が生んだ人形劇
13:00~15:00 ASEANを知ろう!勉強会 <ベトナム編>
18:30~ ASEANを観よう!とっておき映像上映 <ラオス> 国立人形劇場 カボーン・ラオ公演
13:00~15:00 ASEANを知ろう!勉強会 <タイ編>
16:00~18:00 ASEANにさわろう!芸能体験ワークショップ <ミャンマー> 国を代表する伝統芸能:糸あやつり
18:30~ ASEANを観よう!とっておき映像上映 <ミャンマー>伝統糸あやつり ヨウッテー・ポエー公演
14:00~16:30 メコン・セミナー&ミャンマー竪琴ライブ ★ライブ終了後には自由参加の懇親会も!
国際機関 日本アセアンセンター
東京都港区新橋6-17-19 新御成門ビル1F
☎ 03-5402-8002
8/10 Human Science Happy Hour ""Living well" while "doing good"?"
Human Sciences Happy Hour in Phnom-Penh
Once a month - 6pm – Baitong Restaurant
(7 Street 360/ Norodom Bd, Beung Keng Kang I)
The 10 th of August
"Living well" while "doing good"?
(Missing) debates on altruism and professionalism in aid work
This paper takes at its starting point public criticism of international aid workers who appear to be "doing well out of poverty". This is perceived to be in contrast to the poor populations in developing countries whom they are meant to help, and more broadly in moral contradiction to their stated mission to reduce poverty. Based on fieldwork with aid workers in Cambodia, I suggest that such public perceptions are mirrored by some aid workers' uncertainty and unease concerning the moral dimensions of their own and others' lifestyles. Such concerns are voiced alongside aid workers' expressly stated "mixed motivations" - including a desire to "make a difference" as well as to establish a career - for undertaking aid work, and in the context of their everyday practices of crafting comfortable lives for themselves and their families. On the level of aid policy, such issues are addressed most notably through "immersion" programmes for aid workers, as well as in debates about appropriate remuneration strategies. Significantly, though, pertinent analyses of such public and private unease are notably absent from development ethics. This seems hard to fathom, since other "helping professions" such as nursing or social work have produced comprehensive studies on altruism and professionalism among their practitioners, including their implications for training and career sustainability. I argue that the absence of equivalent research in development studies is partly due to a pervasive and highly political tendency to foreground the "other" -the world’s poor- while rendering those who deliver aid largely invisible. Placing "aid recipients" and "aid givers" in separate categories, together with an emphasis on collective rather than individual moral responsibilities, not only makes it difficult to conduct debates on the role of altruism and professionalism among aid workers, but also exemplifies how practices of orientalist "othering" continue to inform aspects of development theory and practice.
Anne Meike Fechter
Senior Lecturer in Anthropology
(Anthropology, Sussex Centre for Migration Research, Development Studies (in CDE))
Anne-Meike Fechter is a Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. Her past research focused on corporate expatriates (Transnational Lives: Expatriates in Indonesia, Ashgate 2007). Between 2009-2010, she conducted a project, funded by the Economic and Social Science Research Council, on "Aidworkers as mobile professionals", with a focus on Cambodia. The results of this work have contributed to a co-edited collection, entitled Inside the Everyday Lives of Development Workers: the Futures and Challenges of Aidland (Kumarian 2011). She can be contacted at a.fechter[atmark]
Once a month - 6pm – Baitong Restaurant
(7 Street 360/ Norodom Bd, Beung Keng Kang I)
The 10 th of August
"Living well" while "doing good"?
(Missing) debates on altruism and professionalism in aid work
This paper takes at its starting point public criticism of international aid workers who appear to be "doing well out of poverty". This is perceived to be in contrast to the poor populations in developing countries whom they are meant to help, and more broadly in moral contradiction to their stated mission to reduce poverty. Based on fieldwork with aid workers in Cambodia, I suggest that such public perceptions are mirrored by some aid workers' uncertainty and unease concerning the moral dimensions of their own and others' lifestyles. Such concerns are voiced alongside aid workers' expressly stated "mixed motivations" - including a desire to "make a difference" as well as to establish a career - for undertaking aid work, and in the context of their everyday practices of crafting comfortable lives for themselves and their families. On the level of aid policy, such issues are addressed most notably through "immersion" programmes for aid workers, as well as in debates about appropriate remuneration strategies. Significantly, though, pertinent analyses of such public and private unease are notably absent from development ethics. This seems hard to fathom, since other "helping professions" such as nursing or social work have produced comprehensive studies on altruism and professionalism among their practitioners, including their implications for training and career sustainability. I argue that the absence of equivalent research in development studies is partly due to a pervasive and highly political tendency to foreground the "other" -the world’s poor- while rendering those who deliver aid largely invisible. Placing "aid recipients" and "aid givers" in separate categories, together with an emphasis on collective rather than individual moral responsibilities, not only makes it difficult to conduct debates on the role of altruism and professionalism among aid workers, but also exemplifies how practices of orientalist "othering" continue to inform aspects of development theory and practice.
Anne Meike Fechter
Senior Lecturer in Anthropology
(Anthropology, Sussex Centre for Migration Research, Development Studies (in CDE))
Anne-Meike Fechter is a Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. Her past research focused on corporate expatriates (Transnational Lives: Expatriates in Indonesia, Ashgate 2007). Between 2009-2010, she conducted a project, funded by the Economic and Social Science Research Council, on "Aidworkers as mobile professionals", with a focus on Cambodia. The results of this work have contributed to a co-edited collection, entitled Inside the Everyday Lives of Development Workers: the Futures and Challenges of Aidland (Kumarian 2011). She can be contacted at a.fechter[atmark]
7/30 Angkor, the preservation of one site @ Bophana
Saturday, July 30
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Angkor, the preservation of one site
Directed by Léo Scomorovschi and Guillaume Juherian, 1h 5min, 2006, Khmer version
This documentary gives points of view on the archaeological site of Angkor through the interviews of French and Khmer archaeologist-architects. The protection, restoration and preservation of the temples of Angkor is also mentioned.
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
Angkor, the preservation of one site
Directed by Léo Scomorovschi and Guillaume Juherian, 1h 5min, 2006, Khmer version
This documentary gives points of view on the archaeological site of Angkor through the interviews of French and Khmer archaeologist-architects. The protection, restoration and preservation of the temples of Angkor is also mentioned.
7/24 Meta volunteer Party @ Meta House
Sunday, July 24
Meta volunteer Party
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, but people also volunteer for their own skill development, to meet others and to have fun. Daniela Kon's debut film CHANGING THE WORLD ON VACATION: NGO VOLUNTEERS AND THE POLITICS OF COMPASSION (2008, 87 mins) is inspired by own experiences volunteering with NGO's in Thailand, India, and Cambodia. She investigates the moral complexity of development work and the personal and political boundaries of sustainability. Not only volunteers are invited tonight for our "Volunteer Party" with special drink offers and DJ after screening.
Meta volunteer Party
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, but people also volunteer for their own skill development, to meet others and to have fun. Daniela Kon's debut film CHANGING THE WORLD ON VACATION: NGO VOLUNTEERS AND THE POLITICS OF COMPASSION (2008, 87 mins) is inspired by own experiences volunteering with NGO's in Thailand, India, and Cambodia. She investigates the moral complexity of development work and the personal and political boundaries of sustainability. Not only volunteers are invited tonight for our "Volunteer Party" with special drink offers and DJ after screening.
8/6 チャリティートーク【Human Rights土井香苗×Child Rights甲斐田万智子】
開催日時 2011年08月06日(15:00-17:00)
開催場所 東京都(表参道 C's Fort(軽食つき))
土井 香苗
(ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 日本ディレクター)
1975年8月神奈川県生まれ。1996年に司法試験に合格後、大学4年生の時、NGO ピースボートのボランティアとして、アフリカで一番新しい独立国・エリトリアに赴き、1年間、エリトリア法務省で法律作りのお手伝いのボランティア。その後、1998年東京大学法学部卒。2000年司法研修所終了。2000年から弁護士。普段の業務の傍ら、日本にいる難民の法的支援や難民認定法の改正のロビーイングやキャンペーンにかかわる。2006年6月米国ニューヨーク大学ロースクール修士課程終了(国際法)。2007年、米国ニューヨーク州弁護士。2006年から、国際NGO ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチのニューヨーク本部のフェロー。2007年から日本駐在員。2008年9月から日本代表。2009年4月に東京オフィスを明治大学駿河台キャンパス内に設立。2010年4月よりCS 朝日ニュースター「ニュースの深層」のキャスター、2011年3月からはテレビ朝日「サンデーフロントライン」のニュース選定委員も務める。2010年エイボン女性賞受賞。2011年Yong Global Leader (YGL)。著書に「巻き込む力 すべての人の尊厳が守られる世界に向けて」(小学館2011年)、「"ようこそ"といえる日本へ」(岩波書店2005年)、「テキストブック 現代の人権 第3版」(日本評論社2004年)など。
甲斐田 万智子
(認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター 代表理事)
認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(C-Rights)について
1997年から昨年までインドの児童労働問題に取組むプロジェクトを実施。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチの調査報告書『見えない鎖につながれて ~インドの債務児童労働』(明石書店)、『小さな変革 ~インドシルクという鎖につながれる子どもたち』(創成社)2003年からカンボジアで子どもの人身売買・児童労働防止事業を実施。国内ではワークショップなどを通じて国連子どもの権利条約を普及。カンボジアへの旅行者にはたらきかけるチャイルドセーフ事業も実施。
5.「Human Rights土井香苗×Child Rights甲斐田万智子」トークセッション
2011年8月6日(土) 午後3時から5時
シーズフォートC's fort HP:
東京都港区北青山3-9-2 AQUA1F
☆アクセス:東京メトロ千代田線 表参道 A1 出口 徒歩3分
東京メトロ銀座線・半蔵門線 表参道 B2 出口 徒歩3分
お一人様 5,000円
(軽食・2ドリンク付き) ※税・サービス料金含む
認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(シーライツ)事務局
◆お電話の場合:03-5817-3980 (平日午前10時から午後4時)
本文に(1)お名前 (2)参加人数(複数名の場合は、全員のお名前をお書きください) (3)ご住所 (4)連絡先電話番号
【主催】NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(シーライツ)
〒110-0015 東京都台東区東上野1-20-6 丸幸ビル3階
Tel & Fax: 03-5817-3980
開催場所 東京都(表参道 C's Fort(軽食つき))
土井 香苗
(ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 日本ディレクター)
1975年8月神奈川県生まれ。1996年に司法試験に合格後、大学4年生の時、NGO ピースボートのボランティアとして、アフリカで一番新しい独立国・エリトリアに赴き、1年間、エリトリア法務省で法律作りのお手伝いのボランティア。その後、1998年東京大学法学部卒。2000年司法研修所終了。2000年から弁護士。普段の業務の傍ら、日本にいる難民の法的支援や難民認定法の改正のロビーイングやキャンペーンにかかわる。2006年6月米国ニューヨーク大学ロースクール修士課程終了(国際法)。2007年、米国ニューヨーク州弁護士。2006年から、国際NGO ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチのニューヨーク本部のフェロー。2007年から日本駐在員。2008年9月から日本代表。2009年4月に東京オフィスを明治大学駿河台キャンパス内に設立。2010年4月よりCS 朝日ニュースター「ニュースの深層」のキャスター、2011年3月からはテレビ朝日「サンデーフロントライン」のニュース選定委員も務める。2010年エイボン女性賞受賞。2011年Yong Global Leader (YGL)。著書に「巻き込む力 すべての人の尊厳が守られる世界に向けて」(小学館2011年)、「"ようこそ"といえる日本へ」(岩波書店2005年)、「テキストブック 現代の人権 第3版」(日本評論社2004年)など。
甲斐田 万智子
(認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター 代表理事)
認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(C-Rights)について
1997年から昨年までインドの児童労働問題に取組むプロジェクトを実施。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチの調査報告書『見えない鎖につながれて ~インドの債務児童労働』(明石書店)、『小さな変革 ~インドシルクという鎖につながれる子どもたち』(創成社)2003年からカンボジアで子どもの人身売買・児童労働防止事業を実施。国内ではワークショップなどを通じて国連子どもの権利条約を普及。カンボジアへの旅行者にはたらきかけるチャイルドセーフ事業も実施。
5.「Human Rights土井香苗×Child Rights甲斐田万智子」トークセッション
2011年8月6日(土) 午後3時から5時
シーズフォートC's fort HP:
東京都港区北青山3-9-2 AQUA1F
☆アクセス:東京メトロ千代田線 表参道 A1 出口 徒歩3分
東京メトロ銀座線・半蔵門線 表参道 B2 出口 徒歩3分
お一人様 5,000円
(軽食・2ドリンク付き) ※税・サービス料金含む
認定NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(シーライツ)事務局
◆お電話の場合:03-5817-3980 (平日午前10時から午後4時)
本文に(1)お名前 (2)参加人数(複数名の場合は、全員のお名前をお書きください) (3)ご住所 (4)連絡先電話番号
【主催】NPO法人 国際子ども権利センター(シーライツ)
〒110-0015 東京都台東区東上野1-20-6 丸幸ビル3階
Tel & Fax: 03-5817-3980
7/23 Cambodian waterways @ Meta House
Saturday, July 23
Cambodian waterways
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
The Mekong sustaining the lives of 65 million people is under dire threat from hydro-electric dams. It's unique ecosystem is unlikely to survive the impact of Cambodian dams in Stung Treng and Sambor. The screening of Tom Fawthrop's new film WHERE HAVE ALL THE FISH GONE? (21 mins, 2010) is is followed by Peter Degen's breathtaking documentary MEKONG THE MOTHER (2006, 60 mins). Christophe Gargiulio's documentary LAND OF THE LAKES was commissioned by the World Fish Center. Filmmaker will attend the screening
Cambodian waterways
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
The Mekong sustaining the lives of 65 million people is under dire threat from hydro-electric dams. It's unique ecosystem is unlikely to survive the impact of Cambodian dams in Stung Treng and Sambor. The screening of Tom Fawthrop's new film WHERE HAVE ALL THE FISH GONE? (21 mins, 2010) is is followed by Peter Degen's breathtaking documentary MEKONG THE MOTHER (2006, 60 mins). Christophe Gargiulio's documentary LAND OF THE LAKES was commissioned by the World Fish Center. Filmmaker will attend the screening
7/26-28 The 11th International Conference on Thai Studies
The 11th International Conference on Thai Studies
The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University, is pleased to invite researchers, students, and activists with an interest in Thailand to participate in the 11th International Conference on Thai Studies on July 26-28, 2011. Held every three years, the International Conference on Thai Studies is a well-established forum for researchers across disciplines to share knowledge and perspectives on Thailand, Thai culture and society and the connection between Thailand and the world. In 2011, the 11th International Conference on Thai Studies marks the 30th Anniversary of two special occasions: first, the inauguration of the Thai Studies Conference, initiated in 1981 in India by a small group of Thai and Indian scholars, and secondly the founding of the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, a rigorous unit of Mahidol University devoted to research and studies on diverse linguistic groups and cultures of Asia.
Venue: Siam City Hotel, Bangkok
Important dates
31 March 2011 - Abstract notification
30 April 2011 - Deadline for early bird registration
15 July 2011 - Deadline for pre-registration
26-28 July 2011 - Conference dates
Conference Program
The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University, is pleased to invite researchers, students, and activists with an interest in Thailand to participate in the 11th International Conference on Thai Studies on July 26-28, 2011. Held every three years, the International Conference on Thai Studies is a well-established forum for researchers across disciplines to share knowledge and perspectives on Thailand, Thai culture and society and the connection between Thailand and the world. In 2011, the 11th International Conference on Thai Studies marks the 30th Anniversary of two special occasions: first, the inauguration of the Thai Studies Conference, initiated in 1981 in India by a small group of Thai and Indian scholars, and secondly the founding of the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, a rigorous unit of Mahidol University devoted to research and studies on diverse linguistic groups and cultures of Asia.
Venue: Siam City Hotel, Bangkok
Important dates
31 March 2011 - Abstract notification
30 April 2011 - Deadline for early bird registration
15 July 2011 - Deadline for pre-registration
26-28 July 2011 - Conference dates
Conference Program
7/22 Khmer Cinema 2011 @ Meta House
Friday, July 22
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
BOYFRIEND (2011, 15 mins. Khmer with English subs) by the Cambodian film collective "Kon Khmer Koun Khmer" (Cambodian Films, Cambodian Generations) is a fiction film about a spoiled relationship between a father and a son, Sophea. 7.30PM: The highly entertaining Cambodian drama BANG BENG, THE INTELLIGENT FARMER (2011, 49 mins) is directed by Chum Reap and features a fresh cast of Cambodian actors. Through Bong Beng's comical competition with a fellow suitor for a farmer's lovely daughter's hand in marriage, Cambodians can better understand how rice productivity improves the lives of growers. Also screening: Chum Reap's thriller WHO KILLED RUMDOUL (2010, 45 mins).
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
BOYFRIEND (2011, 15 mins. Khmer with English subs) by the Cambodian film collective "Kon Khmer Koun Khmer" (Cambodian Films, Cambodian Generations) is a fiction film about a spoiled relationship between a father and a son, Sophea. 7.30PM: The highly entertaining Cambodian drama BANG BENG, THE INTELLIGENT FARMER (2011, 49 mins) is directed by Chum Reap and features a fresh cast of Cambodian actors. Through Bong Beng's comical competition with a fellow suitor for a farmer's lovely daughter's hand in marriage, Cambodians can better understand how rice productivity improves the lives of growers. Also screening: Chum Reap's thriller WHO KILLED RUMDOUL (2010, 45 mins).
7/23 My Mother is a Virgin @ Bophana
Saturday, July 23
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
My Mother is a Virgin
Directed by Nuth Sarun,1h 45min, 90s, Khmer version
The beautiful Duong Chan is an orphan. A generous and rich man, who tries to keep undisclosed the mental illness of his wife, offers her hospitality under one condition: she has to look after his youngest daughter as her own. She lives there happily, but everything changes when the handicapped son of her protector comes back from abroad.
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
My Mother is a Virgin
Directed by Nuth Sarun,1h 45min, 90s, Khmer version
The beautiful Duong Chan is an orphan. A generous and rich man, who tries to keep undisclosed the mental illness of his wife, offers her hospitality under one condition: she has to look after his youngest daughter as her own. She lives there happily, but everything changes when the handicapped son of her protector comes back from abroad.
7/21 Les Etoiles du Ballet Royal du Cambodge au Festival de Martigues
Les Etoiles du Ballet Royal du Cambodge au Festival de Martigues le 21 juillet 2011
Jeudi 21 juillet > 21h30
Théâtre du Canal Saint Sébastien
Un instant de grâce par-delà le temps...
Le Festival de Martigues ouvre les portes de sa 23e édition sur un royaume longtemps gardé secret. Les Etoiles du Ballet Royal du Cambodge vous dévoilent un art forgé au fil des siècles et préservé dans sa plus belle expression.
Puisant à l'origine des grandes traditions de l'Inde brahmanique et de l'Asie du Sud-Est, ces artistes content la légende de l'Apsara Méra. Ce ballet mythique dirigé par la Princesse Norodom Buppha Devi, fille du roi Norodom Sihanouk, fait du corps dansant une offrande à la divinité dont il reflète la pureté. La délicatesse et l'élégance des danseuses conjuguent un art chorégraphique basé sur une gestuelle magnétique et subtile.
Le ciel du Canal Saint-Sébastien réserve le plus bel écrin à cet art délicat. Une pluie d'étoiles nous parvient des cieux pour dessiner une constellation mythologique dont la noblesse saura vous envoûter.
Le Ballet Royal a été proclamé chef-d'œuvre du Patrimoine Oral et Immatériel de l'Humanité par l'UNESCO, pour saluer des années de lutte contre la destruction et l'oubli.
Avec le soutien et la collaboration du Ministère de la Culture et des Beaux-Arts du Royaume du Cambodge. D'après une chorégraphie de Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Norodom Buppha Devi.
Jeudi 21 juillet > 21h30
Théâtre du Canal Saint Sébastien
Un instant de grâce par-delà le temps...
Le Festival de Martigues ouvre les portes de sa 23e édition sur un royaume longtemps gardé secret. Les Etoiles du Ballet Royal du Cambodge vous dévoilent un art forgé au fil des siècles et préservé dans sa plus belle expression.
Puisant à l'origine des grandes traditions de l'Inde brahmanique et de l'Asie du Sud-Est, ces artistes content la légende de l'Apsara Méra. Ce ballet mythique dirigé par la Princesse Norodom Buppha Devi, fille du roi Norodom Sihanouk, fait du corps dansant une offrande à la divinité dont il reflète la pureté. La délicatesse et l'élégance des danseuses conjuguent un art chorégraphique basé sur une gestuelle magnétique et subtile.
Le ciel du Canal Saint-Sébastien réserve le plus bel écrin à cet art délicat. Une pluie d'étoiles nous parvient des cieux pour dessiner une constellation mythologique dont la noblesse saura vous envoûter.
Le Ballet Royal a été proclamé chef-d'œuvre du Patrimoine Oral et Immatériel de l'Humanité par l'UNESCO, pour saluer des années de lutte contre la destruction et l'oubli.
Avec le soutien et la collaboration du Ministère de la Culture et des Beaux-Arts du Royaume du Cambodge. D'après une chorégraphie de Son Altesse Royale la Princesse Norodom Buppha Devi.
7/21 "Facing Genocide" & "Symphonie Fnatstique" @ Meta House
Thursday, July 21
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
A prominent member of the circle of leftist Khmer intellectuals studying in Paris in the 1950s, Khieu Samphan became one of the closest collaborators of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge "Head of State" Swedish filmmakers David Aronowitsch and Staffan Lindberg have followed him two years before his arrest in 2007 for their documentary FACING GENOCIDE (94 mins, 2010, English/English subs). It is is only screened at Meta House and features interviews with Theary Seng, Jacques Vergès and Khieu Samphan's wife. 8PM: Live recording (1969) of Hector Berlioz's "SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE." Sergui Celibidace conducts Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI. Admission Fee USD 2; Student pay 1 USD.
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
A prominent member of the circle of leftist Khmer intellectuals studying in Paris in the 1950s, Khieu Samphan became one of the closest collaborators of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge "Head of State" Swedish filmmakers David Aronowitsch and Staffan Lindberg have followed him two years before his arrest in 2007 for their documentary FACING GENOCIDE (94 mins, 2010, English/English subs). It is is only screened at Meta House and features interviews with Theary Seng, Jacques Vergès and Khieu Samphan's wife. 8PM: Live recording (1969) of Hector Berlioz's "SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE." Sergui Celibidace conducts Orchestra Sinfonica di Torino della RAI. Admission Fee USD 2; Student pay 1 USD.
7/29 ARUN勉強会「途上国へのソーシャルファイナンス」
29日(金) ARUN勉強会
~ カンボジア 農業・食品産業への投資事例 ~
■日時:2011年7月29日(金) 19時
18:30~ : 受付
19:00~ : ARUN, LLC の紹介(功能)
19:15~ : カンボジアの農業・食品産業の可能性と現地の食品企業(丸山)
19:30~ : サハクレアセダックの事業と挑戦(ラン・センホン氏、通訳付)
20:15~ : パネルディスカッション(功能、丸山、ラン・センホン氏、通訳付)
■会場: JICA 地球ひろば 301号室
地図 <>
■参加費: 1,000円
29日(金) ARUN勉強会
~ カンボジア 農業・食品産業への投資事例 ~
■日時:2011年7月29日(金) 19時
18:30~ : 受付
19:00~ : ARUN, LLC の紹介(功能)
19:15~ : カンボジアの農業・食品産業の可能性と現地の食品企業(丸山)
19:30~ : サハクレアセダックの事業と挑戦(ラン・センホン氏、通訳付)
20:15~ : パネルディスカッション(功能、丸山、ラン・センホン氏、通訳付)
■会場: JICA 地球ひろば 301号室
地図 <>
■参加費: 1,000円
7/16 Performance Art in Cambodia and Southeast Asia @ Sa Sa Bassac
ចូលស្ទឹងតាមបត់ៈ សិល្បៈ Performance នៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា នឹង អាស៊ីអាគ្នេយ៍
Performance Art in Cambodia and Southeast Asia
Symposium on Performance Art
In Khmer + English
SA SA BASSAC, #18, Upstairs
Sothearos Boulevard, Phnom Penh
Saturday 16 July 9.30am-4.00pm
(lunch provided for registered guests)
9.30 Welcome and Introduction
Erin Gleeson, Curator / Co-founder + Director, SA SA BASSAC
10.00 Networks of Performance Art in SE Asia
Dr. Nora Taylor, Alsdorf Professor of South and Southeast Asian Art,
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA
11:30 Encounters with Performance Art in Cambodia 2000-2011
Ly Daravuth, Director, Reyum Institute of Art and Culture
Vuth Lyno, Artist / Director, Sa Sa Art Projects
12:15 Lunch Break (provided for registered guests)
1:30 Artist Presentations and screenings by Anida Yoeu Ali, Svay Sareth, Khvay Samnang
2:30 Conversation between Artists, Moderated by Anida Yoeu Ali
3:00 Q+A Panel
Dr. Nora Taylor, Anida Yoeu Ali, Svay Sareth, Khvay Samnang, Ly Daravuth,
4:00 Conclusions
All events at SA SA BASSAC are free and open to the public. For this symposium, seats are limited to 60.
Please register by Friday 15th by writing to info[atmark] subject line "Performance Art Symposium" with a list of the names of those wishing to attend.
Performance Art in Cambodia and Southeast Asia
Symposium on Performance Art
In Khmer + English
SA SA BASSAC, #18, Upstairs
Sothearos Boulevard, Phnom Penh
Saturday 16 July 9.30am-4.00pm
(lunch provided for registered guests)
9.30 Welcome and Introduction
Erin Gleeson, Curator / Co-founder + Director, SA SA BASSAC
10.00 Networks of Performance Art in SE Asia
Dr. Nora Taylor, Alsdorf Professor of South and Southeast Asian Art,
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA
11:30 Encounters with Performance Art in Cambodia 2000-2011
Ly Daravuth, Director, Reyum Institute of Art and Culture
Vuth Lyno, Artist / Director, Sa Sa Art Projects
12:15 Lunch Break (provided for registered guests)
1:30 Artist Presentations and screenings by Anida Yoeu Ali, Svay Sareth, Khvay Samnang
2:30 Conversation between Artists, Moderated by Anida Yoeu Ali
3:00 Q+A Panel
Dr. Nora Taylor, Anida Yoeu Ali, Svay Sareth, Khvay Samnang, Ly Daravuth,
4:00 Conclusions
All events at SA SA BASSAC are free and open to the public. For this symposium, seats are limited to 60.
Please register by Friday 15th by writing to info[atmark] subject line "Performance Art Symposium" with a list of the names of those wishing to attend.
9/15, 18 2011年 第22回福岡アジア文化賞授賞式&市民フォーラム
第22回福岡アジア文化賞授賞式 参加申し込み
会場/アクロス福岡地下2Fイベントホール (定員:500名)
※より詳しいプロフィールは「第22回福岡アジア文化賞受賞者 アン・チュリアン」ページまで。
アン・チュリアン氏 市民フォーラム 参加申し込み
第22回福岡アジア文化賞授賞式 参加申し込み
会場/アクロス福岡地下2Fイベントホール (定員:500名)
※より詳しいプロフィールは「第22回福岡アジア文化賞受賞者 アン・チュリアン」ページまで。
アン・チュリアン氏 市民フォーラム 参加申し込み
シェアカンボジア 調査インターン募集
シェアカンボジア 調査インターン募集
【職 種】
【期 間】
【場 所】
【待 遇】
履歴書 (word)
【職 種】
【期 間】
【場 所】
【待 遇】
履歴書 (word)
7/17 We Want You to Know @ Meta House
Sunday, July 17
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
WE WANT (U) TO KNOW (2010, 50 mins) is a call for people in Cambodia to work together towards justice and healing in wake of Cambodia's violent past. Created via a participatory approach, Khmer Rouge survivors and their descendants designed, filmed and directed this documentary to share their stories with audiences around Cambodia and the world. The film reveals how a diverse cross-section of Cambodians are still struggling to cope with painful memories from the Khmer Rouge era in times of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. As these individuals tell their stories, they attempt to overcome suffering and break 30 years of silence by courageously confronting their memories.
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
WE WANT (U) TO KNOW (2010, 50 mins) is a call for people in Cambodia to work together towards justice and healing in wake of Cambodia's violent past. Created via a participatory approach, Khmer Rouge survivors and their descendants designed, filmed and directed this documentary to share their stories with audiences around Cambodia and the world. The film reveals how a diverse cross-section of Cambodians are still struggling to cope with painful memories from the Khmer Rouge era in times of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. As these individuals tell their stories, they attempt to overcome suffering and break 30 years of silence by courageously confronting their memories.
7/16 A Strange Islam @ Bophana
Saturday, July 16
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
A Strange Islam
Directed by Agnès De Féo , 52min, 2006, Khmer version with English subtitles
This film shows the discovery of the Cham community in South-East Vietnam and Cambodia. The Cham people are divided into two sects (Cham Bani and Cham Sunni). They are descended from Champa, a great kingdom annexed by Vietnam in the middle of the 19th century.
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center
A Strange Islam
Directed by Agnès De Féo , 52min, 2006, Khmer version with English subtitles
This film shows the discovery of the Cham community in South-East Vietnam and Cambodia. The Cham people are divided into two sects (Cham Bani and Cham Sunni). They are descended from Champa, a great kingdom annexed by Vietnam in the middle of the 19th century.
7/16 立教大学アジア地域研究所「暮らしとエネルギー開発―メコン河流域から考える」
日時 2011年7月16日(土)13:30~15:30
場所 池袋キャンパス 11号館2階 A204教室
講師 木口 由香 氏(特定非営利活動法人メコン・ウォッチ事務局長、ラオスメディアプロジェクト担当)
対象者 本学学生、教職員、校友、一般
問合せ先 アジア地域研究所 TEL:03-3985-2581
日時 2011年7月16日(土)13:30~15:30
場所 池袋キャンパス 11号館2階 A204教室
講師 木口 由香 氏(特定非営利活動法人メコン・ウォッチ事務局長、ラオスメディアプロジェクト担当)
対象者 本学学生、教職員、校友、一般
問合せ先 アジア地域研究所 TEL:03-3985-2581
7/9 Red Wedding @ Meta House
Saturday, July 09
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
Screening-debate of the film Red Wedding : Khmer version with English subtitles.
Between 1975 and 1979, at least 250,000 women were forced into marriages by the Khmer Rouge. Red wedding is the story of one of its victims, Pen Sochan, who pits her humanity against an ideology and a system designed to annihilate people like her.
Documentary film by Lida Chan, produced by Bophana Center, 58 min
Between 1975 and 1979, at least 250,000 women were forced into marriages by the Khmer Rouge. Sochan Pen is a 48 year old poor woman farmer. At the age of 16, she was forced to marry a Khmer Rouge soldier. She tried to resist but the Khmer Rouge ordered her husband to rape her. Since then, she has lived with the shame, confiding in no one. Now Sochan has decided to bring her case to the international tribunal set up to try former Khmer Rouge leaders. Will her participation in the trial give her the hope that justice will be done? Will telling her story bring her peace of mind? RED WEDDING (2011, is the story of a survivor who pits her humanity against an ideology and a system designed to annihilate people like her. The filmmaker will be there for Q&A.
@ Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
Screening-debate of the film Red Wedding : Khmer version with English subtitles.
Between 1975 and 1979, at least 250,000 women were forced into marriages by the Khmer Rouge. Red wedding is the story of one of its victims, Pen Sochan, who pits her humanity against an ideology and a system designed to annihilate people like her.
Documentary film by Lida Chan, produced by Bophana Center, 58 min
Between 1975 and 1979, at least 250,000 women were forced into marriages by the Khmer Rouge. Sochan Pen is a 48 year old poor woman farmer. At the age of 16, she was forced to marry a Khmer Rouge soldier. She tried to resist but the Khmer Rouge ordered her husband to rape her. Since then, she has lived with the shame, confiding in no one. Now Sochan has decided to bring her case to the international tribunal set up to try former Khmer Rouge leaders. Will her participation in the trial give her the hope that justice will be done? Will telling her story bring her peace of mind? RED WEDDING (2011, is the story of a survivor who pits her humanity against an ideology and a system designed to annihilate people like her. The filmmaker will be there for Q&A.
7/8 Artist Panel: Evolving Traditions @ Sa Sa Bassac
Friday, July 08
Artist Panel: Evolving Traditions @ Sa Sa Bassac
To mark the closing weekend of Ouk Sochivy’s solo exhibition In The Club, please join us for a stimulating panel on evolving traditions in painting and dance. Moderated by Chum Noy, a select panel of artists will share their inherited practices and discuss why and how this knowledge is foundational to their work today. Enjoy demonstrations and short videos in preparation for a finishing hour of club culture as the Gallery becomes a dance hall!
Ouk Sochivy is a painter best known for her playful, figurative works of Khmer youth. Exhibitions include To Be Continued, Bophana Audiovisual Resource Centre Gallery, Phnom Penh (2009), Farmers and Freshies, Sa Sa Art Gallery, Phnom Penh (2010); and Forever Until Now, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong (2009), Svay Ken: A Tribute, Java Café and Gallery, Phnom Penh (2009), and her current solo exhibition In The Club, SA SA BASSAC (2011).
Sophiline Cheam Shapiro is a choreographer, dancer, vocalist and educator whose original works have infused the venerable Cambodian classical form with new ideas and energy. As one of the first generation to graduate from Phnom Penh’s Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA) after the fall of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime, she became a member of RUFA’s faculty until she immigrated to Southern California in 1991 where she studied dance ethnology at UCLA and established Khmer Arts Academy in Long Beach, expanding her organization to Phnom Penh in 2006 where she is Artistic Director. Shapiro was awarded the National Heritage Fellowship by the National Endowment for the Arts in 2009. Her choreography with Cambodia’s finest performing artists tours internationally.
Belle Chumvan Sodhachivy began her dance training in 1994 at the age of 9. She gained a baccalaureate degree with a focus on classical dance in 2003, before graduating from the theatre production / choreography program at the Royal University of Fine Arts in 2007. She has been actively engaged in international performance and choreography workshops and festivals since 2003, and was the inaugural artist in residence at Cambodia’s French Cultural Center in 2009.
Chum Noy is a cultural worker based in Phnom Penh. She has degrees in French and Journalism and has experience as Professor and Interpreter of French as well as radio and television broadcasting and production. She joined Bophana Audiovisual Resource Centre for five years as Research Analyst, then Cultural Events Manager. Chum was awarded the ASEAN Youth Culture award in 2003, the ASEAN Young Photographers Award in 2007, and the apexart residency, NY in 2009.
Artist Panel: Evolving Traditions @ Sa Sa Bassac
To mark the closing weekend of Ouk Sochivy’s solo exhibition In The Club, please join us for a stimulating panel on evolving traditions in painting and dance. Moderated by Chum Noy, a select panel of artists will share their inherited practices and discuss why and how this knowledge is foundational to their work today. Enjoy demonstrations and short videos in preparation for a finishing hour of club culture as the Gallery becomes a dance hall!
Ouk Sochivy is a painter best known for her playful, figurative works of Khmer youth. Exhibitions include To Be Continued, Bophana Audiovisual Resource Centre Gallery, Phnom Penh (2009), Farmers and Freshies, Sa Sa Art Gallery, Phnom Penh (2010); and Forever Until Now, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong (2009), Svay Ken: A Tribute, Java Café and Gallery, Phnom Penh (2009), and her current solo exhibition In The Club, SA SA BASSAC (2011).
Sophiline Cheam Shapiro is a choreographer, dancer, vocalist and educator whose original works have infused the venerable Cambodian classical form with new ideas and energy. As one of the first generation to graduate from Phnom Penh’s Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA) after the fall of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime, she became a member of RUFA’s faculty until she immigrated to Southern California in 1991 where she studied dance ethnology at UCLA and established Khmer Arts Academy in Long Beach, expanding her organization to Phnom Penh in 2006 where she is Artistic Director. Shapiro was awarded the National Heritage Fellowship by the National Endowment for the Arts in 2009. Her choreography with Cambodia’s finest performing artists tours internationally.
Belle Chumvan Sodhachivy began her dance training in 1994 at the age of 9. She gained a baccalaureate degree with a focus on classical dance in 2003, before graduating from the theatre production / choreography program at the Royal University of Fine Arts in 2007. She has been actively engaged in international performance and choreography workshops and festivals since 2003, and was the inaugural artist in residence at Cambodia’s French Cultural Center in 2009.
Chum Noy is a cultural worker based in Phnom Penh. She has degrees in French and Journalism and has experience as Professor and Interpreter of French as well as radio and television broadcasting and production. She joined Bophana Audiovisual Resource Centre for five years as Research Analyst, then Cultural Events Manager. Chum was awarded the ASEAN Youth Culture award in 2003, the ASEAN Young Photographers Award in 2007, and the apexart residency, NY in 2009.
7/7-9 Transforming Cambodia Studies @ CKS
Center for Khmer Studies
Siem Reap, 7-9 July, 2011
in collaboration with:
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University
The Consortium of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley
and the University of California, Los Angeles
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies at the University of California, Berkeley
Since 1979 Cambodians in Cambodia and in Cambodian communities overseas have had to contend with multiple transitions; from war to peace, from one political-economic system to another and from virtual diplomatic isolation to regional and global re-integration. Inquiry into the outcomes and expressions of these transitions is still ongoing and uncertain. This conference aims to focus attention on new scholarly inquiry into the nature and impact of these transitions as they affect power relations, communal organization, identity formations and rural-urban as well as transnational migrations. Papers are being selected from the fields of
•Political Science
•Human Geography
•Ethnic Studies
•Migration Studies
•Religious Studies
•Visual and Performing Arts.
Conference details (i.e. attendance fees and program) will be posted shortly.
Download conference schedule
Siem Reap, 7-9 July, 2011
in collaboration with:
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University
The Consortium of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley
and the University of California, Los Angeles
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies at the University of California, Berkeley
Since 1979 Cambodians in Cambodia and in Cambodian communities overseas have had to contend with multiple transitions; from war to peace, from one political-economic system to another and from virtual diplomatic isolation to regional and global re-integration. Inquiry into the outcomes and expressions of these transitions is still ongoing and uncertain. This conference aims to focus attention on new scholarly inquiry into the nature and impact of these transitions as they affect power relations, communal organization, identity formations and rural-urban as well as transnational migrations. Papers are being selected from the fields of
•Political Science
•Human Geography
•Ethnic Studies
•Migration Studies
•Religious Studies
•Visual and Performing Arts.
Conference details (i.e. attendance fees and program) will be posted shortly.
Download conference schedule
7/14 「国家形成と地域社会-カンボジア官報を利用した総合的研究」2011年度第2回研究会
京都大学東南アジア研究所「東南アジア研究の国際共同研究拠点」共同研究「国家形成と地域社会-カンボジア官報を利用した総合的研究」(研究代表者:笹川秀夫、立命館アジア太平洋大学アジア太平洋学部准教授)では、以下のように、本年度第2回目の研究会をおこないます。 (本年度第1回は、日本カンボジア研究会第5回研究会との共同開催でした。詳細は、こちらをご参照ください。)
日時: 2011年7月14日 (木曜日) 午後3時-午後6時
場所: 京都大学東南アジア研究所・共同棟四階 会議室
* 東南アジア研究所へのアクセスは、 を御参照下さい。
15:00 小林 知(東南アジア研究所)「趣旨説明」
15:20 坂野 一生(神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科博士後期課程)
16:20 山田 裕史(日本学術振興会特別研究員PD)
17:20 コメント1:アフリカ地域研究から 西 真如(京都大学東南アジア研
コメント2:国際政治から 佐藤 史郎(京都大学東南アジア研究所)
18:00 ※懇親会
山田 裕史
日時: 2011年7月14日 (木曜日) 午後3時-午後6時
場所: 京都大学東南アジア研究所・共同棟四階 会議室
* 東南アジア研究所へのアクセスは、 を御参照下さい。
15:00 小林 知(東南アジア研究所)「趣旨説明」
15:20 坂野 一生(神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科博士後期課程)
16:20 山田 裕史(日本学術振興会特別研究員PD)
17:20 コメント1:アフリカ地域研究から 西 真如(京都大学東南アジア研
コメント2:国際政治から 佐藤 史郎(京都大学東南アジア研究所)
18:00 ※懇親会
山田 裕史
7/16, 30 小山内美江子国際ボランティア・カレッジ第6期生募集
「今、動くために」小山内美江子 国際ボランティア・カレッジ第6期生募集中!
〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5-26-16
認定NPO法人 JHP・学校をつくる会
〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5-26-16 読売理工学院ビル6F
〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5-26-16
認定NPO法人 JHP・学校をつくる会
〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5-26-16 読売理工学院ビル6F
投稿 (Atom)