
2/21 CKS Lecture: Urban Brokers of Rural Cuisine: Food Literacy at Cambodian Soup-Pot Restaurants

The Center for Khmer Studies welcomes Hart Feuer, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Khmer Studies and an Associated Researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany to the CKS Lecture Series in Phnom Penh, for a talk entitled:

"Urban Brokers of Rural Cuisine:Food Literacy at Cambodian Soup-Pot Restaurants"

Date: 21 February 2015
Time: 5.30 -6.30 pm

CKS Phnom Penh
234 Street 450
Tuol Tumpung II, Chamkamorn,
Phnom Penh

This Lecture is limited to 15 people only as a range of traditional Khmer food will be available to taste. Please register early to avoid disappointment.Please Confirm attendance by 20/2/2015

Email: puthea_sim[atmark]khmerstudies.org or call  023 991 937

Unlike restaurants that prepare food on-demand, pre-prepared food venues (or soup-pot restaurants) in Cambodia and other Asian countries make their decisions about what to cook in a more complicated food-society nexus, factoring in their culinary skill, seasonality of ingredients, and diners' expectations for variety. As such, soup-pot restaurants exist as tenuous brokers between rural food customs and modern expectations of city dwellers. For urban migrants, these familiar locales are an invaluable resource in overcoming the economic and social challenges of transitioning to the city. For longtime urban dwellers, they are a transparent window into the agricultural and market cycles that they encounter less in the city, as well as an opportunity to re-acquaint with national cuisine. Fulfilling the expectations of rural and urban patrons, however, requires carefully crafting an experience that balances the agricultural and social dynamics of rural eating customs with city comforts. Under good management, soup-pot restaurants can accomplish this while also serving as a space of dietary learning, providing meals that are culturally understood to be balanced and nutritious, while exposing children and adults to culinary diversity. As a site of research, these restaurants can be seen as potential innovators for managing the consequences of industrialization on food and agriculture.

Hart Feuer is a senior research fellow at the Center for Khmer Studies Cambodia and an Associated Researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany. His work focuses on higher education reform and internationalization and on agricultural processes of ecological modernization, rural change. He received a PhD in Agricultural Sociology from the University of Bonn (2013) and has been a student of diverse topics in Cambodia, Germany and the Middle East since 2003. Contact: hfeuer[atmark]gmail.com


2/21 日本学術会議、第15回アジア学術会議カンボジア会合国際シンポジウム


  第15回アジア学術会議カンボジア会合 国際シンポジウム
      論文募集(Call for Papers)について(提出期限等の再延長)

                               吉野 博


■趣 旨
  2015年5月に開催を予定している第15回アジア学術会議において、「SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR CULTURE」をテーマとして、国際シンポジウムを開催いたします。

→ http://www.itc.edu.kh/meeting/

 2015年2月21日: 論文要旨(Abstract)提出期限
 2015年2月28日: 審査結果通知(Notification of acceptance of abstract)
 2015年4月1日: 論文(Full Paper)提出期限

 ※論文募集(Call for Papers)の詳細については、以下のURLをご覧ください
 → http://www.itc.edu.kh/meeting/index.php/call-for-papers-for-international-symposium

  日 程:2015年5月15日~16日
  会 場:Angkor Paradise hotel(シェムリアップ、カンボジア)
  主 催:カンボジア工科大学(Institute of Technology of Cambodia)         
  共 催:カンボジア教育省(Ministry of Education Youth and Sport)
     カンボジア文化省(Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts)
          アジア学術会議(Science Council of Asia)
 後 援:日本学術会議(Science Council of Japan)
     日本建築学会(Architectural Institute of Japan)

■論文募集(Call for Papers)に関する情報・お問い合わせ先
  Institute of Technology of Cambodia(ITC)
  E-mail : sca2015[atmark]itc.edu.kh / info[atmark]itc.edu.kh

Péninsule No 68

Etudes Interdisciplinaires sur l'Asie du Sud- Est Péninsulaire


Présentation du numéro

KHING Hoc Dy, In memoriam, Lan Sunnary (1945-2014)

I. Les insignes du pouvoir (Chroniques, fresques, épigraphie, sceaux)

1. Cambodge

LOCH Chhanchhai : Chronique des vice-rois de Battambang (XVIIIe-XXIe siècles) : du régent Bên de Battambang à la famille Aphaiwong du Siam

LAN Sunnary : Yasovarman Ier (c. 889 - c. 910)

2. Laos

Marie GAMONET : Première approche des peintures murales bouddhiques du Vat Long Khoun à Luang Prabang

3. Monde austronésien

Grégory MIKAELIAN, Annabel Teh GALLOP & Bernard DUPAIGNE : Note sur un sceau malais du Cambodge (1844)

II. Ses fondements socio-économiques : circulations et échanges

Marie-Sybille de VIENNE : Quelques remarques sur la fondation d'Aceh (XVIe siècle), au croisement des sources narratives classiques (chroniques et annales) et de l'épigraphie

Michel LORRILLARD : Économie et réseaux marchands dans l'espace lao du XVIIe siècle

Nasir ABDOUL-CARIME : In memoriam Gabriel Ferrand (1864-1935). Itinéraire d'un savant-diplomate



1. De la Malaisie à la Malaysia : portulans de la Renaissance et représentations contemporaines

2. Les acteurs de la crise thaïlandaise

3. Sortir de la pauvreté, quelle exemplarité asiatiques ?