
7/26 CKS Public Lecture Series, "The Value of Video Scholarship & French Colonial Architecture"

The Center for Khmer Studies welcomes Professor Jeffrey Dym, Professor of Japanese History at California
State University, Sacramento and a former CKS Senior Fellow to the Lecture Series in SIEM REAP. He will be joined by Michael Vann Ph.D, who has recently spoken in Phnom Penh. The topic for discussion will be:

The Value of Video Scholarship & French Colonial Architecture

Date: 26/7/2013
Time: 1730 - 1900

CKS Conference Hall
Wat Damnak
Siem Reap

Please Confirm attendance by 25/7/2013

Email: sreypich[atmark]khmerstudies.org or call  063 964 385

As scholars we have often watched historical television programs and documentaries on subjects that are entertaining and interesting but which are not historically accurate.  The problem is that most documentaries are made by filmmakers who take a crash course in a subject, hire a few professors to make comments, then edit the film to suit their narrative, which is not always the most historically accurate narrative. Professor Dym would like to change that by encouraging scholars to embark down a scholarly path he is calling “Video Scholarship.” Scholars usually publish their academic research as articles in journals, chapters in books, or monographs.  He believes that these forms of academic dissemination should be supplemented by video scholarship, because some topics are best told in video. This talk will focus on the value of video scholarship and how it relates to his current project on French Colonial architecture in Phnom Penh.

Jeffrey Dym is a Professor of Japanese History at California State University, Sacramento and a former CKS Senior Fellow. He has done research on Japanese silent film narrators (benshi) and kamishibai (paper plays), a form of Japanese street performance. In recent years he has become involved in turning his research into documentary films.  His current project involves French Colonial architecture in Phnom Penh.

Michael G. Vann is an Associate Professor of History at California State University, Sacramento, Vice President of the California World History Association, and a past President of the French Colonial Historical Society. Vann was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakata, Indonesia, in 2012-2013 and a Center for Khmer Studies Fellow in 2013.

Please visit our website for further information.


Péninsule n°65. Etudes khmères? (II)

Péninsule n°65. Etudes khmères? (II) Outils pour une approche du Cambodge ancien
Etudes Interdisciplinaires sur l'Asie du Sud- Est Péninsulaire

Aire géographique culturelle : Asie du S-E continentale
Date : 2012
Directeur de publication : Marie-Sybille de VIENNE
Site : http://peninsule.free.fr/pages/24alhomepag.html
Numéro : 65
Prix : 28 euros

Présentation du numéro

I. Lectures disciplinaires croisées du pays khmer ancien

En marge des Etats (ethno-histoire)

Frédéric BOURDIER : Réflexion pour une ethnohistoire des peuples sans écriture

Pré-angkorien et angkorien (linguistique & ethnologie)

Michel FERLUS : Origine des anciens noms du Cambodge: Fou-nan et Tchen-la

Bernard DUPAIGNE : Le fer et l'empire angkorien

Chouléan ANG : Est-ce si surnaturel ?

Post-angkorien (philologie, études vietnamiennes)

Michel ANTELME : Des varnnasrama angkoriens aux peuples péariques du Cambodge post-angkorien, une possible trace d'une institution angkorienne dans le lexique moderne et contemporain

Emmanuel POISSON : La contribution de Hà Thuc Giao, juge provincial de Vinh Long, au débat sur l'administration des confins du Dai Nam

Dinh Lu Giang : Approche historiographique et bibliographique des Khmers du delta du Mékong du point de vue des études vietnamiennes

II. Interrogations épistémologiques

Joseph Deth THACH : Descriptions linguistiques du khmer: différentes approches de la singularité    

Elizabeth GUTHRIE & Serge THION : Quelle est la religion des Khmers ?

Eric BOURDONNEAU : L'histoire du Cambodge existe-t-elle ? Monuments et documents de "dix siècles inconnaissables"

Ashley THOMPSON : "Il n'y a pas de hors-texte": à propos du Language of the Gods in the World of Men

Grégory MIKAELIAN : Des sources lacunaires de l'histoire à l'histoire complexifiée des sources. Eléments pour une histoire des renaissances khmères (c. XIV°-c. XVIII°s.)


7/6 シェア連続トークイベント「NGOの現場で働く人-カンボジア・看護師編」







2013年7月6日(土) 14:00〜16:00 (13:30開場)

JICA市ヶ谷ビル2階 セミナールーム202AB(東京都新宿区市谷本村町10-5)MAP

一般:1,000円 シェア会員及び学生:500円(学生の場合は、学生証の提示をお願いします)

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