
5/1 Appel à contribution, Colloque sur les Études Khmères

-Inalco, Paris, 25-26 novembre 2011. Quelle(s) science(s) pour le pays khmer? Approches empiriques et théoriques

Appel à contribution

Vingt-trois ans après le premier symposium sur les études khmères*, l'Association d'Échangeset de Formation pour les Études Khmères (AEFEK), en partenariat avec le Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE, UMR8170, CNRS/EHESS), le Centre Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est (CASSE, ASIESEA4512, INALCO) et la revue Péninsule, propose de réunir un large panel de chercheurs khmérisants venant de toutes les disciplines en vue de dresser un état de la recherche sur le pays khmer et de dégager des perspectives pour l'avenir.

À travers la présentation des résultats de leurs travaux, le présent colloque invite les chercheurs à une interrogation épistémologique sur leur domaine de compétence. En particulier, le concept d'études khmères qui se dessine en filigrane des moyens et des mécanismes d'acquisition des connaissances à la disposition de la communauté des khmérisants (revues, débats, correspondances, références bibliographiques) est-il un cadre d'expression susceptible de s'affirmer comme un champ disciplinaire à part entière,avec ses méthodes, ses classiques et son historiographie? À l'inverse, faut-il préférer une logique disciplinaire transculturelle qui relativise le postulat d'une cohérence historique et culturelle propre au «terrain khmer» – soulignant en cela la vacuité d'un espace de recherche qui lui serait attaché – mais qui ce faisant véhicule une certaine avancée conceptuelle?

Les deux axes présentés ci-dessus suggèrent des pistes, mais n'épuisent pas les questionnements sur les ressorts cognitifs disponibles pour trouver la méthode et les voies de son application sur le terrain. L'expérience montre d'ailleurs qu'ils sont souvent pratiqués de conserve, la question étant de savoir, selon les cas, de quelle manière et si cela est pertinent. En ouvrant ce débat, l'objectif final du colloque est donc de jauger les types de démarches scientifiques en présence, et au-delà, d'offrir un éclairage sur les formes de la recherche consacrées au pays khmer.

*En 1988, sous l'égide du CEDORECK (Centre de Documentation et de Recherche sur la Civilisation Khmère) et avec comme thème: «Études interdisciplinaires sur le Cambodge». Plusieurs initiatives ont, depuis, maintenu le contact entre les khmérisants, en particulier celles de Claude Jacques en 1993 (Symposium sur les sources del'histoire du pays khmer, Paris), de Pierre Lamanten 1995 (Bilan et perspectives des Études khmères, PhnomPenh) et de Sorn Samnang en 1996 (La khmérologie. Connaissance du passé et contribution au renouveau du Cambodge, PhnomPenh).

Modalités pratiques

Un résumé de la communication de 10 lignes (circa 1000 signes) accompagné du titre de l'article, du nom et du prénom, de l'institution d'attache, de l'adresse électronique, et d'un court curriculum vitæ de l'auteur devra être envoyé avant le 1er mai à l'adresse suivante: [colloque2011[atmark]free.fr]. Le comité scientifique seré serve le droit de retenir ou de rejeter les propositions, dans un intervalle d'un mois à compter de cette date butoir.

La langue de communication est le français; le temps de parole par intervenant sera de 25 minutes (15 minutes d'intervention suivies de 10 minutes de questions). Les textes définitifs pour publication des actes aux bons soins de la revue Péninsule devront parvenir au plus tard le 1er janvier 2012 [colloque2011[atmark]free.fr].

Comité scientifique:
L'Association d'Échanges et de Formation pour les Études Khmères (AEFEK, http://aefek.free.fr)
Le Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE, UMR 8170, CNRS, http://case.cnrs.fr)
Le Centre Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est (CASSE, ASIES EA 4512, INALCO, http://asies@inalco.fr)
La Revue Péninsule(http://peninsule.free.fr)


1/21 早稲田大学アジア研究機構、アジアセミナー「カンボジア・クメール・ルージュ裁判の現状と課題」

第54回 アジアセミナー「カンボジア・クメール・ルージュ裁判の現状と課題」

日 時    2011年1月21日(金) 14:45~16:15(4限目)
会 場    早稲田大学26号館(大隈タワー)地下一階多目的講義室
講演者    野口 元郎(カンボジア特別法廷最高裁判所国際判事)

言 語    日本語
対 象    学生・教職員・一般
申し込み等  入場無料 当日直接会場へお越しください



1/12 Human Sciences Happy Hour "Animism in Cambodia: Bioregionalism in Practice"

Human Sciences Happy Hour in Phnom-Penh
Once a month -  6pm –  Baitong Restaurant
(7 Street 360/ Norodom Bd, Beung Keng Kang I)

The HSHH will be back in JANUARY 2011
 Wednesday 12th, at 6 pm

Gregory McCann
PhD student
Tamkang University in Taipei, Taiwan

"Animism in Cambodia: Bioregionalism in Practice"

The indigenous or "highlander" people of Northeast Cambodia have traditionally been animistic ecosystem-based cultures whose way of life is a perfect manifestation of what is called "bioregionalism" in environmental studies. Extensive knowledge of local ecology, ability (and strong desire) to live autonomously and sustainably, and a keen awareness of "spirit places" –these are some of the defining features of bioregionalism and the Brao, Tampuan, Bunong and other highlander groups of Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri provinces have copious amounts of all three. During one month of homestays, interviews and treks to “sacred” forests, mountains, and lakes with different indigenous guides and families a picture emerged that will be of interest to bioregionalism and environmental studies scholars. In an ecological milieu haunted by malevolent spirits, the highlander people of Northeast Cambodia have lived in relative symbiosis with nature, that is, until the arrival of large numbers of economic migrants, agricultural plantations and foreign companies looking to cash in on untapped resources. These outsiders, often with the collusion of government officials, are threatening to extinguish the unique animist cultures that have thrived (despite repeated disruptions and turmoil) for centuries. This paper seeks to examine these issues from a bioregional perspective, emphasizing that the highlander cultures of this region are a great source of knowledge for living dynamic and sustainable lives in one’s own eco-region.


1/12 立命館アジア太平洋大学、社会連携セミナー

立命館アジア太平洋大学 2010年度 社会連携セミナー
新しい国際協力のスキームに向けて: 社会的投資を通してのエンパワーメントと持続的発展

社会連携セミナーをARUN代表 功能聡子氏をお迎えして2011年1月12日(水)に開催します。

講演者: 功能 聡子氏(ARUN, LLC代表)
日 時: 2011年1月12日(水)14:15-15:50
場 所: 立命館アジア太平洋大学RCAPS会議室A (B棟2F)
言 語: 日本語(英語のアブストラクトあり) 
定 員: 50名(定員を超えた場合は申し込みをお断りすることもあります。)


今回のセミナーは、ARUN設立者である功能 聡子 氏を講師にお迎えし、ソーシャル・ファイナンスの必要性と可能性、新しい国際協力のスキームについてご講演頂きます。



ロンドン大学政治経済大学院社会政策学部修士 修了

参加希望者は こちらからお申し込み下さい。


12/17-18 アジア研究教育拠点事業セミナー"Local Politics and Social Cleavages in Transforming Asia"

アジア研究教育拠点事業セミナー"Local Politics and Social Cleavages in Transforming Asia"


参加申し込み:セミナーはclosedではございますが、参加ご希望の方は、東南研・研究支援室 阿部

This seminar is closed, so if you join us, pelase contact to Abe(abe{at}cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp).

Time: 17-18 December 2010, 14:00 - 18.40
Venue: Middle Size Conference Room(17), Small Size Conference Room(18) at the Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall 3rd floor, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto

Dec. 17th (Fri.),2010

14:00-14:20: Introduction

Session 1: National and Local Politics (Moderator: Honna Jun)

Pei-Hsiu Chen「The Change and Continuity of Military Role in Thai」

Tri Ratnawati「Central-Local Relations in Indonesia in Post-Soeharto:The Pemekaran Daerah (Formation of New Regions)  and Disintegration from Within」

Tsai-Wei Sun 「The Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia and Malaysia: before and after the Asian Crisis」

Seto Hiroyuki「Central-Local Relations on the Land and Forestry Policy in Lao PDR - An Analysis of Resource Management of Local Administration」

15:20-15:40: Q&A

15:40-16:00: Coffee Break

Session 2: Local Politics of Cleavages (Moderator: Pei-Hsiu Chen)

Choi Nankyung「Political Transformation, Social Cleavages and Local Power Struggle in Indonesia」

Viengrat Nethipo「A Grassroost Arena of the National Power: Politics of Primary Health Care Units in Thailand」

Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi「Harmonizing or Cleaving? Women in Local Politics in Post New Order Indonesia」

Kawano Motoko「Beyond Bumiputera Policy? : Malayasia's Local Politics in Transition」

17:00-17:20: Q&A

18:00-22:00: Free Discussion and Dinner

Dec. 18th (Sat.),2010

Session 3: Metropolitan "Local" Politics: Social Interaction and Institution (Modearator: Choi Nankyung)

Honna Jun 「Jakarta's Protection Racket: Changing Markets, Discourses and Actors」

Ahmad Suaedy 「Ethnicity in a Megacity: Identity and Political Participation of Ambonese and Madurese in Metropolitan Jakarta」

Miich Ken 「Religious Symbols and Political Power in Jakarta」

Okamoto Masaaki 「“Invisible” and Dysfunctioning City Assemblies (Dewan Kota) in the Metropolitan Jakarta: Intriguing Lack of Institutional Democracy in Indonesia」

10:30-10:50: Q&A

10:50-11:10: Coffee Break

Session 4: Metropolitan "Local" Politics: Class and Social Aspiration (Moderator: Miichi Ken)

Ukrist Pathmanand 「Bangkok as Rich-Poor and Political Conflict Space」

Kusaka Wataru 「Moralization of Class Politics in Metro Manila: Disciplinary Governance of the Metro Manila Development Authority and the Urban Poor」

Abdul Hamid 「Dibo Piss: the Politics of Voluntary Organization in Jakarta」

Arai Kenichiro 「Urban Development and Social Cleavages in Metropolitan Jakarta: Emergence of the New Regime of Containment?」

Chae Suhong 「The Causes, Characteristics, and Effects of Expanding Labor Conflicts in Recent Five Years of Vietnam: The Case of Southern Industrial Zones」

12:25-12:50: Q&A

12:50-14:00: Lunch

Session 5: Weak "National" Governance at the Locality (Moderator: Ukrist Pathmanand)

Wahyu Prasetyawan 「In the Shadow of Local Strongman: Political Economy Changes in Tangerang Selatan, Banten」

Prajak Kongkirati 「Murder and (Un) Progress: the Changing (or Unchanging) Pattern of Political Killings in Thai Local Politics」

Somchai Phatharathananunth 「Social Transformations, Democratization and Rural Resistance」

Ikrar Nusa Bhakti 「Autonomy and Politicization of Local Bureacracy in Indonesia」

Alan Hao Yang 「All International Politics are Local? Localizing Border Politics between Thailand and Cambodia」

15:15-15:40: Q&A

15:40-16:00: Coffee Break

Session 6: Local Political Economy of Energy Crops (Moderator: Okamoto Masaaki)

Hayashida Hideki 「Which Side Actors are More Responsible, Local or Global ?―Fundamental Causes of Expansion of Oil Palm Plantations in Indonesia」

Fujita Wataru 「The Social Impact of the Expansion of Oil Palm Plantation in Southern Thailand: A Scope for Global-Local Area Study」

Iwasa Kazuyuki 「Agribusiness and Politics of Palm Oil: A Case of Malaysia」

Ngadi 「The Employment Relationship on Smallholders Oil Palm Plantation in Indonesia」

Syarif Ibrahim Alqadrie 「Controversy Surrounding The 2010 Singkawang Case: Hasan Karman's Paper and Dragon Statute」

17:15-17:40: Q&A

17:40-18:40: Final Discussion (Moderator: Ota Atsushi)

12/17-18 Rencontres musicales @ CCF

Rencontres musicales
@ CCF - Cinéma
Vendredi 17 & Samedi 18 décembre, 19h

Rencontre entre la musique traditionnelle cambodgienne  et  laotienne à travers des ateliers dirigés par M. Keo Dorivan.
Le résultat de cette experience sera présenté lors de deux concerts les 17 et 18 décembre

Rencontres musicales
@ CCF - Cinema
Friday17 & Saturday18 december, 7PM

An encounter between the Cambodian and Laotian traditionnal music throught workshops led by Mr. Keo Dorivan.
The result of this experiment will be presented on 17 and 18 December.


1/16, 18-23 写真展&講演会@立命館大学国際平和ミュージアム



・場所:立命館大学国際平和ミュージアム 中野記念ホール
国際平和ミュージアム アクセスマップ
入場無料。 IKTTで織られた布も併せて展示予定です。

・講演会日時:2011年1月16日(日) 14:00~

・講演会日時:2011年1月22日(日) 14:00~


12/20 ASEAN大使団を招いての意見交換会@京都大学東南アジア研究所

今回、お招きするASEAN大使の方々は、2009年のASEAN憲章に基づき設立した常駐代表委員会(Committee of Permanent Representatives )の委員であり、設立から一年を経て、いよいよその権限と発言力が大きくなっています。意見交換を通じて、日本の研究者がASEANに何を期待しているのかを伝えることができればと思います。

日 時:2010年12月20日(月)午後4時半~6時半

場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所稲盛財団記念館3階中会議室

司 会:本名純・立命館大学国際関係学部教授



From East Asia Back to Asia Pacific

・H.E. Pengiran Basmillah Pengiran Haji Abbas大使(ブルネイ・ダルサラーム)
・H.E. Amb. Kan Pharidh大使(カンボジア)
・H.E. Amb. I Gede Ngurah Swajaya大使(インドネシア)
・H.E. Amb. Prasith Sayasith大使(ラオス)
・H.E. Dato’ Hsu King Bee大使(マレーシア)
・H.E. Amb. U Nyan Lynn大使(ミャンマー)
・Ms. Ma. Teresita C. Daza大使(フィリピン)
・H.E. Amb. Lim Thuan Kuan大使(シンガポール)
・H.E. Amb. Manasvi Srisodapol大使(タイ)
・H.E. Amb. Vu Dang Dzung大使(ベトナム)


12/18 Friendship Concert 2010 @ CJCC

12/11 Media Students Focus on Biodiversity and Climate Change @ Meta House

11th Saturday, 7PM
@ Meta House, German Cambodian Cultural Center

“SEADocs – The Southeast Asian Student Documentary Award” was created by UNESCO, Goethe Institut and GTZ. This competition encourages the art of doc filmmaking in the region, using the medium of film and television as a platform to engage with pressing environmental issues. Tonight, the Department of Media and Communication (DMC) at Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) will screen a dozen short student films on Biodiversity and Climate Change. What does biodiversity mean to the filmmakers? What effects do they witness in their local environment related to changing climate patterns and the influence of human activities? Join our screening to find out...

12/11 The Secret Contract @ Bophana

Saturday, December 11, 4 pm
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center

The Secret Contract
A film by Seng Setha, Produced by The Department of Cambodian Cinema and Diffusion, 75 min, 1991, Khmer Version
Salideth, a Cambodian residing in France during the Khmer rouge regime, returns to Cambodia in 1990s. Salideth, in France, is helped and supported by an old and rich Cambodian man who lost his son during the Khmer rouge regime. Salideth returns to Cambodia and tries to find his son for him. Using a photo of the young boy with a handwritten signature on the back, Salideth is advised to meet a girl working at Post Office in an attempt to find the similar signature.

Screened at the Cambodia International Film Festival in October 2010


1/15 上智大学アジア文化研究所、カンボジア連続セミナー2010年度第5回「経済成長とカンボジアの農村:経済発展は貧困問題を解決するのか?」


こうしたなか、カンボジア政府は援助に頼るだけではなく、経済発展によって貧困問題を解決する方向に舵を切りつつある。そこで、農民や都市貧困層を対象とした小規模貸付(マイクロクレジット)や貧困層をターゲットとしたビジネス(BOPビジネス)などが注目を集めている。しかし、カネとモノを持ち込むことによって、人びとは経済的に自立し豊かになることができるのだろうか? 農村の現状から見えてきた課題をもとに、これからのカンボジア支援のあり方について考える。

主催 上智大学アジア文化研究所
共催 (特活)カンボジア市民フォーラム

日時 2011年1月15日(土)14:30-16:30(14:00開場)

テーマ 経済成長とカンボジアの農村:経済発展は貧困問題を解決するのか?

報告者 山崎勝氏

場所 上智大学中央図書館8階L-821会議室

定員 90名

申込 事前申込制

12/22-28 山田隆量 日本画展「悠かなる大地 カンボジア」

山田 隆量 日本画展 -悠かなる大地 カンボジア-


日時:12月22日(水)~28日(火) 10:00-20:00



2/28-3/1 東南アジアのイスラームに関する講演会とセミナー@南山大学


於 南山大学名古屋キャンパスL棟910教室

Dr. Moch Nur Ichwan (スナン・カリジョゴ国立イスラーム大学講師)
'Towards Islamic Secularism?
Debating Islam, Secularisation and Politics in Indonesia'


司会 服部美奈(名古屋大学准教授)

15:30―15:40 趣旨説明 小林寧子(南山大学教授)


コメント:加藤 剛(龍谷大学教授)


コメント:青山 亨(東京外国語大学教授)


於 南山大学名古屋キャンパスJ棟1階Pルーム

司会 中田有紀(東洋大学助教)

「オランダ領東インドにおけるイルシャードの教育活動: アフマド・スールカティーの改革主義思想とその影響」



コメント:青山 亨





コメント:加藤 剛

司会 服部美奈

電話:052(832)3111 内線3428・3429

12/8 APU Master's Field Research Presentations

Master's students in APU who received support from the Master's Field Research Support Program will be presenting their research outcomes and achievements.
Please come and support fellow students and take advantage of this opportunity to learn from their experiences and listen to the research progress of other students.

Place: RCAPS Conference Room (Building B, 2nd floor), Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Date: December 8 (Wed.) 12:25 - 15:15

1. ANSAR Touseef (12:25-12:55)
  Causes of Delay in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Gujrat, Pakistan : A case of basic health unit Joura Jalalpur and Aziz
  Bhati Shaheed Hospital

2. HING Kim (13:00-13:30)
  Barriers to Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence at the Sihanouk Hospital Center of HOPE, Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Patient Perspectives

3. LENG Chhenglay (13:35-14:05)
  Roles of Private Drug Sellers in Public-Private Partnership for Tuberculosis Control: A Case Study of Public-Private Mix DOTS in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

4. MATH Srales (14:10 - 14:40)
  The Comparative Study of Stigma, Discrimination, and Coping Response Amongst People Living with HIV/AIDS between Urban and Rural of Cambodia

5. TRAN Ngoc Tien (14:45 - 15:15)
  The Ethnic Dimension of Educational Attainment in Lam Dong Province, Vietnam

Those interested can register from here

We look forward to seeing you there.


12/2 Cambodia's Viginity Trade @ Meta House

Cambodia's Viginity Trade
@ New Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
#37 Sothearos Blvd. opposite of Buildbright / Phnom Penh centre

Thursday Dec. 2, 19:00

“CAMBODIA: THE VIRGINITY TRADE” (2009, 60mins) and “THE GIRLS OF PHNOM PENH” (2009, 52 mins) are new films by UK filmmaker Matthew Watson. They are the compelling and utterly alarming account of the lives of girls and women affected by the virginity trade that exists in Cambodia today. Many Asian men believe that obtaining a virgin girl for sex will grant them extra health and luck. Subsequently, there is a huge demand for young Khmer girls.
Intimate and revealing interviews are held with the men who buy the virginity of young girls, politicians, aid workers, police, and the victims themselves. After the screening NGO reps are invited for Q&A.

12/4 The Last God King @ Bophana

4 pm, Saturday, December 4
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center

The Last God King (Part 1)
A documentary by James G. Gerrand, 57 min, 1996, English Version
For over fifty years King Norodom Sihanouk has been a pivotal force in Cambodia's destiny, juggling the fate of his people. Now in remission from cancer, King Sihanouk looks back over the highs and lows of Cambodia's struggle for survival before, during, and after "the killing fields." In four exclusive interviews, the King looks back over fifty years of political intrigue. He has been accused of collaborating with Pol Pot, yet also hailed as a peacemaker who ended years of carnage.

12/1 Conscience of Nhem En @ Meta House

Conscience of Nhem En
@ New Meta House - Cambodian German Cultural Center
#37 Sothearos Blvd. opposite of Buildbright / Phnom Penh centre

Wednesday Dec. 1, 19:00

Double Bill with two award-winning documentaries. US filmmaker Steven Okazaki has been nominated for four Academy Awards. His film "The Conscience of Nhem En" (2008, 26mins), which was nominated for an Oscar in 2009, focuses on Toul Sleng prison photographer Nhem En and the few survivors. Barbet Schroeder's stunning documentary TERROR'S ADVOCATE (2007, 135min) is a history of world terrorist movement as told through the story of the enigmatic lawyer Jacques Vergés, who is defending Khieu Samphan at the ongoing KR trial in Phnom Penh.
The famous French director takes us down history's darkest paths in his attempt to illuminate the mystery behind Vergés.