
1/31 The 9th ASEAN Inter-University Seminars on Social Development



The Social and Politics Study Program, Syiah Kuala University, in collaboration with the Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore


Abstracts for the 9th ASEAN Inter-University Seminars on Social
Development, 25 to 27 May 2010, Lampineung, Banda Aceh.


The IUS is the biggest bi-annual gathering of academics and social scientists in Southeast Asia. Backstopped by its Regional Secretariat based in the National University of Singapore, the IUS has helped advanced the understanding of the human condition in all its dimensions in Southeast Asia. It is able to enlist the participation of leading scholars and researchers from different centers of learning all over the region, including those coming from outside the region.

Key themes for the 9th IUS

The main theme for the 9th ASEAN Inter-University Seminars on Social Development Wars, Displacement and Financial Tsunamis: Remaking Society and Economy. Panels will be organized based on the following sub-topics:

* Linkages between social, political and economic development at the local and global levels
* Remaking society and economy post- natural and financial disasters
* The social consequences of the global financial crisis
* The social effects of wars and prolonged armed conflicts
* Social displacement as the result of man-made and natural disasters
* Critical discussions on media portrayals of financial and natural disasters
* Upholding human rights in the rebuilding process

We are now calling for papers from the following groups:

* Academics and scholars working on contemporary social issues in the ASEAN region.
* Government officials
* Private-sector executives and members of NGOs

Papers and suggestions for the organization of panels are welcomed.
Papers should be presented in English.

Abstract/Proposal Submission Instructions:

Abstracts of papers should be less than 250 words. Abstracts for panels should include the title, a list of participants, and abstracts for each paper. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 January 2010 and e-mailed to socbox5@nus.edu.sg  either in the body of the e-mail or as a MS Word attachment. Selected papers from this seminars series may be included in a future publication.


It should be emailed to socbox5@nus.edu.sg ,
either in the body of the email or as a MS Word attachment.
Electronic versions of completed, camera-ready papers of not more than 20 single-spaced A4 sized pages should reach the secretariat by 30 March 2010.

REGISTRATION FEES in (To be announce later).

 Registration before 31 March 2010  : USD 275.00  
 Registration after 31 March 2010   : USD 300.00
 Students /Retirees                 : USD 150.00




北川香子「東南アジア史学会 - 最近の活動の紹介を中心に - 」

野澤知弘「カンボジアの華人社会 - 僑生華人と新客華僑の共生関係 - 」

佐藤奈穂「女性世帯主世帯の世帯構成と就業選択 - カンボジア・シェムリアップ州タートック村を事例として - 」

野澤知弘「カンボジアの華人社会 - 新客華僑社会動態に関する考察 - 」

野澤知弘「カンボジアの華人社会 - プノンペンにおける僑生華人および新客華僑集住区域に関する現地調査報告 - 」





1/25 日本タイ協会、H21年度第4回講演会

平成21年度 第4回講演会開催のご案内


講演テーマ 「カンボジア・タイ両国関係の回顧と現状」 (カンボジアから見たタイ)
講師 元駐カンボジア大使 今川 幸雄氏

日時 平成22年1月25日(月)
 ・午後2時30分 受付開始
 ・3時10分~5時 講演
 ・4時30分 情報交換会(30分程度予定)

場所 三井住友銀行 丸ノ内クラブ
東京都千代田区丸の内2-2-2 丸の内三井ビル11階(詳細地図 )
TEL (03)3212-0271

参加費 無料

 講師には、元駐カンボジア大使の今川 幸雄(いまがわ ゆきお)様をお迎えします。

講演会 受講の申し込み

1/12-15 日本アセアンセンター、ASEAN Tourism Week

展示&セミナー 「いま、熱き東南アジア。~ASEAN Tourism Week~」

 国際機関 日本アセアンセンターでは2010年1月12日から1月15日の期間、東京・御成門のアセアンホールで、「いま、熱き東南アジア。~ASEAN Tourism Week~」を開催する。

【入場】無料(展示・セミナー) ※セミナーには事前の申し込みが必要です

■展示内容:世界遺産コーナー、伝統工芸品コーナー、ASEAN各国の缶ビールコレクションコーナー、ホテルの「Don’t Disturb」札コーナー等のほか、ASEANでのロングステイ紹介&相談コーナー(期間中13:00~17:30はロングステイアドバイザーが常駐)

■セミナー:「インドネシア文化セミナー」(12日16:00~17:00)、「連日開催! ASEAN語学教室」(13:30~15:00)~インドネシア語12日、タイ語13日、クメール語(カンボジア語)14日、マレー語15日/協力:INJカルチャーセンター、「ベトナムコーヒー&生春巻き体験教室」(14日16:00~17:00)

http://www.asean.or.jp/ja/ajc/about/event_hall/2010/AseanTourismWeek をご覧ください。
国際機関 日本アセアンセンター観光交流部



第4期 国際ボランティア・カレッジ 開講中!




【講義】馬橋 憲男(フェリス女学院大学国際交流学部教授)
【講師】今川 純子(JHP・学校をつくる会副代表)

【講師】村田 早耶香(かものはしプロジェクト代表理事)

【講師】源 由理子(明治大学大学院ガバナンス研究科教授)

【講師】西尾 珪子(国際日本語普及協会理事長)

【講師】松本 伸夫(JHP・学校をつくる会理事,東海大学前教授)

【講師】池上 彰(ジャーナリスト)

【講師】西尾 珪子(国際日本語普及協会理事長)


【講師】江川 紹子(ジャーナリスト)
【講義】 私の取材ノートから
【講師】丸井 雅子(上智大学外国語学部)
【講師】青木 一能(日本大学文理学部教授)

【講師】松本 伸夫(JHP・学校をつくる会理事)
【講師】今川 幸雄(元駐カンボジア大使)




特定非営利活動法人 JHP・学校をつくる会
国際ボランティア・カレッジ事務局(担当 池谷、木村)
住所:〒108-0014 東京都港区芝5-26-16 読売理工学院ビル6F
TEL:03-6435-0812 / FAX:03-6435-0813




Surat LERTLUM & SHIBAYAMA Mamoru, "Application of Geo-Informatics to the Study of the Royal Road from Angkor to Phimai"


小林知「カンボジア、トンレサープ湖東岸地域農村における集落の解体と再編: 一村落社会の1970年以降の歴史経験の検証[An Examination of the Demise and Reconstruction of a Cambodian Village since 1970: A Case Study from the Eastern Tonle Sap Region]」

カンボジア小特集"New Japanese Scholarship in Cambodian Studies"

HAYASHI Yukio, "Introduction"

KITAGAWA Takako, "Kampot of the Belle Epoque: From the Outlet of Cambodia to a Colonial Resort "

SASAGAWA Hideo, "Post/colonial Discourses on the Cambodian Court Dance"

TAKAHASHI Miwa, "Marriage, Gender, and Labor: Female-Headed Households in a Rural Cambodian Village"

SAKANASHI Yukiko, "The Relationship of Socio-Economic Environment and Ethnicity to Student Career Development in Contemporary Cambodia: A Case Study of High Schools in Phnom Penh"

KOBAYASHI Satoru, "An Ethnographic Study on the Reconstruction of Buddhist Practice in Two Cambodian Temples: With the Special Reference to Buddhist Samay and Boran"


Yunita T. Winarto, "The Evolutionary Changes in Rice-crop Farming: Integrated Pest Management in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam"

東佳史「カンボジア国除隊兵士の人口学・疫学的調査結果に関する一考察[Abandoned People: An Epidemiological and Demographic Profile of Demobilized Cambodian Soldiers]」


1/30 日本ユネスコ協会連盟、世界寺子屋運動検討会議





◆2010年1月30日(土)電通ホール 13:00~17:55(12:30開場)
対象:一般・ユネスコ協会 (定員120名:申込順)
      UNESCO生涯教育研究所 アマダ・オウン所長
      千葉杲弘 日本ユネスコ協会連盟理事
      コーディネーター・千葉杲弘 日本ユネスコ協会連盟理事

◆2010年1月31日(日)文京学院大学 9:30~17:00(9:00開場)
※ 31日はユネスコ協会会員対象とさせていただきますので、あらかじめ

日本ユネスコ協会連盟 教育文化事業部 寺子屋担当(茂木・鴨志田)まで。
TEL:03-5424-1121 FAX:03-5424-1126  nfuaj_inc@unesco.or.jp



3/6 日本図書館研究会、第269回研究例会





大阪市立難波市民学習センター  第1研修室
大阪市浪速区湊町1丁目4番1号 JR難波駅上 OCATビル4階

発表者 :

テーマ :


12/28 Reyum, New Exhibition "Mesurements in Khmer Society"

Exhibition and Publication

Opening on Monday, December 28, 2009, 5-8 pm
(December 2009, February 2010)

47 Street 178 Phnom Penh. Tel 023 217 149


1/9-10 JICA横浜、開発教育指導者セミナー(応用編)


独立行政法人 国際協力機構 JICA横浜



◆1日目 プログラム -1月9日(土曜)-


A 「写真をきっかけに広がる世界-地球の仲間とつながろう-」
B 「カカオ農園の子どもたち」
C 「援助と開発」

堀田 桃子(独立行政法人 国際協力機構 職員)

コーディネーター:小野 行雄(K-DEC運営委員、草の根援助運動)
パネリスト    :塚本 真衣子(シャンティ国際ボランティア会)
          :志賀 ツヤ子(元アジア福祉教育財団 相談員)
          :堀田 桃子(独立行政法人 国際協力機構)

講師:山西 優二(K-DEC代表、早稲田大学文学学術院教授)


【18時~ 懇親会(自由参加)】

◆2日目 プログラム-1月10日(日曜)-




【17時 終了】

市民参加協力課 開発教育指導者セミナー担当
〒231-0001 横浜市中区新港2-3-1
TEL:045-663-3220(市民参加協力課) FAX:045-663-3265


1/31 カンボジアNGO法案に関するセミナー







・上村 未来(カンボジア市民フォーラム現地調整員/
・山田 裕史(カンボジア市民フォーラム事務局長/
・熊岡 路矢(カンボジア市民フォーラム共同代表世話人/



■参加申込:事前申込制(ホームページ〔http://www.pefocj.org 〕の専用フォームにて受付けております。また、FAXでのお申込みの場合は、 ①お名前、②ふりがな、③ご所属、④会員/非会員を明記のうえ、〔03-3835-0519〕にご送信ください。

■資料代:一般 500円、カンボジア市民フォーラム会員および学生 300円

(〒102-8554 東京都千代田区紀尾井町7-1)


1/8-10 名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科、第2回「開発のためのアジア学術ネットワーク」国際セミナー

名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科は、日本学術振興会(JSPS)アジア・アフリカ学術基盤形成事業の一環として、2010年1月8-10日に、カンボジア王立プノンペン大学との共催で、第2回「開発のためのアジア学術ネットワーク (The Academic Network for Development in Asia: ANDA)」国際セミナーを、プノンペンにおいて開催いたします。

The Second ANDA International Seminar on January 8-10, 2010

The Second International Seminar of the Academic Network for Development in Asia (ANDA) will be jointly organized by GSID, Nagoya University and the Royal University of Phnom Penh on January 8-10, 2010. This International Seminar is sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under its Asia/Africa Science Platform Program.

Program (PDF4498KB)

Poster (PDF203KB)


1/23 日仏会館、日仏人文社会科学系若手研究者セミナー


日時 2010年1月23日(土) 14:00~18:00
場所 日仏会館5階501会議室 (入場無料,恵比寿駅より徒歩10分)

 藤原 貞朗 (茨城大学人文学部准教授)
 林 洋子 (京都造形芸術大学芸術学部准教授)

1)「オリエンタリストたちの日仏文化交流 - 日本とフランスとの齟齬」
 藤原 貞朗 氏
 2009年度 渋沢・クローデル賞 本賞受賞者

2)「旅する画家:藤田嗣治- 日本・フランス・仏領インドシナ」
 林 洋子 氏
 2009年度 渋沢・クローデル賞 ルイ・ヴィトン ジャパン特別賞受賞者
 受賞作『藤田嗣治 作品をひらく 旅・手仕事・日本』(名古屋大学出版会,2008)



カンボジア勉強会については、こちら )

現在、2009年11月に刊行された『カンボジア・ジャーナル』第2号が、こちら でPDFで公開されています。

井伊誠「カンボジアの妖怪アープ 井伊誠」

12/21 上智大学アジア文化研究所、カンボジア研究会





12/27-1/18 アンコールワット展、東京会場

世界遺産 アンコールワット展

日時 :2009年12月27日(日)~2010年1月18日(月)
会場 :日本橋三越本店 新館7階ギャラリー
入場料: 一般大学生 1,000円  高校・中学生 800円
お問合わせ:日本橋三越 TEL 03-3241-3311(大代表)

12/24 「NPOマネジメントフォーラム2010」参加者募集




ディスカッションの総合テーマ「NPOにおける事業運営マネジャーの育成 -(How to Develop Operational Managers in Non-Profit Organizations)」








〒103-0013 東京都中央区日本橋人形町2−35−14 東京海苔会館6階
TEL: 03-3249-0767 / FAX: 03-3639-2436
E-mail: core☆iyeo.or.jp / URL: http://www.centerye.org/


1/15 International Workshop on Collective Action, Property Rights, and Conflict in Natural Resources Management, Call for Abstracts

International Workshop on Collective Action, Property Rights, and Conflict in Natural Resources Management
June 28th to July 1st, 2010, Siem Reap, Cambodia

[download as pdf]

CAPRi is accepting abstracts on the topic of “Collective Action, Property Rights, and Conflict in Natural Resources Management” for presentation at an international research workshop to be held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from June 28 to July 1, 2010.

The vast majority of victims in contemporary violent conflicts are civilians who depend directly on natural resources for their livelihoods. The post‐Cold War era is marked by such “subsistence wars,” mostly intra-state or cross-border conflicts occurring in the world’s poorer regions. Environmental destruction, wasteful resource use, and growing livelihood insecurity in these regions lead to greater competition over access to and ownership of natural resources, which acts as a driving or contributing factor to the conflict.  A number of recent studies of this trend have attempted to identify the links between competition over natural resources and violent conflict.

Clearly, the progression from resource competition to violence is not inevitable. While much existing research has focused on how poverty, food insecurity, and scarcity of natural resources lead to violent conflict, the ways in which collective action to address these challenges may help to reduce the threat of conflict has received less attention. Numerous cases from Africa, Asia, and Latin America offer examples of conflict resolution or mitigation through efforts to organize for sustainable resource management, ranging from local to regional scales, and encompassing civil society, private, and state actors. These experiences, however, have not been assessed in comparative perspective. The workshop will address these links systematically, drawing on empirical cases from forests, water, land, fisheries, and other multiple resource systems.

The international workshop will focus on the positive ways in which collective action to resolve problems of allocation and access to renewable natural resources can help manage or prevent social conflict more generally.

Papers submitted should address either or both of the following themes:

Collective action, property rights, and conflict management. 
What are the defining characteristics of natural resource management institutions that contribute to resilience in the face of intense competition among resource uses and user groups? What is the role of collective action in creating and sustaining these institutions? In what ways do clarity, equity, or flexibility in property rights influence the likelihood of competition being resolved peacefully rather than violently?

Rebuilding after violent conflict: The role of natural resources management institutions in community building.
What is particular about the challenge of rebuilding institutions (including property rights systems) for natural resources management in the wake of violent conflict? What strategies have proven most successful and why? In what ways does the work of investing in collective action to resolve problems of resource allocation and access reinforce more general efforts at societal reintegration?

Answers to these questions can help improve the design of policies and strategies for development interventions in conflict-affected environments, and identify ways to encourage improvements in natural resources management that reinforce cooperation and avert deepening cycles of conflict. The purpose of this workshop is to consolidate and synthesize experience on best practices for policy and institutional change, to communicate these lessons internationally, and to initiate a network of researchers and practitioners with an ongoing commitment to share experience and build capacity in this domain.

Abstract submission

Abstracts of proposed papers must be received by January 15, 2010.  The abstract (150 to 400 words) should specify the focus of analysis, the empirical evidence to be presented, methodological approach, key conclusions, and implications for development policy, strategy, or institutional change processes.

Abstracts will be selected based on the following criteria:

Research focus.  Clearly addresses one or both of the themes outlined above, persuasively stated.
Lessons. Promising lessons for development policy, strategy, or institutional change.
Empirical evidence.  Strong basis of experience or data to underpin the analysis.
Methodological innovation.  Results from qualitative, quantitative methods and trans-disciplinary research approaches are encouraged, with preference for innovative methods that can be replicated or adapted and developed to cover different conditions.
Diversity of regions and resource systems. The workshop organizers are seeking cases from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and encourage both case study and multi-country comparative analyses.
Clarity. The abstract should effectively present the main elements of the paper as concise, coherent statement.

Abstracts must be received no later than January 15, 2010. Full papers (6000 to 8000 words) must be submitted by April 15, 2010. Please send abstracts to Eric Haglund at e.haglund@cgiar.org. Please also contact Eric with any questions or to request further information regarding the workshop.

Workshop arrangements

The workshop will be held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from June 28 to July 1, 2010, and will include field visits to nearby sites where local partners have engaged in efforts at community-based management and other institutional and legal reforms addressing conflicts over forests, fisheries, land, and water resources.  Participants will have the option of a pre-workshop side trip to the historic Angkor Wat temple complex.

CAPRI funds are available to cover travel costs for CGIAR researchers or collaborators selected to present papers at the workshop. Limited funds may also be available to fund the travel of selected non-CGIAR presenters. Funding questions will be resolved on an individual basis.

The workshop is co-sponsored by the Institute for Environmental Security , The Hague, and is made possible through program funding to CAPRi from the governments of Norway, Italy, and the World Bank.

2/1-3 Sixth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations Implementing or Funding

Sixth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations Implementing or Funding Biosafety Capacity-building Activities

1 - 3 February 2010 - Siem Reap, Cambodia

Provisional Agenda

Annotations to the Provisional Agenda

1/31 ISEAS Conference, Theravada Buddhism Under Colonialism, Call for Papers


Conference Title: Theravada Buddhism Under Colonialism: Adaptation and Response
Dates: 24-25 May 2010
Place: Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore

Southeast Asian forms of Buddhism have long been marked by a close association between the Sangha and the state. For much of the history of the Buddhist polities of Southeast Asia , this association has been manifested as a symbiotic relationship between the monarch and the Sangha. Scholars no longer assume that this symbiotic relationship in which monks legitimized the rule of a king in return for his support necessarily meant that monks were unthinking tools of the state. Nonetheless, in general the Sangha and the state were, and in many ways continue to be, closely interlinked.

In several of the Southeast Asian polities, however, colonialism fractured this relationship, calling into question many aspects of how state and Sangha could and should interact. How did colonial administrations in Southeast Asia react to and incorporate the Sangha within their own administrations? What roles did they see the monks playing under the colonial state? And how did the Sangha respond to the new political masters, and adapt to their changed roles? It was certainly the case that during the colonial period, monks both worked with imperial governments and opposed them in their efforts to preserve Buddhism and to foster national and modern forms of Buddhism.

While much work has been done in studying social change in Southeast Asian colonial polities during the 19 th and 20 th centuries, there has been very little research on the varying effects of colonialism on Theravada Buddhism in the diverse polities of Southeast Asia , particularly of a comparative mode. Such comparisons have been restricted by national and linguistic differences, making fruitful comparison difficult. Moreover there were at least three colonial regimes in the region: the French in Laos and Cambodia , the British in Sri Lanka and Burma , and the Qing state among the Tai communities of Yunnan . Other possible considerations of colonial regimes could be the Central Thai presence and control in Northern Thailand; the American quasi-colonial presence in Thailand during the Cold War and the period of Vietnamese control of Cambodia in more recent times.

This conference, which will be held over 24-25 May 2010, seeks to bring together scholars of colonial-period Buddhism to present papers and to think comparatively about the effects of colonialism on Buddhism in Southeast Asia . Was there a Theravada response to colonialism? If so, how was it marked? If not, what gave rise to the diversity of reactions?

Some of the themes that might be pursued in papers include:
· Colonialism and the development of modern forms of Buddhism
· Buddhist resistance to and accommodation with colonial regimes
· The impact of colonialism on transnational Buddhist networks
· The varying impacts of European and Asian colonialisms on Buddhist
· The diversity of colonial impacts on the masses and the monastic elites.

All participants will be provided with three nights accommodation in Singapore .
Requests for assistance with airfares, especially from Asian countries, will be sympathetically considered.

Call for Papers

Paper proposals are invited from scholars engaged in any aspect of the study of Theravada Buddhism and the colonial experience. Proposals should be received by 31 January 2010 and successful applicants will be informed of their acceptance by 15 February 2010.

Paper proposals should include a title and a 400-word abstract, together with a short biography of the applicant.

Proposals should be directed to:
Buddhism under Colonialism Conference
Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119614
Email: nscconferences@iseas.edu.sg

Conference Committee:

Thomas Borchert
Ian Harris
Tansen Sen
Geoff Wade

1/15 ISEAS Conference, The Culture of Value and the Value of Culture, Call for Papers


ISEAS Conference 
The Culture of Value and the Value of Culture:
The Socio-economic Life of Southeast Asian Art

1-2 July 2010

The production of art is a political, ideological and economic activity. It can only be properly comprehended within the political economy of artists, the state, private or public funders, auction houses, academics, critics, patrons and audience-consumers. This conference seeks to examine how this political economy shapes the economic value, cultural capital, and artistic importance of Southeast Asian art. It will examine what the late Pierre Bourdieu termed ‘cultural intermediaries’ who are responsible for the politics of inclusion and exclusion of Southeast Asian art, as well as the forces which inform these politics.

From nationalism to global market demands, such forces have been vital to the presentation and representation of Southeast Asian art. It is thus important to untangle and examine the exertions of such forces as well as the agents enacting them for a clearer understanding of the culture of value and the value of culture embedded in the region’s contemporary and civilisational art forms.

In contrast to the vibrancy of contemporary Southeast Asian art or the civilisational importance of ancient Southeast Asian artifacts, very little scholarly work has been invested in the sociological and economic investigation into the production of the region’s art. This conference seeks to:

Define and understand the political economy within which contemporary and civilisational art forms are produced, presented, represented and consumed.
Examine the politics of inclusion and exclusion enacted by cultural intermediaries.
Provide fertile avenues for further research into Southeast Asian art.

 Abstracts should fit into one of the conference themes below:

Conference Themes
1.         Art and National Histories
Why and how are art works and civilisational artifacts presented as synonymous with national histories? How do their presentations privilege the interests of the ruling elite?

2.         The Role of Cultural Intermediaries
The press, critics and academics are often key players in the ‘myth of discovery’ whereby previously unknown artists plucked from the abyss of obscurity by a discerning critic or patron, and presented to the appreciative world. What are the politics of inclusion and exclusion? What are the selection criteria?

3.         The Economics of Art
Auction houses and art galleries are key players in the network of art production and distribution. What are the political and ideological forces which determine economic value? What sells, what doesn’t?

4.         The Policies of Art
The cultural policies define the place and role of art in a nation’s trajectory. What roles have Southeast Asian governments accorded art in their nation-building projects, and have their policies been successful?

5.         The Production of Art
Practitioners and artists are located in specific locations in the political economy. What are the power relations they face with the state and other cultural intermediaries? How do they negotiate these power contours?

6.         The Consumption of Art
How does art challenge modes of consumption? How do artists and intermediaries question and challenge commonly held assumptions about commerce, mass media, consumer society and even art itself?

Abstracts of not more than 250 words should be submitted to the conference convenors below.
The deadline for abstract submission is 15 January 2010.

Conference convenors:
Mr Ben Loh, Research Associate: benloh@iseas.edu.sg
Dr Terence Chong, Fellow: terencechong@iseas.edu.sg

1/23 早稲田大学文化人類学会、第11回総会・シンポジウム



  2階 第一会議室

JR山手線高田馬場駅下車・学バス乗換にてバス停「馬場下町」下車 徒歩3分
東京メトロ東西線早稲田駅下車 徒歩5分



受付   11:00~

研究発表 11:30~14:00

古関 光浩 (早稲田大学大学院)

藤井 紘司 (早稲田大学大学院)

仲沢 隆 (早稲田大学大学院)

稲澤 努(東北大学大学院)

朴 周鳳(早稲田大学大学院)


総会 14:30~15:00

シンポジウム 15:00~18:00


問題提起と各論 15:00~16:45

蔵持 不三也 (早稲田大学人間科学学術院)


小幡 壮 (静岡県立大学国際関係学部)
  「食文化のなかのグローバル現象 ―東南アジアの事例を中心にして」

秋野 晃司 (女子栄養大学栄養学部)
  「グローバル時代の日本の食文化 ―米の生産と消費をめぐって」

古沢 紘造 (駒澤大学経済学部)
  「タンザニアにおける食のグロバリゼーション ―『ダーウィンの悪夢』をめぐって」

安倍 与志雄 (パリ高等社会科学研究院)
  「米の民族誌 ―米食形態・調理方法の世界的概観」

総合討論 16:45~17:35 司会 蔵持 不三也

1/23 公開セミナー<検証:ODAを問う〜メコン開発から見た環境と人権への影響>






所在地 〒105-0012 東京都港区芝大門2-10-12 KDX芝大門ビル4F

 ・事例4:援助は役に立っているか? タイにみるODAと人々の受難

■主催:メコン・ウォッチ、国際環境NGO FoE Japan

(特活)アーユス仏教国際協力ネットワーク、アジア開発銀行福岡NGO フォーラム、「環境・持続社会」研究センター、カンボジア市民フォーラム、(財)地球・人間環境フォーラム、日本環境ジャーナリストの会(JFEJ)



〒110-0015 東京都台東区東上野1-20-6 丸幸ビル2階 
Tel: 03-3832-5034 Fax: 03-3832-5039
Email: info@mekongwatch.org


12/17 フランス文化センター、ユネスコ世界遺産に関するカンファレンス

Centre Culturel Français, Conférences
Les sites pâtrimoines mondial

17/12/2009 19:00
CCF - Cinéma

Les sites pâtrimoines mondial
Philippe Delanghe
Jeudi 17 décembre, 19h

Quels sont le processus d’inscription d’un site et l’utilité de l’inscrire sur la Liste du Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO ?
M. Philippe Delanghe, Spécialiste de Programme Culture au Bureau de l’UNESCO à Phnom Penh apportera des éléments de réponses à vos questions sur ce sujet.

What is the procedure for registering a site, and what is the usefulness of the World Cultural Heritage List compiled by UNESCO?
Mr. Philippe Delanghe, Program Specialist in the UNESCO office in Phnom Penh, will respond to your questions on this subject.

12/14-19 Helsinki University of Technology, Urban Planning Projects

Presentation series of Urban planning projects of students from Helsinki University of Technology. After our field work period in Phnom Penh in the spring 2009, we came up with various sustainable strategies for the growth of the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh. Be warmly welcome to attend our presentations of those ideas in Phnom Penh and in Helsinki!

MONDAY 14.12.2009
Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA), Phnom Penh
A presentation for the university students.

THURSDAY 17.12.2009
Baitong Restaurant,
No. 7, Street 360, BKK1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

SATURDAY 19.12.2009
One day workshop at one of residential communities, time and location will be confirmed soon!

10.00 Meeting and ideation
Division of tasks
Lunch break
Preparing the site
16.00 Presentations and exhibition of the results

The task is to create a temporary open air auditorium and exhibition out of recycled materials found on site. An idea sheet will be provided for the residents and visitors to write and draw their ideas and comment on ours.

TUESDAY 2.2.2010 (In Finland)
Presentation of the results of the Feedback week to the TKK (Helsinki University of Technology) students

12/18 CJCC Business Seminar Series

Special Business Seminar Series

LEHMAN SHOCK and Sub-Prime Loan “The Financial KATRINA”
By Naoya Takebe, International Development Center of Japan

The fundamental understanding of the global financial crisis
The background of Lemanh Shock: why it happened?
Sub-prime loan and the core problem
Housing loan
Financial Engineering
Credit rating and supplementation
Why people ignored the risks inside financial product
What lessons can be learnt from this time failure
Impact on Japanese Economy

Date: Friday, 18th December 2009
Time: 8:30 am- 11:45 am
Venue: Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center
Admission Fee: Five (05) US$ dollars

12/14 Lecture@Reyum


ដោយ Emiko STOCK

From Photography to Ethnography: Back and Forth. Visualizing Cham Diversity In Cambodia

In Khmer and in English by Emiko STOCK
On Monday, December 14, 2009 at 6:00pm

Emiko និងយក​រូបថត​ផ្សេងៗ​ជាច្រើន​ដែលបាន​មក​ពី​​ការងារ​ស្រាវជ្រាវ​ជាច្រើន​ឆ្នាំ​អំពីចាម​នៅតាម​តំបន់​នានា​ក្នុង​ស្រុកខ្មែរ​មក​បង្ហាញ។ ក្នុង​ឱកាស​នេះ ក៏នឹង​ធ្វើអត្ថាធិប្បាយ​ពន្យល់​អំពី​កិច្ចការ​ស្រាវជ្រាវ​នេះនិង​អំពីខ្លឹមសារ​រូបថត​នីមួយៗ​នោះ​ផង។

Visual Anthropology has long advocated the value of images as primary sources documents. This presentation will show pictures taken during field work conducted among Chams in Cambodia, in an attempt to start an ethnographic description. Using both photographic and ethnographic experiences – as an undivided methodology – the slideshow will outline the variations and diversity within the “Cham Community”, despite the usually black and white image of a monochrome community.

ផ្ទះលេខ ៤៧ ផ្លូវលេខ​ ១៧៨ ភ្នំពេញ, ទូរស័ព្ទលេខ​ ០២៣ ២១៧ ១៤៩
47 Street 178 Phnom Penh. Tel: 023 217 149, http://www.reyum.org/


12/19 第80回、国語メディア研究会

第80回 国語メディア研究会(2009年12月)


講師:坂本 旬 氏
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部 教授 

■日時 :2009年12月19日(土)  午後5時30分~  
■場所 :高津市民館 第6会議室
■参加費:1000円  予約不要 当日参加歓迎

the UN-Alliance of Civilizations Media Literacy Education clearinghouse

NAML(The National Association for Media Literacy Education)は2001年に創設されたアメリカの全国メディア・リテラシー教育研究団体です。




法政大学 教授  坂本 旬 

1 国連「文明の同盟」とメディアリテラシー教育
 ・ 「文明の同盟」がメディアリテラシー教育を重視する理由とその中身

2 NAMLEと「文明の同盟」

3 CultureQuestJapanによる文化探究学習とメディアリテラシー教育

4 まとめ 理論的な課題
 Correspondence - Communication - Collaboration

12/19 早稲田大学博士課程学生ネットワーク

Waseda University Doctoral Student Network (WUDSN)
"Panel: Regional Identity in Asian Integration Research"

Panel Objective

The concept of identity has recently gained considerable currency in the social sciences. Within Asia, the concept of an Asian regional identity has been stressed as a component essential to the process of Asian integration and the formation of an Asian community. This has partly been because the commonalities among countries that would be emphasized through identity construction are also seen as means by which integration can be deepened and by which a regional community can be built. It has even been suggested that the lack of an Asian identity is the central problem for the region to solve, a goal that is evidenced by the clear embedding of the future role of identity in some regional institutions. This vision of identity as a functional tool of Asian integration requires researchers to both fully characterize this identity as well as make an account of how it is constructed and represented. In doing so, it is important to recognize the dynamic existent in Asia when regional and national perspectives clash. This dynamic exists outside the region as well, as countries outside Asia grapple with the idea of engaging an integrated Asian region. Thus, it is also important for researchers to recognize that identity is a question of standpoint; to capture the complexity of the Asian region's identity requires consideration of a multiple number of standpoints, including those from outside the region. This forum addresses the necessity to discern how the concept of an Asian regional identity is being and can be defined internally and externally. Three presenters will address these issues theoretically and empirically from standpoints within, as well as outside, Asia.

Presenter 1: Aminuddin Baki
PhD Student, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Research Assistant, Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration
Title: "Conceptualization of Collective Identity in South East Asian Integration"

Presenter 2: Akiko Ishioka
PhD Student, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Title: "The Significance of Cultural Heritage for an East Asian Community: The Case of University Students at Beijing, Renmin, Fudan, and Shanghai Jiaotong Universities in China"

Presenter 3: Troy Knudson
PhD Student, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Title: "Asian Integration's Low Visibility in the United States Elite Press: External Reflections and Asian Regional Identity Construction"

Abstract [22KB]

Date: Saturday, December 19th, 2009
Time: 13:00-15:00
Venue: Waseda University, Building No.19, Room 309
Discussant: Shigeto Sonoda, Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo
Presentation in English (No Interpreter)
Admission Free / No Pre-Registration Required
Organized by Waseda University Doctoral Student Network (WUDSN)
Supported by Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration (GIARI)


4/22-24 University of Warwick, "Cultures of Ceramics in Global History, 1300 to 1800"

Cultures of Ceramics in Global History, 1300 to 1800
An International Conference Hosted by the Department of History,
University of Warwick, 22-24 April 2010

This international conference to be held at the University of Warwick will bring together experts in a wide range of disciplines and geographical areas to explore the cultural and intellectual dimensions of the movement of ceramics in the early modern world.  How exactly did Chinese ceramics filter into different societies to become part of everyday lives across the globe, and why were some places resistant to their impact?  Did a potter in Europe, South America or the Middle East attempting to incorporate Chinese styles into local manufacture consider their place of origin?  What effects did ceramics have on the nature of global connections, and who were the brokers and dealers involved in these processes?  This conference will provide an opportunity to move beyond object-based analyses and reflect on such questions in light of recent developments in the field of global history.

Provisional List of Conference Participants:

Teresa CANEPA, Jorge Welsh, UK / Universiteit Leiden, NL
'Kraak Porcelain for the Portuguese and Spanish Markets' (abstract )

Prof. CAO Jianwen 曹建文 & QIU Xinqian 邱新倩, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, PRC / West Virginia University, US
'The Globalization of Jingdezhen Porcelain in the 16th and 17th Century Through Kraak Porcelain' (abstract)

Dr Anne GERRITSEN & Dr Stephen McDOWALL, University of Warwick, UK
Title to be confirmed (abstract)

Dr Ellen HUANG, University of California (Berkeley), US
'Variations on a Theme of Taoye tu: Picturing Jingdezhen Porcelain Production' (abstract)

Dr Yuka KADOI, Art Institute of Chicago, US
'The Chini-Khaneh: Reception and Appreciation of Chinese Ceramics in Iran, 1300-1800' (abstract )

Prof. Dana LEIBSOHN, Smith College, US
'Colonial Mimicry, Chinoiserie and Loza Fina: Making Sense of China in Mexico' (abstract )

Dr Baoping LI 李寶平, University of Queensland, AUS
'Chinese Ceramics in Angkor: The Possibility and Significance of a Cross-Disciplinary Approach' (abstract )

Dr LIU Zhaohui 劉朝暉, Fudan University, PRC
'Ko-sometsuke and Shonzui: Japanese Taste in the Late Ming Jingdezhen Porcelain' (abstract )

Etsuko MIYATA 宮田絵津子, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ESP
'Jingdezhen Porcelain Distribution in the Iberian Peninsula' (abstract )

Dr Stacey PIERSON, SOAS, University of London, UK
'The Westward Movement of Chinese Ceramics: Reconsidering the Appropriative Process' (abstract )

Prof. David PORTER, University of Michigan, US

'Of Porcelains and Poetry: Gendered Utopias in Transcultural Context' (abstract )

Prof. Bruce RUSK, Cornell University, US
'Ceramics in Chinese Translation: Forging Bronzes on a Jingdezhen Model' (abstract )

Dr SHIH Ching-fei 施靜菲, National Taiwan University, ROC
'The Multiple Markets for Jingdezhen Blue-and-White Porcelains during the Mongol Yuan Period' (abstract )

Dr Eva STRÖBER, Keramiekmuseum Princessehof, NL
'Large Dishes from Jingdezhen and Longquan around the World' (abstract )

WANG Su-chin 王淑津, National Taiwan University, ROC
'The Hybrid Style of Ordered Trade Porcelain: The “Islamic” Style of the Kraak Type Blue-and-White Porcelain' (abstract )

Dr ZHAO Bing 趙冰, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, FRA
'The Chinese Ceramics Recently Found from the Islands of Songjé ya Kati and Songo Mnara at Kilwa in Tanzania' (abstract )


12/19 南山大学人類学研究所60周年記念連続シンポジウム





1/18-19 【再掲】京都大学G-COE、国際ワークショップ



"Informal Human Flows between Thailand and Its Neighboring Countries"

Date: January 18,19 2010
Venue: Conference Room (AA447), the 4th floor of Research Bldg. No. 2 (Facultyof Engineering Bldg. No.4), Yoshida Main Campus, Kyoto University

Co-hosting Organizers
・Chulalongkorn University, Asian Research Center for Migration (ARCM)
・CSEAS, Kyoto University


12/15 (特活)メコン・ウォッチ、人材募集


メコン・ウォッチは、東南アジアのメコン河流域の開発や経済協力が、広い意味で地域の自然資源を生活の糧としている流域の人々の生活を脅かさないように、 調査研究や開発機関への働きかけを主な活動として1993年に設立されたNGOです。




1)メコン・ウォッチの活動方針に賛同し、メコン流域の開発問題に対して興味 と関心をもって業務を実施できること




■勤務地:東京都台東区東上野1-20-6 丸幸ビル2F


■応募方法:下記メールアドレスに、履歴書、志望動機(800字以内)、過去の 業務実績(論文等)を添えてお送りください。

■締切:2009年12月9日(水) [12月15日まで延長]

■申込・問合せ先:(特活)メコン・ウォッチ 木口
電話: 03-3832-5034 ファックス: 03-3832-5039
メールアドレス: info@mekongwatch.org



1. 研究会設立の趣旨

2. 国内での研究会について
2.1 名称
 研究会の名称を「日本カンボジア研究会」、英文でJapanese Association for Cambodian Studiesとする。

2.2 運営方針

3. プノンペンでの研究会について
3.1 名称

3.2 運営方針

4. プノンペンでの勉強会


3/4-5 東京農業大学、環境に配慮した持続可能な農村開発に関する国際会議


日 時 平成22年3月4日~5日

主 催 ‘環境に配慮した持続可能な農村開発に関する国際会議’組織委員会
共 催
場 所 カンボジア国王立農業大学(カンボジア国プノンペン)
目 的
その他 場所、参加費、申し込み方法、問い合わせ先等の詳細は、ホームぺージ を参照ください。
三 原 真智人


12/12 東南アジア考古学会、第203回例会




 安田喜憲 国際日本文化研究センター
 平尾良光 別府大学文学部
 松下孝幸 土井が浜遺跡・人類学ミュージアム
 宮塚義人 ㈲宮塚文化財研究所


日時 : 2009年12月12日(土)15時半~18時頃まで
場所 : 上智大学2号館 6階630a会議室

12/19 地域研究コンソーシアム地域研究方法論研究会

主催: 地域研究コンソーシアム地域研究方法論研究会

開催場所: 大阪大学吹田キャンパス人間科学部東館106教室
開催日時: 2009年12月19日 14時~17時

話題1 山本博之(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター)

話題2 柳澤雅之(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター)

話題3 河森正人(大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科グローバル人間学専攻)



3/8 5th Viennese Conference on South-East Asian Studies, Call for Papers

Call for Papers

5th Viennese Conference on South-East Asian Studies,
organized by the Society of South-East Asian Studies (SEAS)

Transnational, National and Local Approaches to Human Security in South-East Asia

May 28 & 29, 2010, Vienna, Austria

While traditional military conflicts have since the end of the Cold War further diminished, new non-traditional menaces, such as poverty, migration, people smuggling or environmental degradation, have increased.

Major events like the Asia Financial Crisis of 1997, the SARS epidemic in 2003 and the tsunami in 2004 have demonstrated that individuals are often more affected by these incidents than the state. The United Nations’ 1994 Human Development Report defines human security as both “freedom from want” and “freedom from fear”, referring to threats in seven areas: economic, food, health, environment, personal, community and political security. Yet, human security remains a vague inter-disciplinary concept, which is consequently still contested, both theoretically and politically.

The 5th Viennese Conference on South-East Asian Studies in late May 2010 invites submissions from various disciplines that deal with the question how the broad spectrum of human security challenges has been conceptually and politically addressed on the transnational, national or local level. Panel 1 examines how human security is defined in South-East Asia, Panel 2 looks at its concrete implementation.

Panel 1: The human security discourse in South-East Asia
In our first panel, we aim to analyze both the official security discourse of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and selected member states as well as the human security agenda of South-East Asian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society groups. How has the notion of people-oriented security evolved in the last decade? How does ASEAN and how do selected NGOs define human security?

Autocratic nations view the democratic elements of human security as a potentially disruptive element for their regime security. How can these elements, consequently, be reconciled with a traditional state-centric, regime legitimating understanding of security?

Panel 2: The implementation of human security on transnational, national or local level.
In this panel, we want to compare case studies for the implementation of human security on the different territorial levels, asking: What are the main obstacles for a successful implementation? Which concept of human security has been promoted? What are the key policy areas? Who are the main actors? How much influence do NGOs or the local population have? What role can foreign organizations or Official Development Assistance play in improving human security? Can the implementation of human security on a local level lead to a democratization of the whole political system from above etc.?

Panel 3: Open Panel
In our open Panel we offer researchers from all disciplines the opportunity to present analyses that are related to South-East Asia.

Keynote speaker
Prof. Donald Emmerson, Director, Southeast Asia Forum, Stanford University

Paper proposals (max. two A4 pages) and a CV should be submitted via e-mail (publics@seas.at) by March 8, 2010. The submitters of abstracts will be notifi ed not later than March 31, 2010.

The presentation can be held in German or English, should not exceed 20 minutes and leave another 10 minutes for discussions in the plenum. Successful conference contributions can also be submitted to the Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS) for publication.

We particularly want to encourage PhD students to submit proposals for this conference.

For further information on SEAS and ASEAS:

Dr. Belinda Helmke
ASEAS Editorial Board
Society of Southeast Asian Studies
Stumpergasse 39/22
1060 Wien
Email: belinda.helmke@seas.at
Website: http://www.seas.at

1/29-30 Ludwigsburg Film Conference 2010: Call for Papers


Ludwigsburg Film Conference 2010: Call for Papers

Megacities and Film: Southeast Asia on Screen
January 29 and 30, 2010

Department of Culture and Media Education, Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany

Southeast Asian filmmaking is still widely unknown outside the subcontinent. Films emerging from this cultural region rarely find their way to international festivals or cinemas, only Thailand having begun to establish a worldwide reputation as a film nation. The Ludwigsburg Film Conference 2010 therefore primarily brings productions from Southeast Asia to screen by focusing its debate on the topos of the city. Migration in Southeast Asia does not only result from rural poverty, but is also driven by the cities’ lucent appeal and attraction, the wide range of opportunities and chances they offer. How does film construct and represent everyday life in the megacities against the backdrop of meteoric urbanization and globalization processes? How is the urban-rural divide shaped in the light of far-reaching social transformation processes? In what way does the city become a projection for hopes and longing, and what role does it play as a site of despair and loneliness? How is the mise-en-scene of space and narrative characterized? What local singularities, traditional elements and international trends can be identified in the cinematic language? In what way do the films create a specific image of the (cinematic) city?

We welcome submissions with thematic, aesthetic, socio-cultural, narrative, spatial, architectural, and economic perspectives on megacities in (Southeast) Asian film that, ideally, connect various perspectives. The conference focuses on Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Submissions from researchers working on other Asian countries are also encouraged, particularly if they address cinematic exchange processes within Asia. Suggestions for film presentations are welcome. The conference languages are German and English. The Ludwigsburg Film Conference invites established as well as young researchers. Paper presentations should not exceed 25 minutes. Travel and accommodation expenses can partly be reimbursed. Conference participants should submit their full papers (10 to 20 pages) by February 28, 2010 for the projected publication. Please submit your abstract (max. 300 words) and a brief biographical statement by October 4, 2009 to Sarah Wuest, wuest@ph-ludwigsburg.de.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Stephan Buchloh, Ludwigsburg University of Education, Department of Culture and Media Education, Reuteallee 46, 71634 Ludwigsburg, Germany. Phone: +49-7141-140783; Email: buchloh@ph-ludwigsburg.de; www.ph-ludwigsburg.de/kumebi

12/12 CSAJ Year‐End Party ★忘年会★




日時:2009年12月12日(土) 18:00〜21:00



お問い合わせ:090−8514−1861 又は seilaroath@csaj-khmer.org

Dear friends,

CSAJ would like to invite you to participate in our Year-End Party which will be held on the same day as President Election 2010 and General Assembly.

Date & Time: Saturday December 12, 2009.
Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall, Komaba International House
5 minutes from Komaba-Todaimae Station (west Keio-Inokashira Line)
Fee: 1,500 Yen (No advance reservation is required!)

Download our flier here .
Come to our party and enjoy Cambodian food, games and dance together!

CSAJ Committee

1/18-19 京都大学G-COE、国際ワークショップ


"Informal Human Flows between Thailand and Its Neighboring Countries"

Date: January 18,19 2010
Venue: CSEAS, Kyoto University

Co-hosting Organizers
・Chulalongkorn University, Asian Research Center for Migration (ARCM)
・CSEAS, Kyoto University