
8/18 "Short Histories of Hope" & "Mysteries in the Archives" @ Bophana

Saturday 18, August - 4pm
@ Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center

Short Histories of Hope 
Produced by Handicap International, 31min, 2011, Khmer version with English subtitles
The film features the 8 stories of disabled people because of landmines. In spite of facing difficulties, these victims are trying to fight against any obstacles for their lives now and then.

Mysteries in the Archives: 1978, Discovered images of the Khmer Rouge
Directed by Serge Viallet and Pierre Catalan, 26min, 2010, English version
During the Khmer Rouge after the fall of Phnom Penh in April 1975, Cambodia cut off from the world. The banks no longer exist - the money has been deleted and replaced by barter. All the shops are prohibited. The regime creates terror: four years in power, it is almost one and a half million dead. In Phnom Penh and elsewhere, there are no cinemas. But the Khmer Rouge shoots propagandist films to extol the merit of their regime. But to which public apply these "productions"? And who produced these?